Episode 5 from the Podcast: Andrew Lock - Top Marketing Expert Discusses Walt Disney's secrets to success as an Entrepreneur - WordPress Membership Plugin - Membership Websites

Aug 5, 2022

Episode 5 from the Podcast: Andrew Lock - Top Marketing Expert reveals Walt Disney's business Secrets

Our latest Memberships and Courses podcast episode, we had the chance to speak about Andrew Lock about how he went from being a cameraman working for the BBC to becoming an eminent figure in the online marketing space.

It is recommended to read Andrew's book "Walt Disney's Method" and discover how to develop a stronger business (including websites for membership) using the Magical Marketing Strategies of Walt Disney.

You can learn more about what Andrew is doing by visiting his website AndrewLock.com or MagicalMarketingExperience.com

Below are highlights and things you won't be able to overlook in the program:

  • This is the incredible tale of how the ex- BBC cameraman tapped into his single skill to network with internet marketing giants like Yanik Silver and Dan Kennedy, build a successful online business and become one of the most prominent names in online marketing... starting as an absolute nobody. If you've ever thought about whether it's possible to do this, his crazy story will tell you That you absolutely can. (0:00)
  • The clever way Andrew got free membership in Yanik Silver's exclusive and highly-respected mastermind group. This is a great strategy to be able to land events, interviews, and free items and perhaps even see your business promoted by some of the most famous name in marketing online. Imagine the kind of boost in sales this would bring to your business (1:06).
  • The dark and gloomy place Andrew was in during the pandemic and how he was able to get himself from the abyss (and what you can do with what he learned to help to get through difficult situations in your career and in life) (17:31)
  • The secret of almost effortless business success. Almost everybody gets this wrong and the result is years of frustration and needless suffering. Following Andrew's tips and success, motivation, persistence and consistency in your business will almost be guaranteed (10:21)
  • What a seemingly unnoticeable issue on your site is certain to kill your conversions in the moment -- and how you can make use of one of Walt's secretly guarded secrets of entrepreneurship for quick fix (30:37)
  • An espionage technique Disney basically "manipulates" kids into upselling their parents at Disney theme parks and the best way to utilize this tactic legally in order to increase the sales of your online classes (29:13)
  • The biggest mistake that Disney's newly appointed CEO is making that would result in Walt rolling over in his grave. Learn what NOT do during an economic downturn (33:18)
  • The key to success in your online business. It's simply really... Follow this and you'll probably get interview on podcasts. Do not and you'll most likely remain in the struggle (37:47)
  • "The M_______" Test. A brain-dead simple way to test if the topic you teach will work to a site that offers membership (Plus, an even easier method to locate a virtually unlimited number of interesting concepts and topics you CAN build a membership site around) (39:33)
  • A trap that almost all new entrepreneurs fall into that leads them to be in a constant state of struggle, often for years without ever figuring it out (This could hinder your progress right this moment) And an easy way to stay out of this. (10:43)
  • "I________ kills entrepreneurs". A hard lesson learned from the epidemic and the best way to defeat the number one entrepreneurial "killer". (16:37)
  • The retention lesson every site that is a member must learn from Disney's theme parks. It's the main difference between a membership site which slowly dies and fades no matter what is tried and one that grows quickly and is growing almost without effort (25:32)
  • The "Kodak" Testing. How even the color of the pavement in the theme parks was thoroughly tested in order to subconsciously draw customers in. It also explains how to use this same principle for your websites, courses, and memberships to boost sales (26:43)
  • How Disney makes use of "fake scents" to upsell parents in its theme parks. Disney actually invented a device to do this and Andrew shows how you can take the idea and incorporate it to online courses and memberships in a genuine way to improve conversion (29:36)

           After listening to the full episode, it will help us reach greater numbers of people if we could do two things:          

  1. Leave a 5-star rating/review in case you gained something from the show.
  2. Share this episode with your colleague, friend or someone else you think might get something from it.

If you're contemplating creating a membership website or want to see whether your current site is an ideal model for you then check out this free guide here:

Watch the 10 Membership Models Video

Discover the 10 Most Profitable ways to earn recurring revenue through a Membership Website                                                       First Name                                                        Email                                                           Yes, send me the Video!

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