How to Build Relationships with your customers through storytelling

Feb 17, 2023

The moment someone shares a story that really remains in your memory for quite a while after you hear it This is what happens with storytelling. studies have proven that people enjoy a good story because it's how we connect with one another. Because of how technologically advanced the world has become, it's all more difficult to make connections. But storytelling is still able to hold its weight when it comes to building connections with other people.

This is where storytelling can be employed to enhance your business. When you consider selling your products It's natural to think you're supposed to only discuss your products on your website. While this is certainly an essential aspect of online selling however, it's not what will sell your clients on the brand you represent. Your website might be great in explaining what you offer but it's often not enough for customers to 'buy-in with your company. The benefit of establishing the relationship you have with your customers could be more impactful than you believe that a great story can help you get there.

Story telling is an effective tool for Selling Software Online

Online-based companies selling software could increase sales by using storytelling and creating an actual connection with potential customers. How? Customers will pay more for products and services on the internet that feel positive with their interactions and connections with the organization. Creating a connection by sharing a story of your brand on your website will foster these feelings and improve sales.

If you're wondering whether there's a story you could share The answer is unquestionable yes. Each company has its own tale to tell. Answer these questions, and you'll be well on the route:

  • What was the process that led you to come up with the idea your business is based on at all?
  • Did you come to an agreement regarding the name of the firm?
  • What did you do to get to the position you have today?
  • Do you have a reason why you are passionate about what you do?

A well-crafted story can create positive relationships with prospective customers. This will lead to a higher conversion, and a stronger belief in loyalty. This is which is the foundation of lasting customer relationships. Stories that are entertaining tell, educate, and give benefits to potential customers.

For instance the firm Marketo. Marketo's groundbreaking marketing platform has been executed efficiently, and has an excellent story. On the website of Marketo they discuss the way that "Marketo has grown into a market leader in automated marketing yet at its core we are a company for marketers, that is, by marketers. We wake up every morning contemplating ways to improve the lives of the marketers around us." You'll notice how Marketo doesn't go over and over about how amazing their product is, but delivers an account of the way they keep their customer on the mind.

Stories to Share to Make Connections with Customers

Stories are what make your company unique and human. They are what makes your business unique. Let those stories speak for your company.

Marketo uses this method by talking about placing their marketing in the forefront. You'll notice how they don't just talk about that they have general customers and their general customers, but are specific to address whom their target audience is. Having trouble writing your own story? Talk to your clients! Here are a few suggestions for you to start:

  • What are you able to do differently over other companies in the same industry?
  • What are they most excited about about your company?
  • How would they describe the company's image to other people?
  • How did they find you in the first place?

Make their responses into stories, which create connections with customers who aren't there yet.

Connect with your Customers Through Images and Videos

You've heard the saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words." Customers enjoy taking photos to give them a sense of your business, its nature, and what makes it different from other companies. Photos allow them a little look into your business.

Utilize images to communicate your company values. It's all about your customers and the relationships you share with them. By sharing what you value as a company and letting the client know not only what they are buying but 'who they're purchasing from.

There is a way to share the tale of your company by using videos. Showcase the human side of your company and let your customers identify the name of who they're buying from. Given how well-known video has become, adding it to the collection of your business's story could be a great option.

Have your customers share their Success Stories

When customers write reviews talking about how your product has been a success for them, you need to publish these testimonials on your website.

Giving testimonials from customers and sharing the story of a client are excellent (and simple) ways to promote your company. They allow potential customers to learn from previous customers. With over 80 percent of buyers are seeking opinions when they are making a decision on what to buy so why not provide them with some positive input from your happy customers? Testimonials inspire your other customers to share their stories as well as fostering a better relationship between your company and the customer that shared the experience.

For these testimonials from customers check out your online reviews and talk with your sales team to get the names of customers with whom are likely to talk about their experiences. It is possible to ask them to write a testimonial themselves and then take it a step further. Ask your client about the way they were able to benefit from your service or product and then create a case study for prospective buyers who could read while they make their buying choice while browsing your website.

The detailed customer story can create a sense of belonging within your brand. Make sure you are granted permission from your customers to share their story.

It is important to share relevant content with potential and current customers. Engaging, pertinent, and compelling story is a marketing strategy that you can employ to increase the growth of your business. Therefore, make sure your story is one that inspires and stimulate your customers.