How to Create Online Tutorials - The Ultimate Guide |

Jun 24, 2022

If you've ever had to understand how to perform something, chances are you've been through an online instructional video. From baking to auto mechanics from photoshop to bookkeeping there's a tutorial for all the things you can think of.

A few are basic tutorials that you watch on YouTube for about 30 seconds to get the info that you require. Others are in-depth, complex tutorials that you purchase. However, all of them have one thing to offer - they'll teach the steps to follow for doing something you want to achieve.

In this article, we're walking you through how to make the online course. If you have something you want to teach online, and you're looking for an alternative method to an online class, a tutorial can be a more hands-on, focused way to share your knowledge.

We'll teach you how to make online tutorials that will impress your audience. We'll reveal the secret to creating a good tutorial and show you how to plan it, build it, and even sell it. Then, we'll guide you through the process of creating your very first tutorial with .

If you want more support to build your online course as well as a community, sign up to OUR Mighty Community for free and meet other new and established community owners! We'd love to meet you. Register at no cost!

    In this post...

1. How to create online tutorials that rock - 5 secrets

2.Planning your online tutorial

2.1. Choose your ideal student

2.2. Choose your learning objective

2.3. Choose your delivery model

3. Choose your tech

3.1. Outlining your material

4. What you'll need for creating an online tutorial

4.1. Gear

4.2. Screen capture software

4.3. Platform

5. How to monetize an online tutorial

5.1. Affiliate marketing or ads

5.2. Selling into coaching or consulting

5.3. The tutorial is free of charge.

6. How to create online tutorials that include

6.1. Create your tutorial

6.2. Live vs. recordings

6.3. Create a tutorial bundle

6.4. Invite your family members!

6.5. Deliver the tutorial


How do you create online tutorials that are a hit Five techniques

If you're wondering what to do about creating online tutorials, let's set down a couple of top practices prior to getting to the nuts and bolts of doing this. So here are 5 secrets to creating an effective online tutorial:


  • Focus on the subject by definition, a tutorial needs to be in focus. It's not an online course that has a wider area of coverage (although the online course may include tutorials within it). You should have a particular learning objective with a narrow focus.    
  • Don't be shy In college, a tutorial is about how to apply material. Make sure your course has a strong emphasis on applying. Some of the best tutorial videos will simply record your performing some thing.    
  • Find out who is it to be used for: We'll go into it in detail below However, creating a lesson plan isn't limited to the material you want to share - You can only determine this by figuring out who the tutorial is for.      
  • Make it easy: Sometimes the best instructional videos are easy. Do not bother with complex technology such as advanced video editing or lengthy slide show Instead, simply let people know what they would like to be able to see.    
  • Make sure you are a standout: A 15-minute tutorial from a robotic voice reading scripts is a recipe for your viewers to succumb to boredom. Make sure to add some personality to the online course!    

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Planning your online tutorial

Choose your ideal student

One of the first things to figure out while creating an online tutorial is who it's actually for.

If you're selling it, or not it is essential for a tutorial to be successful to focus on someone.

We like to think of this as an ideal employee or a perfect student. Simply, identify the kind of person this is aimed at. Most often, this is someone who has a certain type of challenge.



  • A first-time small business owner who is having difficulty with keeping track of their inventory        
  • An accountant is learning about a new software        
  • A life coach learning how to make use of email to attract customers        
  • An overview of the levels in the newest video game        

From business to entertainment There's a great number of people looking for tutorials.

If you can figure out precisely what the most ideal student would like to get out of an instructional session, you could create it in their mind. Be sure to talk to or talk to a handful of ideal students to find out the specific issues they face.

Choose your learning objective

You must then decide what your course will be able to be teaching. This is called a learning objective. However, we prefer calling this a Big Purpose.

Your Big Purpose will be what your course gives to people who attend it. The best approaches to defining this is to transform it into a Big Goal declaration.

An A-Grade Statement appears like this:


Choose your delivery model

The next thing to do is figure out how you want to present your online course. Would you like to post the video with the world via YouTube without cost? Are you interested in embedding it on the website of your business by using Vimeo?

Maybe you're looking to use a platform like for selling your course and build a business around your expertise.

