A watercolor teacher - The CreativeMindClass Blog

Aug 6, 2022

"You'll often hear me repeat variations of this phrase while I instruct: we go from big to small -meaning bigger brush to small brush, tight to loose, light to dark. It's key to begin with joy and excitement and a loose strategy before allowing the piece to speak directly to you in the direction it would like you to go."

Watercolor painting tips:

  • From big to tiny brush
  • Go from loose movements to tight ones
  • Change from lighter to darker colors
An Amarylis Henderson hand illustration of flowers. Paper on a table with creative accesories: markers, paints and a color palette.

My personal background

"I was that quiet girl at the back of the class, drawing in her sketchbook. There hasn't been much change since. At one point I had burned out on my creativity, but having a baby brought me back to watercolor painting. I rediscovered myself by combining art with my faith-based practice. This led me to create "Watercolor Devo's." They inspired me to begin being a creative educator as well as a full-time artist."

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   A shared post via Creative Mind Class (@creativemindclass)

What would you say about your style of watercolor?

"I cannot resist the fun, bold or pink. A touch of vintage quirk or tension in the visual is usually my goal when I'm drawing. Most importantly I enjoy bringing the very best in watercolor onto the page--relishing in vibrant bleeds of bold hues."

Amarylis Henderson digital illustration.
An Amarylis Henderson hand illustration of a dog. A table covered in paper complete with inventive accessories , paints, brushes, as well as a color palette.

You can find Amarylis's watercolor paintings along with books and other items at her website watercolordevo.com . Anyone who loves the world of watercolor and are looking to improve their art will LOVE this guide to painting with watercolor! It's also free. watercolordevo.com/guide

An Amarylis Henderson hand illustration of strawberries. A closeup on a hand holding the illustration. A color palette in the background..

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