14 CSS Tips for Beginners

Jul 28, 2022
A lady reading a book about css best practices

Today, we'll go over 14 CSS most effective practices for novices. However, even the most experienced users must brush up on the basics of CSS at times.

1. Organize the Stylesheet

The initial step to apply CSS the most efficient practices is to organize your stylesheets. How you approach the process will be contingent on the tasks, but as a general guideline, it is recommended to adhere to these organizational principles:

Keep it consistent

Whatever way you choose to arrange your CSS make sure you keep your decisions constant across the entire stylesheet and also across your website.

From name classes to comments and line indents, to comment structure, having the same layout will permit the tracking of your work quickly. Additionally, it ensures that any changes you make later, is headache-free.

Make use of Line Breaks in an array of ways

However, CSS is a great choice even if it's ugly, the benefits are greater for you as well as for other people working on your code if you make use of numerous line breaks to ensure that each code line is distinct and legible.

It is generally recommended to write each property pair on a separator line.

Screenshot of CSS code from Mozilla.org, showing the legibility of CSS when structured so properties and value pairs exist on their own lines.
CSS code

Incorporate New Sections in the places where it is logical

The way you structure your stylesheets will depend on the type of site you're making. However, as a principle, it's a good idea to set up sections for styles as they'll be used. Thus, there should be a section for types of text, sections for columns and lists, sections for navigation along with links and so on. It is also possible to create sections specifically for websites that have distinct styles from the others such as the FAQ or store.

Comment on Your Code

Although you may not never be able to see your CSS, it's still an excellent idea to make sure you're punctual in your comments. Comments will look as follows:

It's how a typical CSS comment looks like. (or

It's much easier to understand what each section is in relationship to without needing to read every line in the future.

Comments are an excellent way to identify sections, but you may also want to use them to provide insights as to the decisions you've made particularly if you're able not to remember it later.

Use Separate Stylesheets for Larger Projects

The rules won't be applicable to all site, but if you have a huge website which requires lots of CSS and stylesheets that are specific to your site that have multiple styles, it's an excellent option. No one - including yours will have to spend long for a single piece of code that you require.

Avoid the hassle and create separate stylesheets for different site sections, particularly if they have completely different styles.

2. Inline CSS in contrast to. External CSS and. Internal CSS

There are three types of CSS which you might need to understand when creating your website and adjusting the design. Let's discuss what each is and how it works before you decide which need to be using when you're working on.

  • Inline CSS. It allows you to design certain HTML elements,
  • Internal CSS. This lets you design all of your webpages rather than just specific elements.

A lot of developers advise against using inline CSS in any way, since it isn't usually cacheable in the first place, and is recommended to avoid splitting CSS over multiple files. If you want to be the most straightforward, it is best to use it in a limited manner.

It is only possible to see an need for it if it's to style a specific section, part of text, or an area on a particular page your website. This is probably the only instance where inline CSS can work.

Apart from that, the usage of external CSS and internal CSS depending on your requirements, are the most effective options as they will help you reduce time and effort. Decide on the styles at one time and use them on your site. Then, boom - you're done.

3. Make Your Stylesheet More Minimal

Adjusting code minification settings in  CDN.
Set the minimum code parameters for CDN.

This allows you to modify the minimization of your code for your entire web site.

4. Utilize a Preprocessor

This means that the pre-processor functions as a pre-processor "CSS plus "where it includes a couple of extra features that usually do not appear in CSS by itself. This combination generally makes output CSS easier to understand and utilize.

It is necessary to install a CSS compiler on your website's server in order to use preprocessors. A few of the most famous pre-processors are Sass, LESS and Stylus.

Screenshot of the Sass homepage.

5. You should think about the possibility of creating a CSS Framework

Frameworks let you quickly deploy large projects as well as avoid the possibility of problems. And they provide the benefit of uniformity, which is vital when a lot of people are working on an initiative simultaneously.

Everybody will use the exact name-naming process and the exact layout choices, the identical commenting procedures and more.

