How to use CreativeMindClass - Tutorial for New users

Aug 26, 2022

What is the best way to get started with CreativeMindClass

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Strategies for teaching classes                                

 Create your first lesson                                    

 Organize your lessons                                    

Classify your classes                                

 Managing your work                                    

 Community Feed                                    

 My homepage                                    

How CreativeMindClass is organized                                

More sources          

1. What is the best way to design a class

Everything starts with a class. Classes are products your patrons purchase, and they are among one of the main elements of CreativeMindClass. Start by creating one class and add more in time.                          Your browser does not support the video tag.

Class best practices

The class is the thing people buy on your site, therefore it's crucial to ensure that it's appealing and clear.

When you write a title for a class  ensure that the value will captivate the audience.

Create a class description that is precise and value-based. Why should someone buy the class? How the class will benefit the student?

Create a price. Your price will be the price your students be able to pay in the currency of your choice.

Create a class-cover image . Present yourself and the final artwork your students will be working on, or show your own workspace. Top it up with layers of colorful icons, drawings, or some text.

In a video trailer , present your face, examples pieces of work you've done, and the process. Include a voiceover, some licensed music. Make sure you mention exercises and that students can upload artworks and get feedback.

2. The best way to begin your first lesson

Lessons can be described as the building blocks of the class. They contain your videos.

lesson plan preview

Lesson best practices

Include to your lesson relevant assignments or other attachments for greater background. It is possible to preview the lesson anytime.

  • For a title for a lesson  make sure you are specific in the topic you're instructing.

Create a description of the lessonparticular and inform your students know what they are likely to learn.

The lesson cover photo gives a glimpse of the class.

Upload video lessons of 5-15 minutes. Create a simple lesson and inform your viewers that in a brief introduction to your lesson, what your lesson will be and explain the exercises and inform them about work upload and feedback.

Add exercises to an entire lesson or in multiple lessons.

Upload files using lessons plans, hands-on exercises, sketches or inspirations, cheat sheets, or work documents such as Adobe Photoshop PSDs or Illustrator AIs.

3. Organize your lessons

Leçons for groups with the sections

Sections group lessons with similar topics. They can make more efficient learning and track progress for students.

lesson sections preview

A few ideas to create sections within CreativeMindClass

There is no limit to the titles you can add to your section like introduction, meet your Teacher, Before we start, Needed materials, Hands-on exercises, or finishing thoughts or any other.

Sort your lessons

You can alter the sequence of your lessons or move a lesson to a different area by pressing "Sort" and drag & drop.

4. Make your class available for publication                      Your browser does not support the video tag.

Publish your class, lessons or exercises when you are at your best. The students can look over them prior to publication to ensure they look exactly how you'd like.


Drafts can only be seen by those who are. They can be saved, edited and view your work and then publish it when you're at your best. Later, if you unpublish the class, it will not be visible to anyone, even for people who have already bought it.


The classes that are published are accessible for everyone. The classes are shown along with video trailers, lessons titles and descriptions of lessons, as well as times, as well as exercise and attachments numbers. Videos of lessons are available only after purchasing an entire class.

Class purchased

Classes purchasedappear on the student area. After payment, a student is able to view the videos and read the exercise description or upload the exercises to receive feedback. Also, students can download lesson attachments.

5. Where can I find uploaded student work and provide feedback

When your website is moving forward as students produce projects based upon your instructions, CreativeMindClass gives you an opportunity to offer feedback to remain on top.                          Your browser does not support the video tag.

Students' works

Student's works showcase the works your students uploaded below your lessons. Visit students' work throughout the day and see the updates for artworks that are due to be uploaded.


Feedback for Students' works is set up as a filtered "To Do" checklist to ensure you are at the top of your job. It is easy to identify who needs to get feedback as well as go through the archives of artworks created by your students.

6. Community Feed

The various actions that can be taken are used to create the Community Feed stories, including your comments, posts news announcements for classes and comments.

post preview


Posts are visible to everyone. This way your audience gets a feeling of learning experience and also the social network you're creating. Write posts that help your readers, make an opportunity, publish news, and more.


Leave a comment on a blog message to ask questions, provide extra information, or share your thoughts.

Commentaries on posts will be displayed at the bottom of the page.

Every person who comes to your site will be able to read the posts.

Only you and your students may post comments.

7. My Home Page

My Homepage  contains your page building blocks.

homepage preview

My homepage best practices

Edit My Homepage block pages to create your portal for selling. Invite people to introduce yourself. people to take classes.

  • Portal Promo is a section that explains the core of the portal. It's your name, what it is all about as well as a concise one-liner.

3 sections (short) is a place to create an efficient elevator pitch. Each with a short sentence. Inform the newcomers about what they can find through your website.

Three Sections (long) present the plan you have for your students. Explain to them what they can learn from your class.

The promo for classes is similar to the business card you use to advertise your classes. It should be concise and easy to read.

Public profile helps students recognise your name immediately. An excellent way to show your professionalism as teacher. Tell people what you do most well.

8. How is CreativeMindClass managed?

The lessons and classes comprise the most fundamental elements of CreativeMindClass.

  1. The teacher is YOU. Upload content , and manage your teaching space from the dashboard.

Space for teaching is the homepage, classes, and the feed for community members.

Students are your target audience or followers. They have attended at the very least one class. Students purchase your classes in one time (not the subscription) using online payment.

Student space is a place in which a student can watch purchased videos, uploads lesson exercises and downloads the lesson's attachments.

Class materials are things that the people who attend your class purchase. They include a video you can use to promote your class. There are many classes you can add in your online portal.

Videos are lessons in the class. There are many videos you can use as well as add exercise or attachments. Lessons are organized into segments for the lesson to help you understand.

Exercises & Attachments are a element of the lesson. You can add it to one lesson or to each one. Use them to create an amazing learning experience. Exercises come with an easy upload feature for your student's working.

Community Feed is like your private Instagram. Everyone can see the content and comments but only your students are active community members.

Posts are part of a Community Feed. It is easy to control them via the dashboard.

Feedback Comments appear in the Community Feed when you comment on a student's work. It is notified when the student uploads their work to provide feedback.

Teachers' comments and students' comments are appearing in the comments section below posts.

More resources to aid you in your learning CreativeMindClass

When you've mastered the fundamentals Once you have mastered the basics, you are able to build upon them. The CreativeMindClass team will too. We offer a wide range of getting started resources so anybody can figure out what they would like to.


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This post was first seen on CreativeMindClass