Bioism: the new art of living forms CreativeMindClass Blog - The CreativeMindClass Blog

Aug 6, 2022

"I am a native of the Soviet Union in what is currently Ukraine. I enjoyed drawing when I was a child; I even received several awards. In high school, I decided to study economics, but did not feel content with the idea of having a career that was full-time an uninteresting desk in a dirty office. So I decided to try art seriously, which led me into the class taught by Konrad Klapheck at the Art Academy of Dusseldorf. Then, I was able to be a student of Shirin Neshat in Salzburg."

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   A post shared by Creative Mind Class (@creativemindclass)

"Making my art is an essential procedure of creating unbelievable imaginary universes.

Aliens-like visuals, mystical images and forms - this is the kind of things I like to imagine and visualize. Of course, in my younger years, as with everyone, I started with my surroundings however, I soon became unhappy with the interpretation of well-known visual facts.

The attempt to create every possible variation and artefact with no known origins inspired me to create completely new universes."

Bioism. Installation in a church, Cologne
"Alterocentric Eudaimonia" Kunststation St. Peter (02.04.-26.05.2019) Cologne, Germany

What would you say about your style of art?

"Bioism. Biofuturism. Paradise Engineering. Bioethical Abolitionism. My daily contemplation and statement is:

Biofuturism or Bioism is an endeavor to develop bio-inspired living organisms and modern aesthetic for future living things. Bioism can be described as a method to create art pieces that demonstrate the visual potential of synthetic life. Bioism attempts to create art that is based on the power of life, diversity and. I regard each work as a living being. Bioism extends life to lifeless subjects.
Personally, I am convinced that in the future, in the wake of a biological revolution, we will use living furniture, live in live-in homes, as well as travel through space with live stations. But the most exciting thing will be the ability of artists to use living materials, and thus create different forms of living. Artistic expression will gain the sensation of birth. Fantastical might be reactions of objects of art to their maker and the environment. The art museums of the future could turn into zoological gardens and galleries, they could be transformed into biodiversity funds, and art galleries into biological laboratories.
Bioism aims to spread new and endless forms of life throughout the entire universe. Paradise engineering represents an advance in bioethics...

The manifesto I feel, will never be finished, as I'm a biochemical process that is still in the process of completing it."

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   A blog post that was shared by Creative Mind Class (@creativemindclass)

Bioism. Three Maasai men in Kenia
Bioism is joined by Maasai and their kids in the tower of networks (25.02.-01.03.2019) Risa, Kenia

What's the secret for you to create your own installations?

"I am trying to avoid the use of primitive geometrics, which means No straight lines, or the absence of lines, in the event that it is feasible. I'm chasing the intersection between micro and macro on a daily basis.

Any thing that is not understood or extremely complicated is instantly recognized by our inner eye as living or organic. Biology is the most deep and most intricate information structure in the universe."

Pink oil painting
P-landscape #41, Oil on pressed wood, 130 x 140cm (2021)

The church is a formal space. Is it stressful to create the area?

"It depends on your inner desires, your hidden burdens or how uncertain you are in your understanding of your place in the world of humankind. Personally, I've got none of the knowledge about space, time and their wonders. When I am in a church, I feel like a curious child in a large and strange playground with has some sort or communication capability.

It is my goal to show respect toward its artistry However, I also don't forget about its entertainment side that is conversing with a god. It's a little similar to an XXL telephone booth. While talking or trying to listen, you may also laugh."

Bioism. Phone booth
Bioism will be calling from Basel telephone booths (20-21.05.2017) Basel

How much are you in charge of the creation process and what percentage of the creation process involves biomimetic?

"Controlling chaos is a challenging undertaking. My eyes and ear will be listening to the possibility of a new tune or shapes, that speak to me and touches my imagination nerve. It's not just a one way process where you act just like a mining machine: taking lucky gems of fascinations and throwing a plethora of uninteresting possibilities to your back. This is not for me.

My fascinations are often combined and other interests for a not-so-pleasant music, but a surprising and unexpected results also. The best part of this work is creating a new universe when you know what the final product should appear. Sometime you are in a dream; sometimes it comes at night, while you sleep. However, the fact is that - the more I design and create, the greater pleasures I get, where chaos becomes my friend in growing bioism."

Bioism. Streets of India
A traveling bioism animal makes a HAPPY JOURNEY with Konkan Railway, tuk-tuk, ferry, sugarcane juice machine, fisher vessel... (01-25.01.2012) India

Are you a creative person who enjoys it, or do you get something else out of it? Like the practice of meditation, or communicating with your most vulnerable part?

"Drawing time is time for contemplation. Additionally, I draw as I discover myself and see how far I could surprise my own self and how else the universe might surprise me - which involves all possible activities on this strange pathway. Sometimes it gets funny, in fact, sometimes I'm in need of more adrenaline, I venture out in the world to create an appearance."

Bioism. Installation in a church, Rome
"A Concept of Cosmospatial Teleology" Sala Santa Rita (4. - 16. March, 2017) Rome

What led you towards bioism? How did you get started? you made the switch?

"The first steps were rather normal: I remember how happy I was about my half-drawing-half-painting of the tractor in the field for which I was praised in kindergarten.

Then I fell in love with landscape drawing, where I could sit in the grass for long periods of time trying to draw nature's movements on the cardboard. After that I even made some portraits, but I was dissatisfied and so bored with the dullness of any human figure that was reproduced (including photos and video) which is why I stopped. At that point, the egg's shell fell off and I was revealed as the phoenix (or Godzilla). This means I was brought nearer to the secret of life. What does that mean? It is not to describe the existing one, but to compose the new one. It was the first day of my bioethics and bioism."

Bioism. Installation in a camper
Bioism uncovers sexual acts for hire and exploitative caravan prostitution of Bulgarian and Romanian human female adults (06.06.2016) Eifeltor, Cologne

As I perused your IG I had a thought that bioism might be interested in homeless issues and homelessness in LA...

"But there was an opposite tale It was cold on the streets , and the people were happy to get any human touch, to listen to the Christmas story of the new-born bioism, as well as to play with the tiny blue children of it.

The grim poverty that is evident on the beach of the Hollywood might cause by me to take a completely different route and I'm forced to think of the philosophical aspects of bioism meeting with hypothetical Diogenes from Venice."

Bioism. Streets of Rome.
The homeless and bioism meet at Christmas morning: Merry Christmas! (25.12.2016) Rome

To view more of his body of work and explore bioism in greater depth, look up the artist's Instagram as well as the latest installation at The cathedral St. John the Divine in New York.

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