However they can also lead to generic-looking websites as well as code that could become unusable.

Screenshot of the Bootstrap homepage.

6. Reset the computer first.

The most simple thing to apply is to begin developing using the use of a CSS reset. Making use of something like normalize.css can make the browsers render every element of your site consistently, by using the latest standards in order to reduce the chances of inconsistencies between browsers.

This reset is actually an extremely small CSS document that can be placed on your website in order for a better quality of cross-browser compatibility to the design of HTML elements. This also acts as an improved way to implement the CSS reset.

7. Different classes exist from. IDs

Another thing to keep in mind when complying with CSS best practices is how you treat IDs and classes. If you're unfamiliar with the terms with both, let's look at them briefly:

  • Class. The class selector is used to select an element with the attribute class. The class attribute decides on what HTML element is chosen. It looks like this in code: .classname
  • ID. ID, on contrary, functions through the selection of elements with an ID attribute. It is imperative to keep in mind that ID's ID attribute must match the value used by the selector to serve. The ID attribute can be identified within CSS using an icon #.

As we discussed in our article on internal CSS vs . external CSS, IDs are used to apply styles on only one element. The reason IDs are used is that they are used to designing the elements that are not part of the page, not for creating general styles that apply to all pages or web page.

8. Avoid Redundancy

The one of CSS top practices you should follow is eliminating redundant work whenever you can. Below are some basic guidelines you can follow in order to incorporate this method to your workflow:

Make use of Dry methods

The DRY method refers to "Don't repeat yourself" and is basically an idea that you should never repeat code in CSS. It's a waste of time and can be tedious to type in these styles manually every time However, at best, it will cause a slowdown to your website.

It is a good idea to go through the code looking for redundant code. Tags don't need to be present to determine font sizes twice within the same section such as. Remove the repeated lines, so that your code reads more clearly and performs well.

Use CSS Shorthand

CSS shorthand could be a fantastic option to minimize the amount of space the code occupies , while still functioning exactly as it is supposed to. There is the possibility of combining multiple styles onto the same line when it makes sense to do this. In the case, for example, you're designing the look of a certain div it is possible to define the margin, padding font, font size and even the color on only one line.

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You can create multiple classes for your Elements

When appropriate, you could reduce redundancies using multiple classes to an element. When the page's content being pushed to the left as a result of class .left but you have to shift a column of the page to the right then you could include it in the element to eliminate confusion. This also informs CSS specifically which element that you'd prefer to be floating to the left aboveof the standard left orientation.

It's the best part is that you are able to add as many classes you like to an element provided it's separated by a space.

Mix elements where possible

Instead of listing the elements in one list, it is possible to combine them to reduce space and take less time. A lot of times that the elements in the same stylesheet may be the same (or identical) styles. There's no need to list out the font, color and alignment of each part of the text when they're all using the exact same layout. It is better to combine them into the same line. For example, this:

H1, h2 and h3 p font-family: Ariel. Color: #00000

Don't use any selectors you don't need.

Sometime, your code might look a bit messy while you're working on the final layout of your site. That's why it's crucial to go back and remove non-essential selectors once you've made the decision. Be on the lookout for excessively complex selectors, too. In the case of, say, if you plan to design pages on your site, there is no need to make use of selectors such as "body" or "container" or anything like this. Just .classname{ "i Li"will suffice.

9. How do I properly import Fonts

Using @font-face to Import Fonts

You are able to include virtually any font you'd like on your site. However, you'll need to follow an exact process to make sure that your font is working properly.

