15 Options for Monetization of Social Media for 2022 (Ranked) |

Jul 28, 2022

You've seen the advertisements. You've seen the videos that show you how to earn six figures in a month by leveraging your social media followers.

If you've attempted it, you've discovered that 1. Everyone is doing the same stuff, and 2. The people making the most money are likely to be those who tell the people how to earn cash. In our research, we've observed that lots of artists are struggling in the traditional ways of monetization.

But, monetizing a popular social media account is possible. It doesn't require you to be the Kardashians to succeed.

There's good news that there's a growing number of ways to turn your following into a source of income. There are increasingly more SAAS platforms out there to assist you in this.

There's no limit to how much you can tweet to hundreds of thousands, tagging-toking to millions of people, or have 40 people in a facebook group. Let's talk about ways to make money from your social media followers.

It's all it takes for you to to think imaginatively, and to embrace some innovative trends taking shape today. Below are the top 15 options for social media monetization. In order to be certain, they are ordered from the most effective options to the worst options - meaning the ones with the highest payout in comparison to those that offer the lowest amount.

If you're in need of more assistance in building your online community Come join OUR Mighty Community for free as well as meet fellow new and experienced community leaders! We'd love to have you join us. Join at no cost!

        In this post...    

    15 options for monetizing social media

      1. Online Community

      2. Selling and selling services

      3. Instruction

      4. Mastermind Groups

      5. You can find work

      6. Physical products

      7. Coaching for groups

      8. Sell merchandise

      9. Build software

      10. Patronage

      11. Posts sponsored by sponsors

      12. Affiliate Marketing

      13. Premium content subscriptions

      14. Ads

      15. Mix and match

    Direct Monetization. Third-Party

    2 questions every artist needs to inquire about

    Ready to start earning?

15 possibilities for social media monetization

1. Online Community

Okay, we may be perhaps biased here however, online communities can be a dang great way to monetize your social media followers.

And since we ARE an open platform for community Let's take a look at the facts that prove why communities are a great method of monetizing.

A paid community monetizes work you're already doing (creating content) It gives people what they're innately inclined to want (human connection and belonging), and turns it into the most profitable business model (recurring revenues).

You don't have to be Warren Freaking Buffet to realize that this is an equation that makes sense. We can turn it into a simple mathematical formula:

    The creation of content is already happening + The connection humans want to make + The ideal business model is $$ Cha-Ching dollars

So instead of grinding through someone else's platform and feeding their algorithm as well as lining their pockets by supplying them with content creating - you basically contribute your passion and enthusiasm in creating your own social network.

Many communities work on the basis of a monthly fee for membership, but there are a bunch of different ways to monetize them, including offering courses, charging sub-groupsor a service for example coaching.

It's up to you to discover what works for you.

How to monetize with community

It's important to have a good community-based platform. And no, a Facebook group doesn't suffice. A REAL community platform lets users charge members (or other items like classes), and allows you to create incredible user experiences.


This is the reason that we offer the creators an amazing platform to build on that features elegant forums, groups, user profiles and live events that are integrated including live stream, polls, and questions, native analytics, and many more... The entire suite is accessible on a beautiful application.

There's also Mighty Pro that lets you build totally branded apps according to your personal style. This is the path Adriene Mishler followed to establish an individual community of her more than 10 million YouTube viewers on her channel, Yoga with Adriene.

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2. Selling services

If you have community that provides continuous revenue and paid-for subscriptions at a large the scale of a business, social media monetization through selling services lets you develop high-end products that are sold to just a few users.

This is an excellent way to earn money from your social media accounts.

Forget trying to build an income from all of your followers. You should also stop selling other people's products and earning a few bucks each. You can use your own followers to market services. This lets you make a profit on your work. This also allows you to stand out from your competitors while also giving you pleasure from building a following and also making a decent living.

We should probably point out some obvious points in this list. Even though you're selling services doesn't mean you can't be able to mix it with the other items on this list.

For example, a career coach may market a combination of courses, training along with membership in an online community. There are coaches making $500,000 a year with exactly the same model.

Here are a few examples of services that could be sold to a monetary value from a media presence and then sold to consumers:


  • Coaching        
  • Consulting        
  • Digital Marketing Strategy        
  • Facebook Ad Creation        
  • Content Writing        
  • Search Engine Optimization Consulting        
  • Graphic Design        
  • Lettering        
  • Design Web Design        
  • App Development        
  • Financial Advising        

There is no limit here. If you own a service-based business and you build an audience around it, you can build a following that can earn you a great living.

