ChatGPT on Youtube: The 48 Prompts You Need To Increase Your Productivity

May 27, 2023

AI assists you in developing your thoughts and assist you to get past a blank page. It's a large list of ChatGPT Guidelines for YouTubers. It also includes thumbnails to show midjourney!

While ever-growing AI video-making software is emerging from the ashes, there is nothing that can compare to the actual thing. People who view YouTubers like them are attracted for their unique personalities and their unique perspectives. distinctive, and their inherent genius and it is impossible to expect a robot to take over the content on YouTube soon.

In reality, YouTubers could utilize these methods to gain benefits with advantages that go far beyond the creation of videos. Here are the best ChatGPT techniques for YouTubers looking to improve their performance to create a community, and to market their content and businesses.

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The contextual context is crucial. Make these requests your own, making them your own, giving AI the opportunity to showcase your own talent.

Summary of high-level applications

Here are a few simple tips to come up with ideas for creating content, in addition to planning and marketing.

Utilization Case Prompt Example
Design a Hub and Spoke based plan of content for SEO topics clusters

That's why it's essential to use ChatGPT to contemplate and design a "hub and spoke" concept for content. This constitutes a large portion of information (the "hub") is will be backed with relevant content (the "spokes"). This improves the SEO of websites by creating the appearance of a series of topics focused around a specific keyword.

You're a clever strategist, and experienced in SEO. On the basis of your preferences, Digital Art Tutorials, create the hub and spokes plan that includes content about related subjects.
Planning and Conceptualization of Content

ChatGPT is a great instrument to generate ideas for video content as in creating scripts as well as clustering of content. YouTubers can create new concepts for video content in a short time and also to speed up the process of creating scripts.

HTML0For inputs Topic: Content and video. These are in addition to previously successful topics to create the content.

"You are being appointed an expert on the topic of ingenuity for a "niche" YouTuber. Based on their intended audience of the target viewer along with previous popular themes of topics that have proven success in the past, please come up with three original videos, and send the short scripts for each of them . "
Video Promotion

ChatGPT creates captivating promotional materials for video. This includes posts on Facebook email, or even description of the videos. YouTubers can attract viewers to watch the video.

Inputs Theme of the video the video, its key aspects, and target device.

"You are an experienced professional in marketing and you are helping promote a unique YouTube video. The primary characteristics of the channel include [key features]. Write a persuasive article the platform you are targeting to draw viewers. . "
Channel Growth

ChatGPT offers suggestions on increasing and expanding YouTube. YouTube channel. ChatGPT will assist in the identification of collaboration opportunities, and also suggest improvements. Helps YouTubers grow their subscribers.

Inputs: Themes of the channel. The theme of the channel, number of subscribers at current, as well as the goals of the channel.

You're an YouTube growth strategist with the possibility of creating a niche channel. The channel currently has users and is in pursuit of goals for the channel [channel goals]. We'd love to hear your suggestions regarding three options to reach the goal.
Responding to criticisms

ChatGPT allows users to respond to messages and posts which increases engagement with the online community. The tool helps YouTubers keep in contact with their audience.

Inputs include comments or posts, name of commenter as well as the subject of the video.

You're a community manager for the YouTube channel. You must respond to the message from [commenter's first name] with the following: "[post or comment content[post or comment content[post or comment content]'.
Business Plan Development

ChatGPT will create a detailed business plan that can be used to YouTube channels. The plan outlines viewers and the marketing strategy along with branding and marketing strategies.

As a business planner develop an extensive business plan for my YouTube channel YouTube. YouTube is dedicated to vlogging about travel. This channel is aimed at young people, and particularly, budget-friendly books and travel guides]. ].
Revenue Expansion Strategy

ChatGPT could suggest ways to aid YouTubers with increasing their earnings depending on their particular segment and target market.

Provide different strategies for increasing revenue to my travel-vlogging YouTube channel aimed at millennials(millennials). You could consider selling things like digital products, online courses or getting sponsorships along with other possibilities to earn income.
Promoting Strategy of a video

ChatGPT is a great instrument for creating marketing strategies for a YouTube video. It is a great option to market your video via social media platforms SEO optimization, partnerships with companies from other sectors and many other things.