Screenshot of the Webfont Generator
Webfont Generator
  1. The font you download must be one that you intend to install. There are many sites that offer fonts, including Google as well as Adobe. It is essential to download the TrueType Font file (.ttf) that matches the font you have selected.
  2. Upload the custom font that you would like to apply in the Webfont Generator that's available through Font Squirrel. Download the Web Font Kit once it's created. It will contain various files, including a variety of font files with extensions like .ttf, .woff, .woff2 as well as .eot. Also, there should be an CSS document that's included.
  3. The HTML text editor you choose can perform the same as NotePad and Sublime. Within this file, it includes an "source URL" listed. It is necessary to modify it in order to reflect the location where it is that it is that the Web Font Kit is now located on your server. Copy the file path of the font files in your hosting account into the file in accordance with the format below:
@font-face font-family: "FontName"; src: url("https://sitename.com/css/fonts/FontName.eot"); src: url("https://sitename.com/css/fonts/FontName.woff") format("woff"), url("https://sitename.com/css/fonts/FontName.otf") format("opentype"), url("https://sitename.com/css/fonts/FontName.svg#filename") format("svg"); 

It is then possible to put your new fonts to use by adding them to the website's CSS documents using an "font-family" tag.

Another way to do is restrict the characters that you can use for your custom fonts. If you're using only just a handful of characters from the font (for a header or logo, perhaps) you don't need to use the whole group, but only those you need. According to the new rules that allow only an individual character "Hello" you'd do this by following the steps:

Self-Hosting Fonts Whenever Possible

Be careful with font Variations

Font variants can be extremely beneficial in bringing fun designs to your site. But if they're not handled properly, they may end in ruining your website, also.

If you assign more than one style under font-variation-settings, it's likely they will overlap and one will override the other. It's better to keep things straightforward and make use of font properties instead. This is illustrated in this article:

.bold font-weight: bold; .italic font-style: italic; 

Utilize a Fallback Font

Although you may put in the effort to include the font that you want to use on your site and then apply it using CSS but it's not 100 percent effective at all times and is especially not effective when used through an old web browser. But, you would like your users to enjoy an enjoyable browsing experience.

To make this happen, make a fallback font that is used in the event that no other fonts will be accepted. For this, simply choose the fallback font in addition to the font you prefer when setting the group of fonts. So, you'll be able to ensure that the CSS will select your preferred font first. Your second option, then the third choice after which the fourth.

  • Serif: Times New Roman, Georgia, Garamond
  • Sans-serif:Arial Tahoma Helvetica
  • Monospace: Courier New
  • Cursive Brush the script with MT
  • Fantasy: Copperplate, Papyrus

10. Create CSS accessible

Everybody should make their sites accessible, point blank. This is the same for your method of using CSS, too. The goal is to make your website usable to as many users as possible and implementing accessibility features is a fantastic approach to do this.

Your CSS can be made accessible in many ways:

  • Disable pop-ups with the ESC key. Screen readers or magnification might not be able to read the "X" on the screen for a pop-up to be dismissed, so making them unengageable by a keystroke is essential.
  • Certain gadgets won't show pop-ups. So make sure that the necessary information is accessible elsewhere.
  • Hover items (like tooltips) are best initiated with tab keys as well as using the mouse's Hover.
  • Make the focus indicator more prominent. The outline that surrounds the element highlighted is crucial to navigate for many users however, the standard outline is usually barely apparent. The outline can be altered to make it more noticeable through the use of the focus command to create a design that draws attention to what's currently being focused. You could accomplish the same thing using the hover feature for a greater impact of the cover. A good method to alter focus on the fly is taken from accessibility rules from The University of Washington:
a color: black, background color is white. Text-decoration: underline a:focus, a:hover color of white. Background-color is black; text-decorationis not present.

This code snippet makes it possible for links to appear in black font on white backgrounds, but become white in a background once they are placed in focus on the keyboard (when users click on the hyperlink). The same effect can be observed when hovering over the link.

11. Implement Naming Conventions

This will help you save a significant amount of time debugging later because it is less likely that you'll refer to an incorrect element while creating your code. According to FreeCodeCamp the ideal practice is to follow the format of CSS names, i.e. font-weight fontWeight vs fontWeight.

Utilize BEM Naming Convention BEM Naming Convention

One method of making names consistent is by using to utilize the BEM Naming Convention. The whole point of BEM is to dissect the user interface into parts that you could reuse over and.