How to monetize with services

You'll need a way to promote your services to the existing customers and also an outlet for sales. That could mean using a service such as Stripe coupled with Calendly to create an online sales procedure for perhaps a product for coaching. You could also be fishing for bigger fish, such as working as a consultant and billing your clients from business with a number of thousands.

The HTML0 is the path for building a business around your social media presence, and it's effective!

3. Instruction

If you've lived in obscurity for the past 10 years, you're aware that one method to earn money from social media followers is with classes. And it's true!

Making an online course is an awesome way to get money to share your expertise with the world. In case you're afraid there's no room for your skills... never fear. E-learning is estimated to keep growing and hit the value of $1 trillion in 2030.

A few things have changed with online courses is the ways to deliver them. In the past, students added asynchronous courses to the WordPress website , then making it available and forgetting about it, hoping to "earn money in bed."

While there's NOTHING wrong with passive income, the world of online courses is changing. It's becoming more common to see live and cohort courses and courses that are built in vibrant communities that give course members a big bear-hug of love and support throughout their journey.

As we said above the courses are great when combined with some of the additional options listed on this list (especially community) to complete your company's model.

How can you make money from the course

Feature Item 2 - Courses

Select a great learning platform (like ) which offers classes and a community and trust us when we say there's an effective business model here. Select your Ideal Member and your Big Purpose, identify the transformation you want to take students through, and start developing and selling!

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4. Mastermind Groups

Mastermind groups are a fantastic option to earn money from your social media following. In contrast to traditional coaching mastermind groups, masterminds are a meeting of equal-ish minds to support each other, gain knowledge, and be accountable.

The top mastermind groups cost an amount for a carefully cultivated group of like-minded people, and business owners swear to these groups.

How to monetize with an expert group

If you want to go through our article on how to start mastermind groups for further details, basically you require a group comprised of Ideal Members. Perhaps the right platform for them to come together and collect membership fees, and now you're rocking!

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5. Get a job

Here's some unconventional guidance. You can use your following on social media to get an interview. If you're known as an expert on something, and have a following, it's possible that building your reputation makes you look more appealing to a future employer. Why not leverage that into a paycheck!

It's the same if you are looking to build a following through something you are able to do for other people. It is possible to be payed to produce material and use your social media skills into practice. We hire people to accomplish this! (Check here for a list of our vacant job openings.)

6. Physical products

If you're doing something that's interesting to you and the kind of people you follow about, you might have an opportunity to sell physical items. Imagine you're a painter or photographer with an audience on Instagram. It stands to reason that you can create items from your work and sell it!

It's possible that people are probably already inquiring "Where can I get a print?"

There are costs involved to get a physical product start-up off the ground - say getting prints made as well as purchasing shipping supplies but there's absolutely no reason that it should be excessive. As you do not need to purchase a storefront, any income you make after the production and distribution is likely to be a profit. In addition, if you've got already established a fan base it is possible to charge a premium for the work you do!

What is the best way to make money from physical products

Shopify Website Builder

It is possible to create your own Shopify store, or create an online store with an e-store plugin built on. Or, you might make use of a marketplace for products already in place such as Etsy. Find out the best way to get the information from them and sell your products!

7. Group coaching

We touched on coaching above, but another model that works great for monetizing social media sites is coaching in groups. In contrast to a mastermind, group coaching brings people together to gain knowledge from... YOU. If you've got an impressive social media presence which is eager to learn from your Group coaching could work really well to monetize.

You get the benefit of working with multiple members at once - that gives you scale. Your coaching clients also get an advantage of having direct contact with you - often at a lower cost than one-on-one.

Group coaching is an enjoyable experience and can unlock the many benefits of community we talked about in the previous paragraph.

How to monetize with coaching groups

profile images, events, chat

gives you all you need for a group coaching biz. You can create a group of people and then charge subgroups, which is your group coaching fee. After you've had your group set up, you can organize events (coaching sessions) and live stream them, and keep the conversation in motion with discussions on forums or direct messaging.

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8. Sell merchandise

Merch is technically a form of product that is physical, however it's worth mentioning here. It's because it's not so much about building an item that is unique, but more about monetizing your brand.

So whether it's an adorable pair of slippers that have your logo printed on them or a coffee mug or t-shirt, locating and selling merchandise that is in line with the brand you're trying to promote could be an excellent option to earn money.

How can you make money from merchandise

There are some platforms that have merch capability integrated, which is great. The most popular is Patreon. Though it isn't without its limitations for monetizing your audience-not least their cut-offthe merch feature is quite cool! YouTube should also be mentioned here, since they've created the ability to include merch to your YouTube channel.