Create a marketing strategy for my upcoming YouTube video"Top 10 Destinations for Budget travel to The Millennial Generation'. This strategy should encompass promotion on [Instagram, Facebook, and travel forumsSEO techniques, and also possible cooperation opportunities.
Marketing Strategy for a Video series

ChatGPT can be used as a marketing strategy that can be adapted to a specific format that was designed to keep viewers interested throughout the whole duration of the.

Design a promotional strategy for my upcoming YouTube series on 'Budget travel guide that cover Major Cities Around the World. The strategy should contain strategies to maintain viewers' interest throughout the series possible partnerships and ways to interact with people who watch the series on [Instagram), Facebook, and travel-related forums. ].

YouTube action plan for YouTube and a plan

Everyone who uses YouTube knows there's more involved in making a channel successful more than just uploading videos. YouTube channel management is about having a strategic plan and a strong execution. It is about understanding your target viewers, setting a regular publication schedule, and improving your content so that it will attract the largest quantity of users. This is all of which ChatGPT will assist with.

Analyzing Auditorship

An understanding of the people you want to reach is crucial in creating content that can connect with the people they are. ChatGPT helps you to understand the needs of your viewers and recommend an appropriate method of communicating that is in line with the expectations and desires of your target group.

Example prompt:

"As an expert in the field analysis of audience, I'd like to suggest a approach for a YouTube channel that targets younger professionals who are attracted to personal finance and investment]. Find out their preferences, interests as well as areas of focus ."

Content schedule planning

It is vital to remain regular in the content you post to ensure success on YouTube. Additionally, ChatGPT can ChatGPT help to keep your postings consistent by creating the calendar of content. But, it also can collect information on the most popular dates and times to post in order to attract the maximum amount of attention.

Example prompt: "You have achieved mastery of YouTube methods for making videos. Develop a 3-month calendar of content for your personal financial [personal finance] YouTube channel. The best dates and times for post-production so that you can maximize the participation ."

Channel growth strategy

A lot of YouTube creators have to face issues with growing their channel. Apart from creating amazing content, the best strategy to increase the size of the reach of a YouTube channel is an ongoing method. This could involve collaborations with other creators, a variety of strategies for engaging marketing strategies and many more.

Example prompt:

"You are an YouTube grow strategist. You could suggest a six-month increase plan for your private financial YouTube channel with an emphasis on collaborative possibilities and ways to draw viewers as well as methods for promoting. ."

 Strategy for Monetization

An monetization strategy for the YouTube channel may seem to be an end-of-the-line way for creators. It can, however, be a difficult topic to navigate since there's an array of options for monetization, including ad revenue in addition to sponsorships and products among other options. There is no better method to seek support other than ChatGPT to help you?

Example prompt:

"You are an expert in YouTube monetization. Provide a strategy to monetize the YouTube channel, which falls in the "personal finance" segment, which has 50,000 people who are considering the possibility of ads, sponsorships and other revenue streams along with other revenue streams which could ."

   Business plans to help YouTubers. YouTuber

If you're thinking of turning YouTube content production into a business it is necessary to have a business plan. It should define the target market of the channel, as well it should also outline a plan for content creation, along with ways to monetize the content you create, and marketing strategies for the best. ChatGPT is able to develop a thorough business plan based on your inputs, providing you an excellent starting point from which you'll create your.

Example prompt:

"As an expert in business strategy with expertise, I create a solid business strategy for my channel's operations on YouTube. It's geared toward vlogging on travel, specifically targeting millennials, with the focus on guidebooks for budgets along with travel guides and tips for locations. Choose the demographic that you'd like to attract as well as the strategy for your blog, advertising branding as well as monetization strategies ."

Revenue expansion for a YouTuber

There were a handful of options for making money above, but it's only the tip of the the iceberg. In addition to advertising and sponsorships, there are online courses, consulting and various other. Diversifying your income source is a great strategy to any creative, so why not try ChatGPT to provide a number of alternative options.

Example prompt:

"Suggest various revenue-raising strategies for my travel-vlogging YouTube channel aimed at younger individuals. There are many ways you can make money selling merchandise such as digital goods, online classes and also gaining sponsorships and other potential revenue sources ."

 Conceptualization Creation, creation and development

For YouTubers the creation of videos is typically the most fun part. However, it is not so enjoyable creating concepts for videos, then transforming these scripts in scripts creating adjustments to the videos, and finally, publishing the video. This is a huge task!