BEM is an abbreviation for Block, Element and Modifier. Let's take a look at what really means.

  • Block:A block could comprise any design element that you have on your site, such as the header, menu, footer, or column. The names of your blocks must be which match .main-nav and .footer.
  • Element. Elements are the parts and bits which make up each and every block. Think about things like the colors of fonts, buttons and lists or even links. If you are employing BEM name convention, you can consider things like the colors of buttons and fonts. BEM name convention, the elements can be identified using two underscores after the name of the element. So if we were wanting to discuss the font you use in the headers on your website it will look something as follows in CSS with BEM namestamps: BEM namestamp: .header__font
  • Modifier. The last piece to this BEM puzzle will be the modifier. Modifiers control the appearance of an element inside the block. They include things like font names, weights and sizes, as well as colors and alignments. If we follow this example, and you want to set the font color inside the header, create it using the following method with the element and modifier separated by two hyphens .header__font-red

Following naming conventions - or whatever your group decides to choose - could result in a much enjoyable editing and debugging in the future.

12. Take note of the Important Tag

A good way to incorporate into the CSS procedure is to be cautious about using the vital tag for longer than is possible.

What it boils back to is specificity. If a selection is extremely particular, the browser will decide that it is more important than more generalized selectors. The !important tag can be used to indicate the properties that are more significant in comparison to other properties.

It can be a challenge since you'll often end up having to utilize various tags, all of that will have precedence over the other in certain scenarios. If you're using it frequently enough, it can result in your site breaking or load your style in a way that isn't correct. The majority of the time, this technique is used to provide an interim solution, however at the end of the day, it's permanently and can create issues later when it's time to look into specific issues.

One of the few instances where the!important tag is considered to be acceptable in general is the ability of the user's end to modify the design of the screen readers, as well as other tools to aid in accessibility. It's also beneficial in classes to provide use in the classroom.

13. Utilize Flexbox

Additionally, there is the chance of gaining more value from Flexbox when you attempt to implement the most effective practices for handling CSS in your work flow. Flexbox can be used in a variety of ways to design an layout for your web page and also to arrange components to the pages as opposed to the more traditional float alternative.

According to CSS-Tricks, Flexbox is a modular box that gives you an alternative method of structuring your CSS by paying close attention to how your layouts are aligned distributed within a container. One of the greatest advantages is that the dimension of the container doesn't even need to be specified, and more importantly it is possible for the properties within to "flex" depending on the change in dimensions of the container. This is an excellent way to make room for smartphones.

Another key difference is that the Flexbox is "direction-agnostic," meaning its layouts aren't structured vertically or horizontally. This makes it a viable option for developing complicated web pages or apps that require to work with multiple screens that have different angles. The traditional CSS layouts are block-based , and flexbox layouts rely heavily on "flex-flow". The CSS-Tricks website provides concise drawing that illustrates this idea clearly:

Screenshot of an illustration of how flexbox layouts work from CSS-Tricks.
The Flexbox layouts and the way they operate is built on CSS-Tricks

The components within the flexible box are laid out on the principal axis as well as an axis of cross and each component and its properties is designed to change and flow in accordance with the size of the flex container.

14. WordPress Tips: Do not change the theme's theme files in any way.

You can also make use of the Optional CSS option within The Theme Customizer to make any modifications you'd like. It is important to keep that in mind that this will put the CSS inside the head and puts it in front of the user's head.

If you're only planning to alter your CSS one or two times it could be an possibility, however anything you type in the Additional CSS box will stay unchanged regardless of whether you do an update on your site, your theme update, or changing themes.

If greater CSS modifications are necessary then you should consider adding them to a custom CSS stylesheet, or utilising an older child theme, in which you can edit the style.css file for the theme's child in the same way. It's also updated-proof.


In the process of creating an efficient and reliable CSS can seem to be something that is overwhelmingfor a true newbie however, taking the time to study the best practices can make a significant difference in terms of time, effort and headache later on.

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