5 ways to write effective product descriptions that can be converted into a conversion

Jul 11, 2023

Excellent product descriptions can convert the most skeptical customers into happy ones. Learn to write effective description of your product that is effective and converts by following these five tips.

Now, how do you get site visitors to buy it?

With high-quality product descriptions for your sales pages.

Great product descriptions play three essential parts:

Help potential customers answer, "Is this for me?"

Persuade visitors to buy your product.

Your product is more likely to show up in search results.

You don't need to be a professional copywriter in order to craft product descriptions that intrigue audiences and drive sales.

In this piece this article, we'll go over five suggestions to create effective descriptions of products that convert visitors to satisfied customers. We'll also provide templates to help you get started.

Tip #1: Know your target audience

The product's description can help potential customers answer, "Is this the right product for me?" But you can't answer that question if you do not know who your customer is.

If you conducted customer research during the creation of your product you'll be able to use your research to craft a clear and informative product message which helps customers feel more connected to both the product and you.

If you're not certain about the people you want to serve or you want to improve your existing knowledge you should think about creating buyer personas. Buyer personas "describe what they are that you want to attract who they are, their daily routines similar to, what challenges they face, and how they decide".

A buyer's complete persona may look similar to this example from one the Spotify's targeted clients:

HubSpot provides buyer persona templates to assist you in getting to where you want to be.

The buyer's persona you create for yourself should contain specifics like:

Demographic information (age, income, education levels)

Geographical geographical location

Activities and interests

Pain points and obstacles

Other businesses they buy from

What do they think of or like regarding your competition

If you are able to know your audience well, you understand the potential obstacles that could prevent them from buying your product and you can tackle them in your marketing copy.

One of the most popular methods of conducting customer research happens to be one of the simplest reviewing reviews.

Use Google as well as Amazon to find other products within your niche, then go through the reviews. Product reviews tell you what your audience values in similar products, so you should consider putting those aspects first in your product description.

For example, say you're writing a description for an online course all about dog training. You can search Amazon and read the reviews of the books related to that area, for example Lucky Dog Lessons: Train Your Dog within 7 days :

In these reviews, we can see that dog owners are looking for easy-to-understand information that empowers owners to teach their dogs at the comfort of their homes. If you are writing the description for your course then you should highlight the advantages.

Reviews will also tell you the people are using in discussing your subject. You can connect with them by employing the same language that they do in your product description and messaging.

What does all of that customer research appear like when it is implemented? Look over Nicole Saidy's product description for her online course, Learn to become a UX/UI Designer .

Also, she helps her audience answer the question "Is this product right for my needs?" And because she has a good understanding of her audience She can help them say "yes".

Another key part of knowing and writing copy for your audience is understanding the way your product helps users achieve their goals, or solve their difficulties.

Tip #2: Concentrate on the benefits and not on features.

If you're selling a product that you're super pleased with, it may be tempting to include every product's specifics in your product description. Since detailed information about the product is the most important reason shoppers complete transactions.

A long list of product features doesn't always create a compelling piece of copy.

Instead of focusing on your attributes of your product, instead focus on the benefits.

This is why a feature is an element of your product. However, a benefit is the effectthat the feature can have on your customer. Also, the features are all about your product. Benefits are all about the people who will be using your product.

Remember our dog training online course for an example. 10 hours of videos for training might be a feature of the course, however what the client gets is a calmer, more pleasant puppy.

This is your distinctive value offer (UVP) : a concise description of how you can resolve the problem of your client better than any other company.

Minessa Konecky's Social Strategy Squad Membership product page Minessa Konecky's Social Strategy Squad Membership pageis an outstanding example of content that emphasizes benefits and results.

Instead of filling the pages with buzzwords or writing tons of paragraphs covering every little detail about her membership, Minessa's product description is concise, value-packed and explains what they can expect to gain from signing up to her program.

You may want to use vague language to appeal to as many people as possible, but that can make it difficult for customers to understand why they should choose the product you offer in place of a different one.

Also, it makes it difficult to rank your website for appropriate search phrases as well as ranking on the basis of search is precisely what the next point is all about.

Tip 3: Optimize for search engines

You can use the first two tips to write an amazing product description, however, it will not be successful until the correct audience is reading it. Writing your product descriptions using search engine optimization (SEO) to keep in mind will help get your product in front of the right people.

The content that has been optimized is more prominent in search results for relevant keywords and phrases. If you can improve the quality of your content, then the easier it is for new people to come across it on the search engine.

Additionally, search engines are at the heart of 53% of internet traffic  as well as the top five results of the Google search represent 67.6% of all clicks .

If you've rewritten your description for the phrase it's more likely that you'll be on the top page or two of search results. And if I click on your page, I'll discover a product that meets my expectations.

SEO may seem daunting But don't be afraid you don't need to be an SEO pro to optimize your descriptions of products to be search-friendly.

They will also inform you of that a keyword's difficulty is how difficult it is for content to rank for specific keywords, as well as the monthly volume of search, which is how many times a keyword is searched during each month. Both of these metrics help you figure out the most suitable keyword .

Just make sure that you're writing to people first and then search engines. Instead of utilizing as many keywords as you can, make sure to use the keywords in a manner that's natural and effortless to read.

In that regard, the next point is about making the descriptions for your products easier to read.

Tip #4: Make it scannable

Being a writer, I'd like to think that readers visit a blog and read every single sentence on the page. However, it's not the case.

On average, people spend only 5.59 seconds reading a site's written content.