Every YouTuber's goal is to create engaging, appealing and informative videos that have a great response from viewers. The goal is to get viewers to follow, join and comment on or to share the video. AI tools will help others in their work and allow you to focus more on the creation of content.

Video idea generation

ChatGPT has the ability to generate an endless variety of video ideas based on whatever theme or topic you request. The ability to access that capability to develop the ideas of your own is incredible.

Example prompt:

"You are a design expert who focuses on the concept to create travel videos vlogging. Make [15] fresh videos that are appealing to the [globetrotters] and travelers ]."

The scripting process used in video

ChatGPT is able to create an impressive initial script for your subject, allowing you to build upon a solid foundation instead of beginning with blank pages. It will be awe-inspiring how the program can capture your story's essence and produce an outline which flows.

Example prompts:

  • "Your task is to develop an outline for a video titled '[Japan The top 10 must-see places in Japan [Japan: Top 10 Must-Visit destinations". The video's script should include engaging introductions, detailed explanation of each destination as well as a concluding section that invites viewers to "like, follow, and follow us on"like, subscribe as well as share."
  • "Write a detailed outline for the YouTube video that is entitled "[Top 10 Destinations to Travel budget-friendly for students in college". Include an introduction, an overview of each destination, with a closing message that encourages viewers to share and follow this video."
  • "Write an intricate script for a fiveminutes] YouTube video titled "Top 10 Budget Travel Destinations to College Students" It should include an introduction, discussion about each destination in the last segment, with a plea to the viewers to"like and follow."
  • "Develop an intriguing storyline for the introduction video, which should be two minutes paying special consideration to the subject. Make sure that the video is attractive and suitable for an audience of all types ."
  • "Help me draft a story for a video that is length [length] minutes on [topicthe subject is. The story should provide a thorough analysis of the subject, as well as keep the viewers interested ."
  • "Create an instructional step-bystep template for a video tutorial that focuses on [topic]. The script should be straightforward to read and instructive ."
  • "Formulate your entire script for a tutorial video covering certain topics. Make sure that each step is well-written and easy to follow ."
  • "Write an accurate and complete outline for a review video on the subject of product or service [product or service]]. The script should include the most important factors such as pros and cons along with your own experiences, should you be able to ."
  • "Generate an essay on the subject of your choice with a compelling and informative method. The piece should attract those who are new to the subject as well as seasoned viewers. ."
  • "Compose the script to create a short video with practical and interesting tips about a specific subject areas."
  • "Script a reaction video to [specific event/video/content]. The reaction video must include initial impressions, feelings and thought-provoking response ."
  • "Craft a humorous and engaging script for a parody video about [specific subject/person/event]. The tone of the video should be lighthearted and respectable ."
  • "Conceive an entertaining storyline for the creation of a video clip on a specific topicthe subject is. The video must be captivating to viewers through the whole course of the process. ."
  • "Form the script for the video to present useful and efficient strategies and methods to tackle the particular issue or task. The subject or task. The subject should be easy to understand and practical ."
  • "Develop an engaging introduction to my YouTube channel that focuses on this topic. The introduction should entice viewers and give a quick outline of the next steps ."
  • "Create an engaging and thorough introduction for my YouTube channel about the topic. The script should highlight the most important elements, and also include an appealing call-to action. Here are the most important subjects we have discussed. Key Topic 1, Key Topic 2 Key Topic 3 3 ]"

YouTube Storyboard Creation

ChatGPT lets you create your own storyboard complete to accompany the YouTube video you're making. A well-organized storyboard can ensure that your video is cohesive as well as engaging and serves its purpose.

inputs include: Video purpose, time to reach the target audience, duration of the video, key messages, the audio and visual elements.

Example prompt:

"You help me create an outline for my next YouTube video. The goal is to find my ideal audience who is the [target audience]. The video should be approximately length and should convey these key messages which will be important to viewers. Include the following audio and visual elements on the storyboard: "audio and visual elements."

Planning of video production

Planning the production of an audiovisual piece includes deciding on locations lighting, camera angles props, lighting, and more. Are you concerned about missing something? ChatGPT offers a complete production schedule so that you can be sure that you've checked all your work.

Example prompt:

"Create an outline of the production to make a short video entitled "[DIY House Decor ideas]". The video will contain suggestions for settings, camera angles lighting and props."

