Group Coaching 101: Starting Your Business in 2023

Mar 1, 2023

Cecilia and Jason Hilkey were all too acquainted with the challenges that modern parents face. In between raising their children and working as educators and educators, they saw that things were changing quickly and parents had to keep on top of the changes. They founded The Village by Happily Family as a pay-per-membership site to help families learn how to communicate and connect.

Then they incorporated group coaching into the mix. Coaching calls for groups can be found in their routine offerings, and a way to help parents learn from them and from each other.

There's a good chance you've heard about group coaching before. If you're considering becoming a coach, you might not know exactly how to use it for you. In this post, we'll talk you through what group coaching is as well as how it can help you get your own group coaching business established. Ready? Let's go!

If you're looking for more help in building your group coaching business Come join OUR Mighty Community for free and meet other new and established community leaders! We'd love to meet you. Register to join for no cost!

        The post...    

    What is group coaching

    The benefits of group coaching

    How do you start a group coaching business

      1. Find your Ideal Members

      2. Make a Big Purpose

      3. Decide what to offer

      4. Select a platform

      5. Market it

      6. Run it!

    Ideal subjects to use for group coaching

    How do you create a business for group coaching

      1. Regular meetings

      2. Community

      3. 1:1 Coaching

      4. Instruction

      5. Other live performances

    Ready to start?

What is group-coaching?

A group coaching coach guides two or more people simultaneously through a session. Group coaching can be done in person or via a computer, and often group members enjoy the opportunity to get to know each other and the coach. The details of the benefits below!

The benefits of group coaching

    Benefits to the coach


  • Scalability of business model        
  • Your job description changes from facilitator to coach        
  • Let more people know all at once        
  • Allows for different perspectives (other than your own)        
  • Can profitably serve people with a lower budget        

    Advantages for the entire group


  • Often more affordable        
  • Learn from one another - not just the coach        
  • Research-backed benefits of community as well as friendship      
  • Believing that you're not the only one        
  • benefiting from the tales of others further along their travels        

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How to begin a group coaching business

1. Find your ideal members

The majority of businesses that monetize their service need a laser-sharp vision of who they're actually serving. And creating a group-coaching business isn't any different. The trick is to locate your Ideal Members.

These are the people who require what you've got and are seeking your results as well as - most important - can afford it. It can be a matter time and trial, however, there's a sure-fire method to make sure that you're on the right track. Find them!

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Before you create your coaching funnel , or offering, make sure you meet with the customers you think will buy from you. Trust us, if you can do this you'll have a head start on the game. Too many would-be coaches just come up with something and then assume that the public will purchase the product. The second best method to find out whether people actually will buy it is to ask them. (By this method, the first best way is to presell. )

Start creating an avatar of your Ideal Members. What is it that they are passionate about? What are their goals and dreams? What do they struggle with? How can they help? And how does your story and skill set uniquely position you to aid them?

Take a trip to interview 10 to 15 of your Ideal Members. See if your hunches about them line up with reality.

2. Find a big purpose

Okay, now that you've a good idea of the ideal members and your Ideal Members, you're able to create the Group's big Purpose Statement. This helps you think through the people your Ideal members are, and the benefits you offer. It can also come in handy for marketing, too. By the way, these are all essential elements of Community Design(tm) and we train in.

Here's a sample of what is a big Purpose statement looks to be. Fill it in to get your group coaching deal!

Big Purpose- New Image

3. Choose what you will offer

We'll break down a few options for structuring the group coaching company below. However, this is the time in which you must decide what you are going to provide. You know who your Ideal Members are. They know where they would like to go. How do you plan to take them there?

The other part of your presentation will be the what. What is it that they want to hear? What type of information do they require? How often will you meet and at what location?

Everything important.

The third part is about the what. What we like the most about these platforms for group coaching is the fact that they provide choices. As an example, Mighty has features like discussion forums, live events stream, live various content options, messages to all members, courses, and more.

Let's suppose that Alvira has set up a group coaching practice focused on helping executive women succeed in the C-Suite and make the amount they're worth. She's catering to busy clients. Perhaps, she decides to design an online, pre-recorded class which teaches the fundamental abilities required for success as an exec - things such as managing employees as well as reporting to boards. asserting yourself, or communicating with confidence.

Perhaps she's also active on the boards of discussion every day, keeping the conversation moving and responding to questions. Maybe she offers live coaching group every month for a couple of hours, or even a mastermind style session. By doing this, she's creating an offering that is actually beneficial for her busy clients. If she demanded the same 10 women at a coaching group session twice a week it's likely that they'd struggle to succeed.

At the final analysis you are the one who runs your individual. However, being strategic as you create your offerings increases the likelihood that of your customers being profitable.

4. Pick the right platform

Mighty is a software that creates culture. platform. Therefore, when we contemplate doing things like group coaching we're thinking about how you'll create your own style of culture. How can you bring together your unique mix of courses, community, content, and commerce in order to create a business of coaching that is truly yours and reflects your personality?

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Not every coaching business needs a platform. You might be meeting face-to-face at the office of your choice or Starbucks. That's cool.

More and more our meetings are online and group coaching is no the exception. That means that, for a lot of us it is going to be performed online. Instead of trying to combine your email, calendar, Facebook Group, and other things, try an online coaching platform!

