9 Tips to Increase

Aug 4, 2022

It's a magical thing to have an entire community of individuals who are eager to be there. But you know what kills this magic? Making a post only to get crickets from your members.

The truth is, MOST communities could use better participation from their communities.

If you've established a community know how hard it is to keep people engaged.

If you spend the time to plan solid community engagement strategies, the job becomes much simpler.

Our belief is that a community's strength isn't determined by its size, but instead, on the depth of its member's involvement. And having a clear strategy for increasing the level of the level of engagement within your community depends on understanding your members' needs and desires the members of your community and asking important questions.

In the next section, we'll go through 9 community engagement strategies you can use to encourage your members more involved. We'll first address the question of what exactly is community engagement?

If you're looking for more help in building your online community Come join OUR Mighty Community for free as well as meet fellow new and well-established community owners! We'd love to meet you. Sign up to join for no cost!

        This piece...    

    What exactly is community engagement?

    Tips for how to engage a community - 9 ideas

      1. Ask great questions

      2. Change the content you are posting

      3. Design a brand new experience for members

      4. Moderate your group

      5. Create small groups

      6. Request member success stories

      7. You can try live streaming

      8. Host an amazing event

      9. Ask your community for feedback

    Wrap it up

What is community involvement?

Community engagement refers to the amount of participation and interaction within your community that your community members participate in.

"Engagement" is quite a broad concept, and formulating a approach to engage with the community could be a challenge. However, it is possible to break down the concept in several different ways. Three ways to engage with your community that you should think about:


  •         How can your customers interact with you?            
  •         How can your members interact with one other?            
  •         How do your users engage with your content?            

If you view it from the three perspectives it is possible to begin making plans for community engagement strategies that are best suited for each one.

In the case of instance, if you'd like to have more engagement with your customers You could begin commenting more frequently on their blogs. This increases the amount of interaction between you and them. However, this method might not be an effective method to boost engagement among the members. It's best to use a different strategy in that regard.

Once we've answered the question "what do you mean by community engagement?" we can look at some of the practical techniques you can employ in your on-line community.

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Tips for how to connect with a group - 9 ideas

The following is a collection of strategies to engage your community to help you explore how you will increase your engagement. One thing you should keep in mind in this article is that each community is different and some strategies are better suited to particular circumstances.

In case you're interested to learn more about what's to come in the world of your local group, don't forget to watch the free instruction within our Mighty Community !

Life of a community

Ahead, there are a number of suggestions worth a look to find the most effective methods to engage in a meaningful way with your members on your online community.

1. Ask great questions

    The #1 key to community engagement online

Community Engagement- Questions

If you want the secret ingredient to getting online communities to engage, here's the magic.

Ask questions.

It could seem easy it's even counterintuitive but it's the kind of question that unlocks our very human urge to share our have learned or believe which in turn increases online community engagement.

While so many creators try to make a lot of material to inform their members and followers what they think, be amazed by what happens in the reverse of this equation.

You can ask them to tell you what they think.

Have a look at these phrases that can unlock. Which of these suggestions to come up with great questions for your community?

community engagement- unlocking questions

If you're hoping to scatter the magic of pixie dust questions for your group this week, we have some great news. We've compiled a checklist of 1,000 great community questions that you can utilize to boost your online community engagement. This guide is available for free to members of the Mighty Community, which is as well free to join... Also, there's the opportunity to receive a free course from Gina Bianchini, our co-founder"The Art and Science of asking great questions.

Just before you head off to get our monster guide to asking great questions Here are 10 questions to test immediately.

These are the top 10 questions for community engagement that you can use right now!


  1.         What's the most important thing you want to get from this group?            
  2.         When you could fast-forward to a year from this point, which skill do you think you'll be better at thanks to the community?            
  3.         What's an obvious sign that you're getting what you came to get from this community?            
  4.         What's one post in our community that stirred something in you, in the past week?            
  5.         What valuable advice can you pass on about this community with someone who is just joining?            
  6.         When you're feeling dissatisfied or frustrated while learning a new skill, what do you do about it?            
  7.         Do you prefer sprinting toward your goals or moving slowly towards them? Explain.          
  8.         If you could get one famous or well-known figure join this community, who would it be?            
  9.         The HTML0 community had a theme song, what song would you choose?            
  10.          If you were able to bring the entire community together anywhere around the globe, where would that be? And what would we do there?          

2. Diversify your content

If you built your following through social media, you probably got really good at one thing. Producing short video clips. Making your thoughts engaging text snippets of 240 characters. Making great pictures and adding filters.

It's not difficult to think of you as a single-act performer when it comes to creating content.

However, the great thing about an amazing online community platform is that it gives you many (oh yes, we called it a multitude) of options to expand the ways you interact with your audience.

A great member engagement strategy involves trying different kinds of content. Did you know the different ways people learn? Some people are visual learners. Other people have auditory learners. Others are tactile. It may sound like a lot of work, but it basically means that the content you choose to consume appeals to different people.

This is a bonus for the user!