Guidelines for editing videos

Editing may be the most important aspect of any video. It's often the longest-running aspect of being a YouTuber. If you're not interested editing, or you're looking to increase your knowledge, ChatGPT can act as an education device.

Example prompt:

"Provide guidelines and recommendations for editing the "cooking" tutorial video in order to ensure it looks attractive, and easy to follow by viewers."

Descriptions of titles, videos as well as thumbnails

ChatGPT provides engaging titles that are SEO-friendly, as well as offer guidelines on how to make efficient thumbnails appropriate to the topic the topic is being discussed.

Example prompt sequence:

It is possible to try both actions in succession.

1. Title and Description, along with particulars "Your duty is to design an appealing and SEO-friendly title and description for a video that focuses on the best travel advice to budget-conscious travelers. Use the main elements and learning objectives from this video: The most important points and goals for studying"
2. Guidelines for thumbnails and titles "Next give guidelines for how to create a compelling thumbnail for the YouTube video on budget guidelines for traveling. Provide no general guidelines. Give specific guidelines for thumbnails in line with your video. . "

Midjourney prompt templates

If you'd like to make the thumbnail more elaborate look into the use of ChatGPT together with Midjourney in a combination for creating your thumbnail.

  1. Determine the Theme: Define your theme or the primary theme of your film. Ie. For a gaming video this could be the name "Minecraft Survival Mode" ".
  2. Select the Style: Select one that is in line with the appearance of your brand or company. You can opt for an artist's style, a genre or even a lighting option. By using Minecraft's Minecraft illustrations, you could pick the "pixel art" style to match the aesthetics and visuals of the game.
  3. The design of your Thumbnail prompt needs to be clear and capture the essence of the video. Consider your scene as well as the event you'd like to capture. Keywords can be used to determine aspects ratios, resolutions and other details.
  4. Incorporate Extras If you would like to enhance the abstraction Add the 'chaos' option. To style the output choose the option to create a stylized look.
  5. Removing Unwanted Elements There's an item you do not wish to include on your photo, choose"-no" to remove it "-no" choice to remove the element. Like. If we do not want creepers to be visible on the Minecraft image thumbnail Minecraft thumbnail, then we might include the '-no creeper'

Here's the ChatGPT template that you can utilize to make an exact midjourney-related prompt. In the form of an AI, I want you to develop a midjourney request to generate an image for a YouTube thumbnail. This video is about the DIY DIY guide to making furniture. The style that the videos has is"rustic and warm.
  The primary elements to include in thumbnails are the complete wooden furniture piece, woodworking tools, and a cozy working space.
  and would like to exclude the modern and metallic components.
  I'd like an aesthetic range of 700.
  The aspect ratio should be at minimum 16:9.
  This way the prompt for Midjourney may be similar to the following:
  Imagine yourself with a piece of furniture that is made from woodworking equipment within the cozy and natural environment in the work area. -s 700 - ar 16:9 -no contemporary -no metal

For you to get a sense of what's possible for you, here are some others of YouTube's Thumbnail images that prompt you to use Midjourney.

to prepare a Video /imagine delicious homemade lasagna bubbling in a rustic kitchen -s 800 -ar 16:9 -no fork
For creating a travel Vlog Imagine the breathtaking view of the sun setting the top of the Eiffel tower Paris travel style. - ar 16:9 -no crowd
For a Tech Review Video /imagine new iPhone 14 hovering over a stylish modern desk style -s 900 -ar 16:9 -no clutter
For more information about fitness Imagine a lady who is healthy in an exercise routine in a serene beach setting. -s 750. -ar 16:9 -no onlookers
For a DIY Craft Video imagine a handmade birdhouse painted with bright shades against the spring's green backdrop, using no tools

Collaboration and marketing

There are numerous options YouTubers are able to use to market their channels. One example is collaborating together with other creators to grow their audience.

Collaboration proposal

ChatGPT helps YouTubers to create and keep agreements with other creators through crafting compelling collaboration proposals. collaborations between other YouTubers could expose you to a wider public that will be more receptive to your work due to the trust that they've already built in each other as YouTubers.

Example prompts:

"Draft an idea for an alliance with the travel YouTuber [insert YouTuber's name here], which we'll create short videos that will provide tips on travel budgets to students."