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A big aspect of selecting the correct delivery method will likely depend on two aspects:


  • What are you want? Whether you want a successful online tutorial, recognition for your game walks, or make your business the top in your field that you are in, you must decide the goals you'd like to achieve.      
  • What is your target audience's needs Do they want to spend a large sum of money on your tutorial? Or are you just providing something they can get by doing a simple Google search?    

Choose the appropriate technology

Like it or not, you will always need an element of technology to deliver an online tutorial. So whether you consider yourself as a geek or not, it is your responsibility to need to know how to do this.

Certain tutorial creators prefer to go with a screen-capture software like Camtasia, pre-recording and editing tutorials. A few prefer to keep things simple. create a tutorial in the style of a webinar and record the Zoom webinar, and utilize the tool to edit it.

livestream Jess Web

Additionally, you'll need an internet-based platform to distribute your tutorial videos, whether it's a free one like YouTube or a paid online platform for courses. The details of this will be covered in the next section.

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Inlining your content

Not the last, nor is it the last, after you've completed the steps above you can sketch out your ideas for your documents. Be simple. Avoid the temptation to offer them everything you can think of rather, focus on delivering the information your students require in order to meet their academic targets.

If you decide to create a presenter or not, is up to you. If you do choose to read from a script, make sure you practice often and feel familiar with the script. Practice to the point that you are able to say the script without looking at it - this will allow you to bring lots of excitement to the performance.

However, you do not have to to script. A script might help an aspiring public speaker feel more comfortable, it can be a hindrance and make the speech seem more wooden.

You might want to draw up an outline in the hope that you're familiar with your topic, you'll do a great job speaking about it! That's what you'll do.

The things you'll need create an online course


As you consider the best way to make tutorials online, it's easy to imagine that you'll need to invest in $1,000 worth of tools to begin. There's a wide range of gear options, and a lot of famous creators utilize the most effective.

But even if you're with a tight budget, you can still have a fantastic result using minimal gear. Here are some suggestions:


  • Camera: If you're displaying on screen, then a webcam, or phone works just fine. You can try sitting on your camera inside a window and your face to the light. It's a pro tip for capturing great footage on a budget. If you're looking to do so think about buying a device like the ring light, which can be used to create high-quality videos.      
  • Microphone Ask any YouTuber, to tell that audio is more important than video. It's rare to stop the video due to scratchy images, however scratchy audio can be a deterrent. Find a device that can make your voice sound clear - and your laptop mic probably won't cut it. In the minimum, you should put in a headset and microphone so that sound picks up close to the mouth. You could also purchase a cheap USB mic or lapel condenser microphone for additional audio quality.      

Software for screen capture

If you're demonstrating how to do something on your computer screen, you'll need software to capture your screen. There are many Screen recording software that is free available.

Here's a second tip to keep it super simple. If you show your video tutorial via Zoom or a screen sharing service, then share it as well as record it - - you'll be able to create a stunning video feed + screen grab with no fancy programs. Many tutorial builders find it's enough.

Utilizing Zoom is also a way to ensure that you don't have to edit your video, sound, or screen recordings in the future. You'll be connected. (Although it's possible to record the backup of your video to avoid difficulties connecting to the internet in the course. )


And last but not the least, you need an appropriate platform for hosting this thing on! Again, choosing the best method for hosting your tutorial will depend entirely on what you want!

If you'd like to share it with the world for free, or maybe try to make money through advertisements or Affiliate marketing (below) You could opt for a YouTube channel .

If you want to sell tickets in advance and/or deliver the tutorial live , and have a recorded version to be made available later, choose a platform like , that gives you all the tools that you need to start a business from your tutorials.

Desktop MC course- Expanded

If you're employed by a company or educational institution, you could have it appearing on the corporate site.

If you're aware of what you want from your tutorial, you'll be in a better position to choose the appropriate technology.

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How to monetize an online instructional

If you're considering what you can do to make instructional videos online, it's a high chance you're also thinking about making money from your tutorial. There are many various ways of doing this and we'll go over them here:

Ads or affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is the most common method of monetizing tutorials for YouTube creators. Through an affiliate marketing revenue model, creators can demonstrate with a product. Then, they are compensated by the business if someone purchases the item.

