5 Reasons We're Taking a Trip to SaaStr (And the Reasons We'd Like to Meet You at SaaStr) --

Sep 4, 2023

Are you planning to attend SaaStr Annual this month? We'll also be there and would love to see you at the show!

is an official Super Gold sponsor of this year's SaaStr event. The booth will be #320. We'll have a range of new products to show to you. You'll also get a chance to win many great prizes that we'll have available.

This is why we're going to SaaStr -- and what you can expect from us on the day.

 Not having an SaaStr ticket? You can get a 20% event discount by pre-registering at our booth prior to the beginning of the exhibit.

Both products will be in the display area on the stand. We'd be delighted to demonstrate how they function, and also how they can assist to increase your B2B sales, faster!

2. To learn from You

We're very proud of our latest products and the reaction from our customer base is extremely favorable. We're eager to speak with SaaS companies about the issues you have around pricing, providing quotes, and B2B sales in general.

People who are like you is how we gain our most valuable insights as well as "ah-ha" moments about what we can do to assist SaaS businesses grow.

We'd like to know more about things like:

  • What percentage of your business is self serve and what percentage is rep-assisted selling?
  • What do you think of this mix changing over the next few years?

3. To highlight Our SaaS and Subscription Business

Our competition have (incorrectly) attempted to position themselves as a payment platform that allows single-time downloads.

In actuality, we generate more subscription revenue than non-subscription revenues, and our SaaS, subscription, and recurring billing businesses continue to expand. We also believe we process greater SaaS revenue than the large-talking competitors.

Also, it has an extensive and ever-growing feature suite for SaaS subscriptions and recurring bills, including unique options to upsells, promotions on products as well as advanced coupons and customized subscription models.

They're SaaS options designed to assist your business grow by providing much more than regular annual or recurring payments These are options that aren't provided by a lot of our competitors, even ones that claim to be "only exclusively for SaaS."

Whatever platform you're using today I'd like to explain how subscription billing setup will help you generate more revenue by giving you greater options than what you currently have today.

Reason 4: Partnerships

In the background there will be conversations with other businesses, forming partnership opportunities, and reviewing ways to integrate with us to figure out the best fit for our users.

As grows, we're developing an ecosystem designed to assist to solve your problems as you grow your SaaS business.

SaaStr is where a lot of those kinds of companies will be and it's logical for us to join in as well.

5. To develop Pipeline

In the end, it's worth stating the obvious: We hope SaaStr will help us increase our customer base and also sign for new SaaS companies as users.

Because we think the future will be a hybrid business, we believe that is the ideal choice for SaaS companies that are expected to develop into a self-service and rep-assisted model. If you're in only one type of channel, we still believe we have the best option for both types of requirements. The merchant of record service will handle more than $500 million of transaction volume in 2021.

If you've never thought about  the idea, come by our booth #320 and have a conversation with us!

I'll be in the booth should you wish to talk with me. There will also be a team of our top executives as well as product specialists and sales personnel are available to help you with any questions you may have regarding .

We invite you to visit us.