9. Build software

Building software isn't for the faint of heart, but it is something that a few social media personalities do. If you have a huge following and are known for specific expertise it could be possible that you are a good person to build the foundation of a company that is based on the people you follow.

Are you looking for more ideas? Look at Neil Patel, who turned his SEO experience and knowledge into investing in and joining companies such as Kissmetrics as well as Crazy Egg.

It's not simple to build software, however it can provide a profitable method to earn money from the social media presence of your followers.

10. Patronage

As we get to the very bottom of the list, we're getting into things that are widely known, however, they're not necessarily as profitable. This is the case of patronage that is best known via a little site called Patreon.

In essence, Patreon gives people who believe in you the chance to back you. However, it's grown its business model to also include "perks" which you could provide to your followers... (When the business is selling products and benefits, Patreon looks a bit more like a traditional product or service business. But we digress. )

The top Patreon contributors earn a lot of money. Like, for example, the podcast True Crime Express notoriously makes approximately $240k a month. The lowest earners earn pennies, or nothing, each month, from their work. There are a lot of starving artists who joined Patreon, and are still struggling.

It means that the chances of replacing your income with the help of a Patreon account aren't huge which pushes it further down the list.

How can you monetize your site using patronage

This is a comprehensive guide to how to be Successful on Patreon that you are able to read. Additionally, there are Patreon alternatives to Patreon that share the same targets. But to get started simply pick the platform you want to use, set up your account running and set the support level, and tell all your fans about it! You're off to the races.

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11. Sponsored posts

Sponsored posts are just one of the ways you can monetize your social media following which probably require a huge audience. Even micro-influencers could earn cash and even free samples of them.

Like it sounds like it sounds, a sponsored article is the case when you are paid by someone to write. It can feel quite great if you've put in the effort to build a following and are selling an item you like and want to recommend. On the flipside, if you're trying to promote something you don't understand or like to your audience in a desperate bid to earn a few dollars It will be pretty awful.

Posts sponsored by sponsors can earn anyone from a couple of dollars up to $1 million when you've got a Kardashian fan base.

How to start by promoting posts

There are several approaches to approach sponsored posts. It is possible to reach directly to the marketing department of the companies you enjoy, while there are some that have staff specifically dedicated to marketing influencers.

The more followers your page increases, the more likely these types of people will start to hit you up offering sponsored posts (but be careful, there are plenty of scammers and spammers that are waiting to contact you when there is a huge following too).

There are more and increasing platforms that help influencers and companies join, and G2 offers an extensive list of influential marketing networks .

12. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing can be a method of monetizing content, but unlike sponsored posts , you're never paid for posting - you get paid when the person purchases the product. Most often, agreements with affiliates determine the amount you make per sale.

Then, you'll send an tracking link which informs the company who referred the purchase, and then you receive a payment!


There are a number negatives when it comes to making money with Affiliate marketing.


  • You need a niche that makes sense. Links that lead to "low-interest credit card" to your audience who follow you to get advice on pet care is an easy way to lose your followers.      
  • The amount of money paid out is usually correlated with the value of the product. There's a big difference between someone buying a book with 10 percent payout as opposed to a premium course, such as $3,500, with a 10% payout. The trick is to decide what products are worth your time.      

If you've got an audience that matches the product you are selling and products that pay well and you are confident in advertising, why wouldn't you? ?

How to get started by utilizing affiliate marketing

Choose a brand that you like and search "THAT brand affiliate program." It will show whether they've got one.

The most common requirement is to register for an affiliate program and get approved. You may need to add some personal information and tax details to the payment.

There was a time when a lot of affiliate programs were run through brands directly, however, increasingly, they are managed by central platforms such as impact.io. You are able to sign up for several affiliate programs at the same time, and they handle the payment of the affiliates as well.

By the way, if you love and want to share it there is an affiliate program, too! You can find it here. *

13. Premium Content Subscriptions

One of the ways to earn money by providing your social media followers using content is by the use of exclusive or gated content. There was a time when many of bloggers had "members only" areas that gave people access to blogs that were premium.

This is similar to the concept which has used by some of the leading social media sites. In essence, you produce material that's available to subscribers only or for those paying for a subscription. The great news is that this is potentially recurring revenue should you be able to get it working for you.

How to get started using content subscriptions

There are two choices. If you're using a platform that has subscriptions built in, you can switch it on and start. As an example, Twitter recently launched its "Super Follow" button, which allows users with over 10,000 subscribers sell premium subscriptions.