It's easy to integrate everything in one place. Think scheduling, point of sale, arranging and hosting meetings including things like courses, messaging, chat, member profiles video, content and more.

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5. Market it

There's plenty of things to be said about marketing. However, let's get started by addressing the most basic one. The group you've been talking to is Ideal members. These are the people you should tell about your group coaching. Send them an email like this and steal it for yourself if you like!

*Hey Keisha,
Thanks again for taking the time to talk to me last week. Following conversations with other people, I've decided to launch the fall session of group coaching for first-time consultants - "Getting to your First $10,000." We'll collaborate on realistic strategies to start your own business, get customers, and reach your first income of $10,000. *

    The cost of the 4 months of the program is $247. That includes bi-weekly meetings and a community that is interactive, as well as a course that will help you master accounting. No pressure whatsoever however, if this program works I'd love to welcome members like you! I'm giving a 10% discount to the people who took the time to assist me get this right.

Once you've presented the idea to your Ideal Clients (and assuming you still have some space in your group) you could consider these options:


  • Social media sharing.        
  • Send an email to any list they must that you have.        
  • Contact other coaches and inform them (coaches frequently refer people to different coaches if they're not the right for the job).        
  • Pay-per-click (if you've got a budget).        
  • Try running a webinar to discuss your experiences and ideas! (Make sure you include significance ).    

6. Run it!

The groundwork is done, and the rest is up to you! Run your group coaching session. Keep in mind that you'll always stop in your pursuit of knowledge. Take your time and be open to the journey. Be sure to check in with your participants throughout the process to ensure they're getting lots out of the experience - and you could conduct analytics as well if using a community platform.

And don't be afraid to grow and change as you go!

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The best topics for coaching groups

    Here are some great ideas that work well for group coaching!


  • Entrepreneurship        
  • Exercise        
  • Wellness        
  • Personal Development        
  • Career Excellence        
  • Family well-being and Parenting        
  • Cultural Sensitivity & DEI Education        
  • Public Speaking & Communication        
  • Initialization to a brand new field or position      

How do you organize a group coaching company

When you're thinking about organizing your group coaching business There's not a single way to go about it. In the previous article, we discussed the case of executive women, where finding the timing to get together was an issue. If that were the case, a coach could provide back-up with a planned training and the community.

The way you approach the work is entirely up to you. The option is to charge separately for these services. Also, you can include one or all as part of a package.

1. Regular meetings

A very well-known methods for regularly scheduled gatherings is the classic sessions led by a coach. This is pretty straightforward. If your group gathers to get together and you manage your group members, this is a coaching session. Many group coaching firms offer this as a part of their offerings.

These sessions could be a chance for you to impart knowledge, you can experiment with the structures to determine how your group will gain the maximum benefit. For example, you might opt to run it as masterminds, which gives the group members a chance to gain knowledge from one another. Live streams could be scheduled with your group members, allowing them to just watch and maybe ask questions in the chat.

You can decide what is the best option for your needs.

2. Community

If you want to get a huge return on the group coaching you offer, consider adding in an online community. The online community will double the effectiveness of coaching through what called the effect of networks. When people are comfortable around each other Your group will start showing at times during the coaching sessions. They may have questions, discuss victories, take part in polls or create their own content. Because they are doing this they do, you can reap the advantages of an increase.

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It's called the network effect. Thanks to this user-generated content the coaching business is expanding even when you're not active. and that's powerful.

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3. 1:1 Coaching

Some coaches will opt to mix group coaching with one-on one coaching. It could be very effective!

After all, the power of group coaching is the feedback from others as well as the cost. On the other hand, the power of one-on-one coaching is creating a safe space where the client is able to discuss issues directly with you. By creating a package which includes both items, you'll often increase the margins of your business model, while offering clients the very best of both worlds.

4. Classes

They are also an important component of many companies that provide group coaching. If it's a pre-recorded course coaches can permit participants to take the course in their own way, maybe discussing parts or sharing their results in meetings with coaches. If you're giving live classes in a cohort format it's possible to mix the group coaching into things that feel more instructive.

5. Other live events

You are not limited to the coaching you provide for communicating with clients. What better way to host different types of live occasions? It is possible to try inviting a guest speaker or even a drop-in event where people can come for extra assistance. Live sessions are a fantastic way to add some extra worth and allow people to connect beyond your scheduled sessions.

Here are some ideas to live-stream occasions:


  • The virtual summit        
  • Online conference        
  • Networking session        
  • Office hours        
  • Guest speaker        
  • Featured member spotlight        
  • Art or creative event        

Ready to start?

We hope that this post has answered all your questions concerning starting a group-coaching practice! It's not easy at all times, but group coaching can make for a great business strategy that provides benefits for both you and the people who are a part of your group.

If you're in search of the right platform to base your group coaching business on, come try Mighty! As we mentioned above that our platform is a cultural one. It lets you mix your coaching group with content, community, courses as well as information. And with Mighty Spaces, you can incorporate live events and live streaming. You can also add member profiles, community discussions Chat and messaging, pre-recorded courses, and more! It is possible to charge one of the 135 currencies, or by token-gating. And Mighty comes with an app that works for every gadget.

It's not our intention to peddle our claim, but our software was named the top community management system by G2. Try it at no cost and discover how you could create! No credit card required.