How Valeria Hernandez built a mindful health coach business, while also avoiding

Aug 1, 2022

Learn how health expert and Creator Fellowship Winner Valeria Hernandez is building an online business that is successful and helping women embrace the benefits of plant-based food that reflect their heritage.

When Valeria Hernandez faced obstacles with her physical health, she discovered the value of intuitive eating as well as plant-based nutrition. Determined to incorporate this wisdom to the traditional cooking methods, Valeria started crafting authentic Mexican dishes with vegan ingredients.

Today, Valeria shares those discoveries via the VegiVale  the plant-based health coaching business that helps clients eat more delicious fruits and vegetables, enjoy the cultural foods they love and lead a more energetic life.

However, Valeria's journey as a creator wasn't always smooth sailing.

Through the course of her journey, Valeria faced a toxic business culture within the online sector and felt pressured by the pressure to conform to the flow of events even though her intuition pulled her in a different direction. She also learned how to transform her thinking from employee to decision-making entrepreneur, balancing a growing company with her regular 9-5 timetable.

In tackling these obstacles, Valeria was able to sculpt her dream company, design an efficient work-life balance and carve her own path.

Here's how Valeria inspires women to embrace the plant-based diet that honor their culture as well as establishing the business of coaching based on authenticity along the way.

The first steps to get started within the wellness industry

In the beginning the time, she was in a town that was a place where no one knew her. When she graduated from college, and settling into a full-time job, Valeria was lonely. Her physical health was not great too. Valeria was following an all-vegan diet for couple of years, but was unable to find satisfying and satisfying meal options.

"I was just a little flimsy about into it when I started my vegan path. I resorted to eating french fries and salad at the dining hall at college, and it was not allowing me to get all my nutrients. It was not surprising I didn't feel great."

Finding a way to address both issues at once, Valeria found connections within the vegan community. She hired a health professional that specialized in eating plant-based and learned what food items she should consume to keep her active, meet her nutritional requirements, and feel better all over .

Utilizing the lessons that her coach instructed her led to making a 180deg shift. Motivated, Valeria become a health coach to help other individuals live their most fulfilling lives.

Valeria was a coach with a network marketing company however she wasn't a fan of how the program focused heavily on dieting and weight loss. She felt limited by the single-to-many approach to coaching and stressed by the constant pressure to amass many more clients.

Valeria dreamed of creating the perfect, personalized experience for her clients that gave her more freedom. Then, 2020 happened.

With the world in turmoil, Valeria thought it was time to do things the way she wanted to.

The first clients we meet

Then Valeria realized she could turn on her connections from the past to gain experience and develop her idea for a business.

First, Valeria leveraged contacts she'd made via network marketing. They already knew about her coaching style and were interested in a high-touch, one-on-one experience.

Following that, Valeria reached out to her friends from the group she had met through school, her community families, connections to family members, and mutual friends.

Initially, it was nerve-wracking to discuss the business plan she had in mind to "real-life" family members and friends ones, but these people proved to be some of her biggest fans.

Since then, her company grew. "I started doing one-on-one coaching and really liked it" she tells us.

"I've pivoted a couple of different directions in my work, but my main passion is still helping people to eat more plant-based foods. My goal is not to make anyone change to a vegan diet. Most of my clients don't even consider themselves vegetarians however, I am focused on helping people eat more plants and listen to their bodies."

The choice to narrow down

After a few customers under her belt, Valeria had a better grasp of the way she wanted her company to be like. Next, she needed to identify her audience. But the thought of narrowing her target audience- - and the potential pool of clients was a bit daunting initially.

"It's tempting to to design something to please everyone and help as many people as is possible."

In the present, Valeria believes that serving a specific niche is part of what is what makes her company stand out. She decided to focus on providing services to women of color since she observed that these customers often had the same problems she experienced in her own experience.

"I thought this might be an awesome subset of my clients as a Latina, I understand what they're going through. I'm able to speak about certain issues that they're struggling with that maybe other persons don't."

Valeria customized her programs in order to aid women from different backgrounds to incorporate their cultural cuisines in their food choices.

"I help them reconnect with their food traditions because people are often told that traditional foods are unhealthy but that's not always accurate," Valeria elaborates. "That mentality is rooted in diet culture as well as white supremacy. So eliminating all that is based on helping people with their health is my goal."

"There seven billion people in the world. If you want to aid everybody and speak to everybody but you're actually speaking to no one. It's a lot more powerful when you can focus on a smaller number of people you have built community with... because they understand that you're communicating specifically to the people they are talking to."

Making use of a simplified simple business

After having a clear idea of her business plan and deciphering the target market, Valeria turned to to build her own virtual home base. She currently sells health coaching sessions as well as a online cookbook that features plants-based Mexican recipes through her website.

Being a customer, Valeria knew making different logins for several platforms in order to gain access to a creator's content was frustrating. Valeria didn't want to force clients through the exact thing.

" simplifies the process both on the side of the entrepreneur and on the client's aspect. [Customers] can log in with one account, and can use it to access every product they have purchased from me."