It means that you are able to draw on the diverse interests of your community by experimenting with various forms of content. If you're curious about the types of content you could explore, here are some ideas inspired by the characteristics of a Mighty Network:


  • Discussion board post.        
  • Video and images.        
  • Full-length articles.        
  • Questions and polls.        
  • Live stream.        
  • All-member chat.        
  • Online courses.        
  • Live events.        

    Here's how live streaming is like on a Mighty Network!

livestream jess COMP

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3. Make a fresh member experience

Start off on the right foot.

Winston Churchill said that... likely.

In the event that members sign up to a community, what do they find? Are they greeted by an uninteresting forum that has no visible activity and no cues for jumping into the conversation?

cottonweed GIF lo

Or, do they discover an amazing new member experience that makes them feel welcomed into their new neighborhood. Do they get a dunk tank immersion into your identity, and then know that they've discovered your home, without ever thinking about the possibility?

What's great about a community platform like is that you can actually completely automatize and personalize the experience of new members. They can choose what experience they receive, and the network will provide prompts to guide users through the process.

Magical new member experience

You can learn more about HTML0 in the following no-cost training in our Mighty Community.

4. Moderate your local community

It's crucial that you give your community members the opportunity to express themselves on the community site. However, you'll also need to control what's shared.

Moderation in your community can seem harsh, but it's not. Moderating your community is another method of being active and paying attention to what members of your community do in your community. When you've got good moderation practices in place, it stops things like internet trolling and keeps the positive spirit in your community.

This makes people feel secure. When people are comfortable that they are safe, they will engage.

Additionally, as your community increases, you could turn your members who are most enthusiastic turn into moderators. This can not only boost participation between your members, but also builds trust and loyalty in the members of your community to the role of your leader.

Because at the end of the day, the most successful community engagement strategies are focused on giving your participants the opportunity to engage with each other and you.

5. Form small groups

An online community is community of people who have come together for a common goal. But that doesn't mean everyone in your community is exactly the same.

An effective strategy for community engagement is to form small groups out of your large member pool to improve communication. It is possible to have a section of your members that is more invested than the rest or have specific interests and goals in addition to the common goals of the community.

profile images, events, chat

When you create small groups, it is possible to allow the members to get in touch with each other and you. As a result, when you bring people together, you're creating greater opportunities for people to build real relationships to one another.

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6. Request member success stories

There is no need to worry about what your community is based around people love to share their stories of success. Another effective method of engaging your members is to ask your members about their success stories from using your product.

You can tell people the great community you have all you want. However, hearing it through different people is always different. We're not suggesting your word doesn't matter. But, there is a much stake into testimonials and customer stories.

If you're wondering what this can do to increase community engagement, think about this in two ways:


  • Connecting with members: Highlighting their' success stories will help you give back to people who support you. Showcasing their achievements builds deeper connections between you and them.    
  • The evidence is there that your members' achievements tales highlight their accomplishments as well as promote your business. It's a win-win scenario. If you let others talk you up, it shows that they aren't just members of your society and they are actually interested in the subject too.    

Making the effort to shine the spotlight on others can be a fantastic way to create trust and boost the level of engagement. And who wouldn't want to hear that their work is helping others achieve their goals?

7. Live streaming is a great option.

If you're looking to bring the WOW factor for your community online, try live streaming! This feature was added this year to all our  services, and it proved instantly a hit. Hosts were thrilled to amaze their audience OR to schedule a time to go live.


If you've never gone live before, some butterflies are normal. It's also normal to use the word "um" more often than you'd likeor get lost in your thoughts.

This is the appeal of being live. It's REAL. So whether you practice or just wing it the idea of live streaming is an excellent way to boost your community engagement. Remember to ask your members to join in, or they can be a part of the discussion in the comments.

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8. Organise an unforgettable celebration

In the meantime, let's talk about the power of events for your community. If you've attended an event that is a success for your community, you know what we mean. Whether it's an engaging debate on the purpose of life or a fantastic webinar that teaches you the necessary skills to improve your performance the game, events do the job.


Try creating an event for your group. It's possible to set an agenda for discussion or prepare your presentation, if you'd like and you'll also be amazed at how much positive things can be gleaned out of an open-ended gathering like an event like "Happy hour" or "Co-Working Hour" ."

Do not overthink it. Just get started and watch the results!

9. Get feedback from your local community

Do you know an effective community engagement method to find out what members are looking for? Asking them!

The core of any community engagement strategies should be a drive to understand and provide to your customers' desires and needs. One way to do this is to ask them what those are. And when you're still confused Ask for information.

Additionally, you can make asking for feedback an ongoing event that you can schedule to your group. Perhaps once per month, your office hours are held by way of an Zoom meeting or discussion board and talk about what's going both well and badly. Your members will have a controlled and safe space for them to express their opinions as well as share their ideas with other members.

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It's wrapped up


We've covered a bunch of ways to engage with communities in the past. But remember, a community is nothing without its members.

Whatever direction you decide to take to increase participation in your community, try to make sure you are taking into consideration the needs and wants of your members at the top of your list.

In case you're searching for an online platform to help you make the most of your community online, come try ! The platform has everything discussed above, plus it's free to try.

Are you ready to begin building your community?

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