So, for example, if someone was doing a web-design tutorial with an application such as Wix , they might be a part of the Wix affiliate program and earn a commission every time someone pays for the creation of a website with the affiliate hyperlink.

Ads work similarly as affiliate marketing, however in this model you'd be paid for advertising the item - typically not linked to an affiliate hyperlink. If you had a partnership with a company and they paid you to mention a product at the beginning of a video, it would be an ad model.

Advertisements and affiliate marketing work fairly well together, and many creators make use of both.

The issue with making money through ads as well as affiliate marketing, is that they neither will be a viable income source unless you've got massive audience numbers. Say, for example, 2percent of your visitors are likely to click an affiliate link and 2 percentage of the people who click are actually buying the affiliate. If your affiliate pays you a commission of $70 per sale, that's $140 per 5,000 views.

It's a lovely small amount of money, but it's not really a viable enterprise, nor is it a very good reward for your efforts.

Coaching or consultation

If advertising and affiliates aren't the cash cow the public believes they are, can you suggest the better way to go about it?

One way to monetize your online tutorials is by upselling them into coaching or consulting. This monetization strategy that you offer your expertise for free on YouTube and then provide a space for people to hire you to assist them or consult with you to achieve the outcome they'd like.

So, creating tutorials can help users, but they will also build your personal image and assist you achieve success in your service business.

Cost for tutorial

The easiest method to monetize a tutorial is likely to be to make it a chargeable. There aren't all tutorials something people will spend money on, but If you've picked your ideal students well and they are eager to learn the subject, they'll likely to pay an access fee.

If you do this you could create the tutorial and deliver it live or recorded (more details below) then charge your members for it. It could be a standalone, or as part of a larger online class.


Doing this also creates opportunities for your students to engage with you and the material, to have questions re-posed and to join discussion groups, or perhaps to pay for a second tutorial.

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How to create online tutorials using

In case you're wondering what you can do to make online tutorials we'll guide you through this with the help of an Mighty Network! Start for no cost and continue to build your own instructional video.

Create your course

The first step with the first step of a Mighty Network is to set up your brand new tutorial. Go to Courses in the sidebar of your new Mighty Network and that will take you to the course-builder.

As a default, we utilize the term "Courses" within . Therefore, one of the initial things to do might be to swiftly go to the settings for courses and change our courses as "Tutorials"

- tutorials

After that, we'll be able to make our very first tutorial! When you click"plus" or the "plus" icon in the tutorial tab and it gives you the possibility of creating another tutorial.

- tutorials- new tut

Then, you can configure all the essential details for your tutorial!


Select live or recorded. recorded

The next thing to do is decide whether you'll be delivering either a recorded or live instruction. OR You can choose to choose both! You could choose to give your live tutorial and have a recording you can sell access to. Additionally, those who bought access and watched it live can go back and watch for the second time.

There is a step-by-step tutorial on asynchronous vs. synchronous courses on this page.

Create a tutorial bundle

Next, you can figure out if and what the cost will be for the tutorial. Through a Mighty Network, you can offer a single fee for your tutorial OR you can set up a monthly or annually subscription fee, and provide access to the course along with membership in your community.

Click on "Charge to Access" and then your Mighty Network will walk you through creating your first plan for a tutorial.

- tutorials- Create plan

Invite your family members!

Once your tutorial is up, you can invite members to join! Your Mighty Network gives you the option of inviting new members through tagging and messaging current members, or even sharing an invite hyperlink with members who are interested! More details about this on this page.

If you make a video tutorial with , you also get an landing page that you can modify and distribute to potential students! You can buy directly on the landing page.

Send the instructional

Once you're prepared present the course in either live by dripping your content or by delivering all the content simultaneously!

Feature Item 2 - Courses


If you've completed the steps above and discovered how to make online tutorials, it's time to start! What better way to start than building your tutorials with ? It's simple, fast, and completely intuitive. Plus, isn't only a place to post your tutorials, it also gives you everything you need to start an effective tutorial business!

Don't take our word for it. You can test the product for without cost for 14 days. There is no credit card needed!

Try building your first tutorial!

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