Furthermore, reading studies conducted carried out by Nielsen Norman Group found that when they "attempt to be efficient," people naturally scan text rather than reading word-for-word.

Similar to descriptions of products (and pretty much all online written content). There are various patterns that we look for in accordance with the layout of the information.

In the case of pages that contain distinct content, people scan in an " lawn-mower pattern ":

On the other hand the moment a page is blank and has no subheadings or bullets and the reader is able to read information by forming and around an "F"-shaped design  and focus upon the wordings towards the top of each line as well as the highest point of the page.

What exactly does this translate to your product descriptions?

For the best results from the way people read on the internet, you should write your product descriptions using scanners and skimmers in your mind. Here's how:

Make use of headings and bullet points to break the text.

Include the most vital and relevant information in the center at the top of your page.

Information in bold, important.

Use empty white space by adding break sections.

Utilize images and videos from your product to help break up the texts and make your posts more interesting.

Include FAQs to help people get the answer they're looking for.

Don't use generic phrases like "get started". They're easy to skim past and can be

misleading for first-time visitors .

No-Code MVP  The description of the product is an excellent example of scannable content:

No-Code MVP makes use of scannable text to answer the question we talked about back in the first step: "Is this product right for me?" And the use of bulleted lists, emoji and bolding makes your content interesting and easier to read as opposed to a text block.

Tip #5: Include social proof

The key is to highlight the outcomes and benefits in your product descriptions, but your audience may not take your word on it unlessyou provide proof.

Just one third of consumers say they trust the companies they purchase from. Social proof like testimonials and reviews give you and the credibility of your products. When you display your customers their results as well as feedback, you show potential buyers, "This could be you".

The research shows that the conversion rate were up by 380% when reviews were included on a higher-priced product's website.

For example, testimonials on the entrepreneur and mind coach Becky Mollenkamp's page for coaching highlight the importance of Becky's products:

Testimonials are particularly important for products that offer specific outcomes.

Take Austin of The Impeccable Investor  For instance. Austin assists clients in learning more about the stock market in order they can make more effective choices in their investments. He features his student's results on the testimonials page of his website:

The testimonials from Austin help its target customers feel assured that they can see real profits by learning more about the market with Austin's services.

The Editor makes it easy for authors such as Austin to include testimonials to their pages about products. (Don't have an account? Join for a trial of 14 days free right here .)

All you need be able to do is start the Editor  then navigate to your product page to add a brand new section by clicking the plus sign:

After that, choose "Testimonials" on the menu of sections on the left:

Then, it's easy to include, style, and change the order of testimonials on your site's page for your product:

Then, you have testimonials on the product's page.


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Join 150,000+ creators using their creativity to build websites, sell digital products, and build online communities.            Get started for free Start your journey today!    

Product description templates are available to use right now

The last but not least is, here are some templates to assist you in writing clear, concise product descriptions that are easy to read.

Do not be scared to try different copy to see the one that converts well. Play around in the design or mix and match or create something completely new.

Template #1

Template #1

Hi, I'm [Name].

I help people like you get [skilled] by [skilling], [skilling], and improve their skills every day. Are you ready to [benefitfrom] and gain? Then let's get started.

[CTA button]                                    Copy the clipboard to your computer


Hi, I'm Rachel.

I help people like you learn to communicate with, understand, and train their pets every day. Do you want to assist your pet become more at ease and peaceful in stressful situations? Then let's get started.

Start training now

Template #2

Template #2

What's inside the [offer]:

  • [detail], so you will benefit
  • [detail], and you can [benefit]
  • Then you can avoid [pain area[pain point                                         Copy the clipboard to your computer


What you'll get inside Healthy Lean Meals that taste delicious:

  • 15 lean meal recipes, to allow you to eat tasty meals
  • Food journal, so you'll be able to keep track of the food you eat daily
  • 3 coaching calls so you won't fall off your path

Template 3

Template 3

Here's how it is done:

[step 1]
      [step 2]
      [step 3]
      [benefit]                                    Copy the clipboard to your computer


This is how it is done:

  • Create an account
  • Select an event type
  • Send your budget
  • Get matched up with an event planner who is right for you.

Template 4

Template #4

Below are a few examples of how individuals are utilizing [offer]:

[example + results]
      [example + results]
      [example + results]                                    Copy and paste to clipboard


Here are a few ways people are using Copywriting Tips:

  • Cherry composed a number of sales emails. She closed three transactions in the blink of an eye.
  • Jordan reached out to a major influencer and became part of a well-known podcast.
  • Alex provided his sales pages a refresh and doubled his courses' enrollment.

Create descriptions that will make your items fly from shelves (virtual) shelves

A well-written product description could be the difference between an uninterested visitor clicking the back button or a delighted new audience member becoming a loyal customer.

To recap, here are five tried and tested strategies to write stellar product descriptions:

Be aware of who your customers are and the things they're searching for. When you know who can benefit from your product, you'll be able to connect with them through copy.

Concentrate on the advantages of your product, not just its features. Tell your audience the specific ways your product will positively impact the lives of people around them.

Optimize your product descriptions for search. Use SEO to help those who are interested in your product organically.

Your product descriptions should be scan-friendly by using simple, straightforward format.

Include social proof such as testimonials and reviews to help build confidence in potential buyers. You can also show off customers' as well as students' achievements.

If you have these suggestions in your arsenal and you're already on your way to writing product descriptions that boost your sales and inspire customers to buy.