Google's Micro-Learning Research Google's Micro-Learning Results

Dec 9, 2022

Because of the rapid growth in smartphones, there is more discussion of micro-learning.

It's a thrilling time in the elearning industry. Mobile learning is the new paradigm of the elearning model which has gained popularity in the last 15 years.

Global corporations are aware of the value of micro-learning. Some of them include Google.

In actual fact, Google has set-up an entire site on the subject at

The website is dedicated to research of Google and findings in relation to the way we buy or market as well as learn from the use of technology. The goal of the website is to serve as a source to push the marketing field to the next level.

Google provides data that they are studying and trends they're tracking with regard to the online market across different categories of audiences, platforms, and industries. There is the possibility to join their email newsletter, so you are always informed about their latest outcomes.

What is of particular interest for me is the portion named "Micro-Moments". This section focuses on consumer behavior and what it means to brands.

The focus of the study is commercial I was able see how the research on consumer behavior is closely tied to the way we gather data (or acquire).

If we purchase online, we have to solve problems and find answers in any given moment by putting together a variety of tiny bits of information which will ultimately decide our choices.

Learning impromptu is a common practice for most people. It makes sense to take advantage of this habit when developing online courses. The next generation of online courses will need to be easy to access and consume in the moment as "information-on-demand".

Do you want to know more? Visit the Google Micro-Moments page in the "Think With Google" website.

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