The development of a marketing strategy for the making of YouTube videos. YouTube video

Promoting a YouTube video efficiently needs an organized plan. ChatGPT can assist you in creating an advertising strategy that includes social media promotion which includes SEO optimization, collaborations, and various other channels used for marketing.

Example prompt:

"Devise an advertising program that I can use for my YouTube channel titled"Top 10 Top Travel Destinations" using a small budget" to appeal to the generation of millennials. '']. The strategy should include promotion through Instagram, Facebook, and other search engines to promote travel, along with collaborative options ."

The development of a marketing plan to promote the creation of the YouTube video-based program

Promotion of one video is one thing; promotion for the entire series requires a distinct strategy. The ultimate goal of the show is in causing viewers to be enticed to watch the next installment. It's up to you to hold your viewers' attention for a long period of time. It's a good thing to do this: ChatGPT will also recommend the most effective strategy to promote that works with a show format.

Example prompt:

"Design a marketing strategy to promote my new YouTube series on'Budget-friendly travel Guides for the Big Cities of the World'('Budget Travel Guides'). The strategy should include ways to keep viewers who are engaged throughout the series, possible collaborations and ideas for how to interact with the viewers on Instagram, Facebook, and travel websites."

SEO Optimization

Optimizing videos for YouTube search as well as Google search is an excellent technique to improve the popularity of your content. ChatGPT offers SEO advice that contain suggestions on keyword use and optimization of metadata, which can increase the number of people to watch your video.

Example prompt:

"You represent yourself as an SEO expert. Provide an SEO strategy for the YouTube video titled '[Investing for beginners]'. This includes keywords recommendations between 3 and 5 as well as suggestions for improving your title, as well as tags and descriptions ."


Estimating Monetization Potential

ChatGPT will help you determine the earnings potential of your business from various ways of making money. Knowing the nature of your revenue streams allows you to make educated decision about the growth of channels and methods.

Inputs: Average views per video, subscriber count and demographics of the audience and engagement rates.

Example prompt:

On the basis of my YouTube channel's average views per video, which is the average views of viewers], a subscriber count of [subscriber countsThe characteristics of the audience of"[audience]'s demographics] along with an engagement rate (engagement%)) you can calculate my earnings potential through advertisements, sponsorships and even subscribing on my channel. You are invited to suggest additional revenue sources for my channel, as well any potential income. At a minimum, you should include two tables and several subheadings.

Contact to Sponsors for the potential of

ChatGPT assists in the creation of an engaging outreach for potential sponsors. An appropriately-constructed and personalized pitch will increase the chances of securing brands to partner with you.

Inputs: Details about the brand, your channel details and the demographics of your target audience as well as the reasons that viewers make a perfect fit for your business.

Example prompt:

"You assist me in writing an email outreach to brand name [Brand Name]. My YouTube channel is centered specifically on your channel's details and my intended audience is predominantly my demographic followers. Talk about how collaboration with my channel will benefit your image of your brand, and also match their audience with the ones they want to target. Below are some specifics on the items they sell, as well as the people they offer, as well as whom their customers are who they sell to, and who their clients are.

Making a Strategy for Marketing Channel Merchandise

ChatGPT helps you create an effective strategies for promoting things to your intended market. It also provides a revenue stream that can increase the amount of money you earn.

Inputs: Details about your target audience, the nature of the product that you plan to sell at prices, as well as the strategy for promotion.

Example prompt:

"You have assisted me in come up with an idea to market items for my channel on YouTube. My audience target is based on the information about my audienceand I'm contemplating selling [type of merchandise] with a cost of (price points). Give me a complete strategy that outlines how you will market your product to the best advantage of my target market. Additionally, please suggest other items that I can offer my customers. ."

Community engagement

Are you looking to ensure that viewers keep coming back? It is essential to interact with them. React to feedback, reply to comments from viewers and interact with your subscribers in order to increase loyalty and support the growth of your channel.

Response to remarks Response to comments

Are you struggling to create reactions that don't sound boring? ChatGPT is able to create friendly and interesting reactions to comments from viewers, thereby increasing the level of the amount of interaction.

Example prompt:

"Generate a warm and engaging response to someone who has read"[I am a huge fan of your travel videos! Do you have the chance to create a short video about budget travel tips? ]'"

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This post was first seen on here