Valeria is also clear that you don't need to use the same expensive equipment as entrepreneurs earning six or seven figures when you're first starting out. Utilizing these expensive programs won't assure you of similar results. Likewise, having to pay for huge monthly bills can add an unnecessary burden.

" really helps streamline things. I'm all for simplicity, especially at this stage within my company."

Help for fellow creators and entrepreneurs!

In response to a question about what her advice is for budding entrepreneurs Valeria expressed how important it is to listen to your gut, discover work-life balance, be decisive, and prioritize the health of your body and mind.

Listen to your inner voice and go with what you feel is natural

In her time at the helm of VegiVale , Valeria learned that doing your own thing is what makes your company unique.

"Put your blinders back since it's tempting to take a look at what everybody other people are doing. If you see one hundred people who are doing the same thing then you're likely to desire to join in too," she remarks. "It's absolutely natural to compare .... But the beautiful thing about being an artist is that you are one of a one of a kind. Nobody else can accomplish your work the way you do it."

"The beautiful part about being a writer is that you're one of one of a kind. Nobody else can accomplish the same thing as you, and in the manner you approach it."
"Even although there are thousands of health experts on the market, I'm sure the moment I speak, it will land differently as opposed to when someone else is saying exactly the same thing. Our messages will speak to different people. If you are trying to be part of the crowd, you'll will lose your unique voice."

This, Valeria explains, is your special sauce when you are a writer.

Valeria advises entrepreneurs to embrace what feels good regardless of making your own choices within your industry. "Everyone's using TikTok at the moment," she points out, "There are so many health experts on there. I thought I was missing out. When I first joined, it was a bit of a shock however, it didn't match my vibe."

For Valeria This format seemed more authentic and enjoyable.

"I cannot say everything I need to say in 15 to 60 seconds. But newsletters have stood up to the years. I want something more lasting if I'm willing put my energy into it. If I were to follow the masses I'd do TikTok and forget that it's difficult for me and I'm not a fan of the experience."

This doesn't mean it's a good idea to ignore anychallenge in your business If something is causing you drag your feet consider other options.

Establish a healthy work-life balance

However, many entrepreneurs are caught in the mistake of working too hard.

    Sometimes, the toxic hustle culture can be the cause.    

In the days of network marketing, Valeria always felt pressured to work hard and gain clients. It was her job to work till late in the evenings after her work hours and miss out on quality time with family members.

However, hustling around the clock didn't yield the desired results and Valeria's mental condition deteriorated due to her absence from the people she loved and her family.

    In other instances, designers overwork because they're passionate.    

"Creators have a higher risk of being harmed because we love what we do. It is easy to blur the line between work and passion as well as life and the creation of content. If you're truly passionate about your work and what you want to achieve is clear, it's hard to switch off."

Valeria's solution: Take control of your schedule and structure your company to ensure you have the time and flexibility you need.

"I have seen numerous entrepreneurs and creatives quit their 9-5 jobs and then re-create that same structure for their own business," Valeria says. "Why would you do that? What is the reason you would only have two days off in a week during the week on Saturday and Sunday? Doesn't this defeat the point?"

You're the boss, therefore you can:

Have a day off whenever you need to.

Do less work and never feel guilty.

Decide to take less clients, so that you can are able to have more time.

Make achievable goals for yourself in a time-bound, realistic plan.

Do not follow the tradition just because it's popular.

"Don't lose sight of what's most important," Valeria reminds fellow creators. "You have a whole life that isn't just online."

Trust yourself when making big decision

In the beginning of her career, Valeria struggled to make crucial choices. Today, she is aware that listening to her gut and taking a decision is crucial in advancing her business.

"The method you work in a nine-to-five job is quite different than how you operate as an entrepreneur" she explains.

"In an ordinary job you have deadlines, tasks as well as steps. But you have someone guiding you. When you're an entrepreneur, it's just you. You're calling the shots and making choices, and you must be confident about these decisions."

It can create quite a burden for a new creator. When she's stuck and struggling, Valeria reminds herself that "not taking a decision is inherently a deliberation." This allows her to form her thoughts and implement a strategy.

It is important to prioritize your physical and mental wellbeing

In the end, Valeria emphasizes how important it is to take care of your health. In her travels, Valeria noticed that when she was not feeling well either mentally or physically the business was affected. If she was feeling great the business thrived.

To keep wellness at the forefront, Valeria follows the same advice she gives her coaching clients. "How can I instruct my clients to rest for 8 hours every night, drink their water and eat their vegetables when I'm not doing that?" she says.

"I always ask myself, "If I were my client, what would I tell myself to say in this circumstance""

What's the next step for VeviVale?

Valeria has already assisted many women from diverse backgrounds live better lives by utilizing her VegiVale's contents  program, publications, and newsletter  We know this is just the beginning.

"With the help by my virtual assistant, we're currently developing an online course that will be launched in the coming months. It's in the baby stage at present, however I'd be unable to develop it without her assistance," Valeria notes.

In embracing her distinct voice, ensuring the balance of work and family and making difficult decisions and prioritizing wellness, Valeria built a freeing and exciting online company. By establishing a solid foundation there is no limit to what she can do. We're eager to see what she does next!