An Overview of the brand innovative Amazon Associates Link Builder for WordPress

Sep 15, 2022
amazon associates link builder plugin

There are a variety of plugins which support this program. Amazon Associates Program. A few of them are free to download from the WordPress Plugin Directory, others are licensed under a commercial licence. In this post we will go into detail about the officially licensed Amazon Associate Link Builder plugin that was released a two weeks ago. it is currently in beta.

The Amazon Associates Link Builder plugin is a new option available to WordPress users. The plugin was launched just some weeks in the past (December 2016) It provides an easy to use shortcode to allow affiliates to embed ads into content in various types of. In the moment of writing, Amazon Associates Link Builder (v. 1.3) works only on WordPress table prefixes which begin with "wp_". This is a known problem and is expected to be resolved in the coming months. If your WordPress database uses the default prefix then you should be safe and ignore this.

This plugin can include to the WordPress content editor, a search bar to search for products within the Amazon Product Directory.

The Amazon Associate Link Builder search form
This is what you will need to fill out the Amazon Associate Link Builder search form.

The Link Builder provides an admin panel where users are able to choose up to 9 items including ad unit templates, associate ID as well as Amazon marketplace.

The Amazon Associate Link Builder interface allows to easily build the amazon_link shortcode
Amazon Associate Link Builder interface Amazon Associate Link Builder interface allows you to build the shortcode for Amazon_link.

After that user has completed the online form. The plugin inserts an amazon_link shortcode within the post text. Here's an example

[amazon_link asins='B00OCFMVHE,B01KHV5O1G,B01JRS6WR0' template='ProductCarousel' store='test-21' marketplace='UK' link_id='6d481d2c-c629-11e6-bd13-b900ba731a80'] 

Shortcodes are characterized by the following characteristics:

  • "asins": an enumeration of commas separated ASINs (Amazon Standard Identification Number). ASINs are a type of identification that is unique for each product. ASIN could be defined as an alphanumeric number that is specific in order to identify an object.
  • "template" Template HTML0 template in HTML that displays the ad to users of the website. The plugin includes four different templates available: ProductCarousel, ProductAd, ProductGrid, PriceLink. Users can also create their own templates.
  • store is the title of an Associate ID which is utilized to track sales and the traffic coming from websites affiliated with. The number could represent an ID number of a store, or even a tracking ID.
  • "marketplace" is the term used to describe Amazon's marketplace. Amazon marketplace.
  • "link-id' The hyperlink identifier used to identify an advertising unit. Shortcode generators generate it. creator.

The Settings page on Amazon Associates Link Builder provides options to choose from that have to be set prior to using the application.

The Amazon Associates Link Builder Settings page
It can be found on the Amazon Associates Link Builder Settings page

Two fields of the first choice require an access key as well as the secret affiliates have the ability to create the access key on Amazon's API Account Page (see the steps for being an affiliate on Amazon online help).

Your Security Credentials console
Security Credentials Security Credentials console

After that, the associate ID field permits you to generate a store ID as well as an extra tracking ID and can be utilized by Amazon to keep track of both traffic and sales. Tracking IDs and store IDs are registered with Amazon Affiliate Central (see the associate documentation for a complete listing of Amazon sites).

Associates can set their tracking IDs on the Amazon Affiliate Central website
Affiliates can choose their tracking IDs on Amazon Affiliate Central's site. Amazon Affiliate Central website

After we've established a value to associate the ID with and we've selected the default marketplace. You can advertise items on many marketplaces. However, it's important to check the possibility that an associate ID is valid for one specific marketplace. If you intend to promote products in several Amazon sites, it is advised to establish a store ID and one (or several) tracker IDs in each marketplace. Then, we'll be able to select the default advertisement template.

Advertising Templates

Amazon Associates Link Builder plugin comes with four templates that allow you that allow you to add ads to blog posts.

The first built-in template displays items in a carousel slider
The template's initial build-in version shows things in a carousel slide

Product advertisement Second template looks remarkably similar to the carousel template, but it displays only one item at a time.

The Product Ad Template embeds a single item ad into post content
The Product Ad Template integrates a single advert into content of the post

Product Grid The layout is grids of articles within the content of the blog, allowing readers to easily browse through various products.

The Product Grid Template displays several items in the same grid
The Product Grid Template displays several items in one grid

Price Link This template includes an embedded text link in the text of the post

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In addition to built-in templates, Amazon's plugin allows users to change the look and feel of advertisements by creating custom templates with Mustache templates engine. Mustache templates engine. Let's dive deep.

Designing Custom Templates

Mustache is a basic web template system based on tags surrounded by curly braces. Mustache tags can be used to make variable or segments:

  • variables determine a value within the current context (i.e. Title). If no value is found the title will not be printed.
  • sections create either one or two sections of text, dependent on the meaning of the key in the context of. The opening section tag starts with an pound. The closing tag starts with an apostrophe (i.e. InStock"InStock"InStock text|Text|text} InStock"InStock"|InStock"|(}).