The other way to do it, especially on a platform that doesn't include it, is to choose software for your paid content. A solution like Substack can do this with newsletters, giving users the necessary tools to create a successful newsletter.

mc article creator

It also it also provides you with a way to make money from your content by offering it to members for payment as well as mixing it with various methods mentioned in the previous paragraphs!

14. Ads

The way down on the bottom is the social media monetization technique that most people thought would be at the top advertising.

Advertising is a unpredictable, even though it's the thing most YouTube creators yearn for. However, there are rules that govern the types of ads that can be monetized and it requires a lot of time to make any real income from YouTube ads.

This is applicable to display ads when you directed users to a site you controlled. Because of the low price for ads, their duration means that it is unlikely to pay your bills any time soon. But if you qualify for advertisements already, for instance through YouTube, and you're using the monetization methods mentioned in the past, it certainly it's not a bad idea to turn on the advertisements!

15. Mix and Match

The topic has been touched on every step of the way, but let's be straight. Mix and match lots of these options to create a viable company from the following!

In particular, mixing courses and community can be a fantastic way to benefit from both approaches!

The combination of these two elements creates a structure which allows your participants to develop relationships and assist each other in staying committed to the new ways of life they're forming. The connections that they form around the topics that are the most important to them is their motivation to return, and renew their subscription year after year.


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Direct Monetization vs. Third-Party

The most important question of the whole thing is whether you should monetize directly on a social media platform or redirect your followers to a different place. When you examine successful creators, you'll see that they're often doing both.

The key is this: if you can provide your most active and enthusiastic followers the chance to study a particular topic all in one place as well as to achieve results around that topic in tandem, you could make money from the social networks you use.

What would putting a mastery of a topic in a group look like? This is an example of mastery:
Imagine that your Instagram account tracks your travels in homesteading, or making a living from the land, making the food you eat, raising your own livestock, and making your own clothes (remember, we said "imagine" in this article! ).

You can make money from your Pinterest followers by creating the possibility of a membership-based paid annually which allows members of the community to are invited to join and gain knowledge about sustainability by working together with each other.

Or you could opt to make money from your Instagram followers by offering an exclusive online course, that will focus on the most effective ways to grow a flourishing food garden.

You can follow the example of Kathleen Drennan. Kathleen who is a florist, with her own shop in rural Australia and monetizes her Instagram followers with #ForFlorists, an online business school designed for florists. In her Instagram account, she runs an active community that requires a monthly subscription, and an online business class for professional florists who are aspiring that allows members to master the craft of floristry and design, all in one.
At the end of the day, it's not just about strategies - it's more about the things that will give your customers the transformation they want and need.

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2 questions that every creator should inquire about

If you're trying to decide whether you could also profit from your following on social media Ask yourself these two questions.

    #1. Who are my most passionate followers?

The process of monetizing your social media fans isn't about all of your followers on social media. It's about identifying and connecting those who are most enthusiastic today and want to explore deeper with the niche and you.

Are your fans who might be interested in a greater program you create beyond what you provide on the social media platform for free? Furthermore, who are the followers you have who are most likely to to get together?
Begin by looking at ways to make money from these social media followers first. They are easy to reach initially and benefit the most from paying membership or online course.

#2. What kind of results and change could I provide my most passionate followers with a program, online course or a membership for an annual period?
What are the most enthusiastic followers want to create for themselves and how could you help them get there faster with better structure and a supportive community? In other words, how can you assist your followers to grow within their careers? Learn about the best beauty practices? Are you preparing for a 5K race?

After you've identified what your most passionate users share in common and also what results they're most eager to see today, you can proceed to the next stage of social media monetization.

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Are you ready to earn?

Here's the thing about monetizing your social media: people will pay a premium price for the results and transform. When you're ready to make money from your followers on social media and you're looking for a way to do it, Mighty Network will help you get there.

By registering with a Mighty Network, you'll be in a position to provide all these pieces together with your own branding that is instantly accessible on the web, iOS and Android. Additionally, you can charge for different membership tiers, access to exclusive online training, or both.

Within your personal Mighty Network, you can cost for access to the whole community. Make the access to the Mighty Network free and charge only for online courses or group that is part of Your Mighty Network; create bundles of courses online or groups you could sell annually, monthly or as a one-time fee; and more.

It's an effective model that is easy for you to handle (especially when you're running your first membership website or online course) and also for your students to understand your subject all in one place.

Are you ready to make money from your followers?

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