How to create guidelines for the community in 9 Steps

Jun 3, 2022

If you're in the stage to setting up an internet-based community  then it's simple to skip the initial step of establishing the guidelines for your community.

In the end, everybody is just going to be able to get along... right? Most hosts ignore this part and hope that everything will work out and are surprised to find that there are problems in their own community.

Yes, we're... they're... people. If there's one thing that's certain of life, it's when you get people together in a community you're occasionally going to experience tension and conflict.

This is one of the areas where a good set of guidelines for community members can be a life-saver.

If you're here, then you've evidently recognized the significance of good guidelines. They don't need to be a challenge. In this post we'll be talking about how to create guidelines for communities that are effective. It's going to be straightforward, and take you through 9 steps for developing your own.

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        This post...    

1. What are community rules?

2. 5 rules for excellent community guidelines

3. How to create community guidelines

3.1. First Step: Begin with your heart

3.2. 2. Step 2 Contact your friends

3.3. Step 3: Create standards for kindness and respect

3.4. step 4: Set guidelines for quality and focus

3.5. Step 5: Establish guidelines for business and operations

3.6. Sixth step: Set the guidelines for health and wellness

3.7. Seventh Step: Stay positive

3.8. Step 8: Share the HTML0

3.9. 9. Step 9 Give power to your co-Hosts


What are the rules of the community?

Community guidelines define the terms of engagement that apply to an online community, establishing the norms and behavior expected by members who are part of the community. They also spell out the mutual expectations between members and Hosts.

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5 rules for good guidelines for the community

    Guidelines for the community should:


  • be easy to understand        
  • To be distributed to everyone in the group.        
  • be upheld continuously        
  • Let members feel secure        
  • Let members be aware of what is expected from them , and also what they can be expecting from hosts        

How to create community guidelines

Step 1: Start from your heart

It might not be obvious as you try to figure out how to draft community guidelines, but it's important to be aware that there's not necessarily the right answers. Sure, there are standards of human dignity and respect. These are the things we'll discuss in the next section. The majority of requirements for your group should be based on your role as Host.


  • What kind of community would you like to build?        
  • What values do you have?        
  • What do you stand for?        
  • What's crucial to you?        

Consider what want to see in an online community. Also, be upfront about what you care about, and make sure your community is reflective of you.

It doesn't mean that you won't listen to your Ideal members. We'll go there next. But the place to start is with your clear vision.

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2. Contact your members

After you've considered the guidelines that are most important to you, surely check with your colleagues. This could be a chance to have a meeting with three or four of your most valued members, or those who are super engaged, to get their feedback.

This could mean you are going to survey all of your members to get ideas for what they consider important to them. You might even draft guidelines and share them within your group to solicit opinions from the people.

Inquiring from your members about what they value in community guidelines will mean you've got their buy-in also. Don't be shocked to hear that they have some great guidelines that you may have missed.

It's the power of many perspectives.

If you're in search of clarification on the community's guidelines, the members you already have or the early adopters will be an excellent source of wisdom.

Third Step: Set the guidelines for respect and kindness.

In deciding what type of guidelines you'd like to create, a lot of the basic requirements are based on compassion and respect.

Do not take it as a given that people show each other kindness and respect. Be sure to specify what your expectations are.


     This community we...


  •         treat all members equally , regardless of their origins or their identity.            
  •         Resist the urge to offer advice or instruct individuals what to do and ask questions instead.            
  •         Be aware that every person can contribute something of value Make room for everyone to talk.            

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4. Establish the guidelines for quality, and have a clear focus

While it might not be as obvious as interpersonal guidelines, principles to determine the high-quality and the focus of your community are important as well.

Imagine, for instance, the damage to your community that constant bombardment could cause. Or members who share explicit or inappropriate material.

Another example is it your desire for the members of your community to discuss topics which are politically sensitive? There might be a place for discussions on this type of material in some groups however, you'll need be able to determine the kind of content you would like to see in your group or whether you'd prefer to ask people not to post it. And unless this type content is going to create an enriching, more healthy group discussion, and you have the space to do the discussion justice, it might just be better not to discuss it.

In putting rules in place for how you expect members to behave towards one another and what type of content they are permitted to publish, you've completed quite a bit of work.

Below are some example guidelines for quality and focus:


  •         We'd love to hear about projects you're developing, however be careful not to spam or selling anything in the community or to members in the chatroom.            
  •         We are dedicated to lively discussions but we do not want to engage in highly politicized subjects that people may be divided on. The ability to agree to participate part of a community, but not agree with each other on any issue.          
  •         Do not publish explicit or explicit material in the online community.            

Phase 5: Create the guidelines for operations and business

Unless your community is open to the public, it's more than an online forum. It's a commercial enterprise. This means that the guidelines you follow in your community could be related to business.

Here are some business-related concerns to be considered and share with your team members:


  • Refund or cancelation policies        
  • Membership change policies        
  • What do you need to ask If you require assistance        
  • Who to report an issue or complaint and what the procedure you will be to handle these.        

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Step 6: Establish guidelines for health and wellness

A final set of principles you could use for your group is the guidelines for wellbeing and health. Communities can be a lot of work, so it is possible to make moments for you and the members of your group to unwind and relax.

For example:


  • We take Mondays and Sundays off for a day of relaxation and recharge We don't blog or respond to messages on those days. *      

7. Be positive

After we've gone over some of the elements to keep in mind when making community guidelines Let's discuss a little more about how to share these guidelines with your members. A great way to go about it is to attempt - as much as is possible - to present the guidelines in an optimistic light and provide a rationale.

For example, instead of "don't disrupt people" or "don't monopolize the conversation," you can frame this request as a positive statement:


  •         Please be attentive prior to speaking and then wait for everyone to have a turn before speaking in a second time. It creates a safe environment in which individuals feel comfortable sharing their viewpoints.          

Sometimes presenting "rules" as positive and connecting them to the motivation helps people comprehend the reasons behind them.

Step 8. Communicate them

We've been hinting at this, but let's just make it clear. The most important thing to remember when creating guidelines for your community is that you need to communicate them. They're not worth to be hidden in your community where nobody will be able to see they exist. Or worse, somewhere on your website footer!

Incorporate your community's rules into the welcome sequence ensure that people are aware of them. You might even create videos that guide new members through the guidelines, which is easy to create on your Mighty Network.

Step 9: Empower your co-Hosts

Finally, a set of community guidelines is only as good as your moderating. Perhaps you'd like to manage the moderating yourself, but as your community grows it can make sense to include co-hosts or moderators to your community in order to make sure everyone knows that they are following these guidelines.

Moderation is very important, making people feel comfortable enough to be able to communicate that they're in a secure place.

Enlist some members who share your goals or already have demonstrated that they are involved and committed to the good of the community. Designate them moderators and give them the power to help you create an atmosphere that's friendly to everyone.


These steps should have provided you with the courage to create your own good community guidelines! Though it's not easy and even seem somewhat smug following clear rules can result in those who want to be in your community and are comfortable in expressing their opinions.

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