Supporting the Mustache template engine. By allowing Mustache template engine be utilized, the Link Builder provides the following tags:

  • SIN"SIN"|SIN|The "SIN"} is the Amazon standard Identification Number for the product
  • itle|"title"|"titled"} is the title or the name of the item
  • etailPageURL|"etailPageURL"} is the URL that allows linking back to Amazon
  • argeImageURL| argeImageURL|"argeImageURL"}: large image URL
  • MediumImageURL: medium image URL
  • mallImageURL|"mallImageURL"|"mallImageURL'}: small image URL
  • y| y|y|"y|y} The brand name, the name of the creator author or name of the brand
  • urrentPrice|"urrentPrice"} It's the present price. If the price is not available, a link to Amazon will be displayed in place.
  • CurrentPriceValue: the current price in raw format
  • trikePrice|"trikePrice"}: manufacturer's recommended price
  • StrikePriceValue: the strike price in raw format
  • aving|"Saving"|"saving"} the price of the strike price
  • avingPercent|"avingPercent"}: saving in percentage
  • avingValue|"avingValue"|"avingValue'}: saving in the raw format
  • Rime|"rime"|*|•} Indicates if the product qualifies to be Prime
  • erchant|"merchant"|"Merchant"} Returns Amazon if the item is sold and shipped via Amazon. There is no value to marketplace sellers.
  • inimumPrice|"inimumPrice"} the minimum cost for new items
  • MinimumPriceValue Minimum price in raw format
  • nStock|"nStock"|*|} Indicates whether the item is available in the stock.

This list is non-exhaustive The best resource to learn the best way to utilize Mustache tags in the Link Builder for Amazon is located on the plugin's Templates administrator page. If you're planning to build advanced templates, it is essential to go through the manual online available for Mustache.

That being said, let's build a basic custom advertising unit template. The first step is to discover the code needed for the template. PriceLink template:

#Items #Item #aalb CurrentPrice! /aalb /Item /Items

The templates built into the system aren't adjustable. To customize an existing template, we must copy the template. We then need to assign a new name for the copy we copied. We can then modify the templatein the manner described in the following instances:

#Items #Item #aalb #InStockTitle: CurrentPrice! /InStock /aalb /Item /Items

In the custom template, we've added the "nStock"nStock"|section tag.} section tag, so that the HTML details won't be displayed in the event that the item isn't available.
    itle"itle"It is"itle'| itle"| Itle}, etailPageURL|and etailPageURL|and urrentPrice|as well as the etailPageURL} and the urrentPrice|currentPrice|urrentPrice} variables will show the information about the item.

The Templates admin page allows affiliates to create and edit ad templates
Templates administrator page Templates administrator page permits affiliates to design and modify advertising templates

You can alter the unit design, and the layout of the unit because of a variety of CSS classes. As of the time of writing, Amazon developers do not have documentation available for these classes. We are able to take a look at the stylesheets available on Templates Administration screen.

The unit for advertising is contained in the division by using the aalb-pc advertising-unit class. The Aalb-pc-adheader class is then applied to the H2 heading. To illustrate, we can alter the look of the text on a ProductCarousel clone by editing the declaration block as follows:

.aalb-363-pc-ad-unit .aalb-363-pc-product-title a display: block; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font-size: 13px; color: #111111; text-decoration: none; 

Look at the numeric substrings within the class selectors. It's a numerical number included by the plugin in any class name that is created when templates are duplicated. We should ever take it into consideration when changing templates.
    Alter the text color from normal dark grey to red:

.aalb-363-pc-ad-unit .aalb-363-pc-ad-header a color: red; 

Another class that is worth considering is no-truncate. consider is no-truncate that stops this plugin from reducing the text content in the advertisement unit. no-truncate must be included in conjunction with the advertising unit AALB-pc class. Here is an example of the way to:


At the end of the day, it is possible to take note of the distinctions in the built-in ProductCarousel template and the custom replica.

The image shows the output of the built-in ProductCarousel template and a custom version of the same template
The photo shows the results of the template that is built into ProductCarousel and an adapted version of the same template.

Amazon Associates Link Builder provides the fastest and easiest way to promote Amazon's products by using WordPress websites. The plugin doesn't require any knowledge of programming, and the templates' capabilities should cover the most common requirements of websites owners. If you're seeking additional features, a customer support service, and a deeper control over the product design, then you must look at the plugin's official version against some of the other tools available under a commercial license.

Amazon Affiliate for WordPress (AAWP)

Another popular premium plugin, which is also a well-known premium option can be found in Amazon Affiliate for WordPress It's a robust yet simple to use plugin that is designed specifically for Amazon's affiliates. As with the Amazion Associates Link Builder AAWP utilizes an Amazon Product Advertising API to pull the information about products directly through Amazon directories. It comes with a collection of templates built in the plugin that allow users to make ad units to specific product. In addition, users can to modify the presentation of ads through changing templates currently available or making custom templates. This is explained in the AAWP Tutorial on Templating.

In addition, the plugin lets you retrieve and display specific data fields webmasters can use for the design of complex tables of product information.

A product table built using single data fields
A product table built using single data fields

The other strengths of AAWP are widgets and an integrated cache feature, automated lists of new releases and bestsellers along with a speedy assistance service. This plug-in comes in three different versions for pricing: basic (EUR 39.00) and commercial (EUR 99.00) and in Developer (EUR 199.00). The plans come with a year of support and regular updates. Amazon Affiliate currently supports the countries as follows: Germany, USA, UK, France, Japan, Italy, Canada, Spain, India and Brazil.


However, commercial plugins like AAWP generally provide a higher amount of control over product advertisements, but they're not completely free. If your main objective of your site is promoting Amazon's products, AAWP may be the best choice for you. If your objective is to create content, as well as recurrently advertising items, you may prefer AAWP. Amazon Associate Link Builder plugin.

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