A Guide to Live Streaming for Creators (plus 5 Platforms) |

Oct 26, 2022

If you're a creator, you're probably aware already that live streaming could be one of the things you need to consider. Sure, not all creators is able to live stream. Take a take a look at the things Tik Tok celebrities, YouTubers, and even thought leaders have in common. They all know that at some point or another they have to get on video. It's not always going have to take the form of live.

Live streaming is really effective. In contrast to its polished counterpart which is pre-recorded live streaming is uncut and lively. It is possible to schedule a live stream, and sometimes you can just surprise people. When the pandemic started, Chris Martin of Coldplay flicked on the Instagram live stream from his living room and began sharing messages of optimism, as well as singing songs. He called it "Together in Home." It was not flawless, but in the end, this is what made it so great.

Since live streaming is real. If you're Gen Z, the era of flawlessly polished, pre-made videos is gone. Live streaming is now the norm. In this post, we'll share some ideas on how you can create your next live streaming fantastic. Plus, we'll share some of the top live-streaming creator platforms.

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        The article...    

    Live streaming for creators. 5 suggestions

      1. Choose one platform

      2. Pick the right moment

      3. Live streaming with a brand name

      4. Live stream to your own community

      5. Enjoy clear audio and video

      6. Invite your guest

    5 creator streaming platforms


    2. YouTube

      3. Twitch

      4. TikTok

      5. LinkedIn Live

    Is it time to be live?

Live streaming is available to creators. 5 tips

1. Pick one platform

Yes, you are able to live stream on multiple platforms. It is possible to join YouTube, LinkedIn Live, Facebook and possibly others.

This is why you should not do that. There are many platforms that are not alike, and the likelihood that you are trying to master all of them is not going perform well. Instead, focus your content to one specific platform. This could be in the area where your current audience has a presence or where people who you think would be a great group are hanging out.

Focus your energy to improve your skills at building it, then stop the pressure to become everywhere.

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2. Select the perfect timing

In reality, one of the hardest aspects of hosting the live stream is choosing the best time to do it. The majority of creators are viewed by viewers across the world. If you select a date which is suitable for someone in Europe or Africa, you might be offending people in North America or Asia. It's up to you to do your best.

But this is where having a better understanding of your audience will help. If your target audience is comprised of millennials who are working from North America, hosting a live stream on a Saturday at 10:00 a.m. ET could create a problem for them to get to. They could be working or at school. Perhaps evenings are the best time to go.

The way to figure it out is really just trying different the times. If attendance isn't high, try shifting the time to the next event. There's a solution.

3. You can try branded live streaming

If you're a seasoned creator with a large following with a solid income stream, a excellent way to let your live stream shine is to put your personal brand on your own app! With Mighty Pro, we build completely customized white-label applications which are available under your name and the App Store, or Google Play store. We've built branded apps for creators such as Adrian Mishler, YouTube's best-known yoga teacher, travel blogger Drew Binsky, and mindfulness specialist Marisa Peers.


While it's not necessarily suitable for newbies, there's nothing as exciting as live streaming your viewers, using an app that you own, and under your personal brand. If you want to find out more, schedule a call with us to discuss the possibilities you can do to build.

4. Live stream to your own community

Even if you are not ready to think about a branded app or live stream within a community that you own and manage is an extremely powerful aspect. You build your own brand and community, build connections with your community members, and in many cases even make money from your work. When your live streams are live-streamed, you're broadcasting out to an audience you have grown that knows and is devoted to your stream.

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5. Enjoy clear audio and video

Moving on into the technical part without getting too advanced. A minimum live stream must have crystal clear audio and videos. These days, smartphones are so advanced that it shouldn't pose much of a challenge. Any phone camera will take amazing video when the lighting is good (try standing up with your head in a space with a ).

The sound is a little more difficult. Even a pair of headphones equipped with a microphone will provide higher quality sound. It puts the microphone close to your mouth rather than distant with the phone's screen. If you're planning be streaming live often, it might be worthwhile investing in a plug-in lapel mic for your phone.

6. Take your guest

Live streaming does not have to be performed by yourself! If you're tired of hitting the record button, and feel like you're talking to yourself, find a guest to bring for the live stream along alongside you.

Live streaming with multiple speakers is awesome, and a great way to provide higher quality content to your users.

These are just a few more fantastic live streaming tips to help content creators.

5 creator streaming platforms

The next step is to look at some creator-streaming platforms. Whatever your objectives are, there's a solution to suit everyone.


It is a complete community platform which brings together forums with interactive features, 1:1 and all member chats, courses and subgroups, live events, and of course... Live streaming!

In contrast to traditional social media platforms that rely on followers, with you are able to increase your number of followers. The addition of users to Your Mighty Network means that you have cultivated your network, instead of just offering an open stream for anyone who might happen to listen.

Feature Item 2 - Courses

One of the best things about this is that live streaming in a Mighty Network isn't really about growing your fan base. Your followers already know you by name, and they decided to join. Live streaming then becomes about serving them, offering value, and getting people excited to be part of the community. Of course, you'll get the video recording of your live stream that you are able to share with those that weren't able to join it.

As we talked about earlier, when you purchase Mighty Pro you get totally branded live streaming within your app. This is fantastic for established creators. This means that they own their whole system instead of waiting for the social-media algorithm gods to give users.

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2. YouTube

If we're talking about online platforms to live stream it's obvious that YouTube should be at the top of the list. YouTube is a huge video platform, giving you a lot of options to stream live from a desktop or from an app. Subscribers who have the app on their phones will get a notification when you go live. And it has really impressive commenting functionality to engage.

Unlike other social media platforms, YouTube works on a search engine. Even after your live stream has ended, your video will stay up on YouTube. It is possible to add description, keywords and an appealing title. viewers will be able to find it via search over the decades to come. Here are some great tips to make your YouTube channel more profitable If you've already created one.

3. Twitch

Twitch is an amazing streaming platform. It's best known by gamers for being a place to stream yourself playing a video game However, there are individuals streaming videos and living their life. It's evolving significantly, but it's still preferred by Gen Z.

Twitch - Live Streaming

4. TikTok

TikTok is an excellent platform to live stream. Since it's fast becoming a giant of social media. Because it's a video-centric platform there's no surprise that live streaming will feature in your TikTok experience.


To go live on TikTok You must not be younger than 16 and have a minimum of 1,000 followers. Create an image and title for your live streamand then start your live stream.

5. LinkedIn Live

Then, LinkedIn Live has become an increasingly popular live stream live for those involved in marketing, business or the career area. LinkedIn is a professional network, so it's no big surprise that the live streams tend towards professional conversations.

While the technology for LinkedIn is quite complex - you have to use a third-party streaming tool AND be approved to live stream, if you're one of the creators with live stream activated, it's a good spot to grow your audience.

Is it time to go live?

This quick tutorial on the live stream for creatives given you some ideas to start your next live stream no matter if it's the first or your 5th. Live streaming only becomes better with each passing day.

and if you're planning to start Your own Mighty Network, and live stream it to your well-established audience, here's what people are saying about it!

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Ready to go live to your local community?

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