Ingenious Ideas for Online Courses: Top Topics with Examples

Aug 6, 2022

 How do you create an online course that is interesting and engaging

The realm of online learning and educational technology has evolved quickly. With the advent of the internet has made it feasible to start online courses without much more restrictions than had previously been possible with traditional courses. Even so, this area is still a niche area, with lots of people struggling to grasp the nature of online education as well as the kind of classes which are actually interesting for people.

 What do people want to know?

You'll be amazed by the variety of classes offered on many different platforms.

The real question is: what do the people who are in the niche you are in want to study?If you are in the realm of art, as are those who are creative it is likely they're looking to master anything related to design, illustration, graphic design, photography, animation and more, but that can be very distinct. Certain people might seek to develop their abilities within a couple of certain areas. While others could be looking to acquire all aspects of the fieldat the basic level.

 Top 10 most profitable online courses categories:

There are hundreds of classes online which will have distinct subjects of focus. There are a few specific courses that are designed to the general populace and provide an understanding of the basic concepts in a certain subject. If you're planning to instruct something like the art of teaching, here's an overview of top trending courses in the creative field:

  1. Animation
  2. Creative Writing, Story Telling and Creative Writing
  3. Design
  4. Illustration
  5. Film & Photo
  6. Fine Art
  7. Graphic Design
  8. Music
  9. UI/UX design
  10. Web development

 Topics and Examples of Online Courses


Topic example: "Combining illustration with photography"

ideas for online courses
Source: Combining illustration and photography


Topic example: "Discover inner symbolism and apply them to build your own visual universe"

ideas for online courses
Source: Discover your inner symbols and use them to build your own visionary universe

Topic example: "Drawing Guided Meditation Path"

ideas for online courses
Source: Drawing Guided Meditation Path

Topic example: "Surrealistic illustration with narrative intention"

ideas for online courses
Source: Surrealistic illustration with an intention to tell a story

Example of a topic: "Watercolor and mixed media to create magical illustrations"

Watercolor and mixed media for magical illustrations
Source: Watercolor and mixed media to create stunning illustration

 Where to create an online course

One of the best options for making an online online class is to take advantage of the existing business offerings from various companies. Many of the most reputable technology and software companies provide the ability to integrate online learning platforms or websites. They are completely available for use at no cost for a limited duration, and then provide an annual fee to subscribe for custom content and training.

 How do you promote online classes successfully?

It's not a secret that the promotion and marketing of online courses is a challenge for marketers and creators. There are three methods to help you ensure that your online marketing is a success and make money in the field of art or a creator.

1. Make sure you are in front of your intended audience as quickly as you can.

This means creating a website and a few online classes that are already in place. Also, create a Facebook page, a Twitter account, and a blog. This is a great place to communicate with your followers and also to advertise the unique course offerings which you're offering.

Get your marketing out there in order to draw them into your course. It's as simple as sending them some emails that explain the reason why your course is unique and why they should take immediately. If you can get them signed to the course for free prior to and they don't mind signing up for a course that is paid in the future.

2. Incentives to advertise the course online.

Be sure to make it an excellent deal to get them to benefit from the offer. If you are charging too much then they will not do it. But if you price it way too low, then the cost might be a waste of money for the customer.
Do a quick price check online. You can, for instance, test your pricing strategy to see what works best for your target audience.

3. Use social media to get more engagement and promotion for your online course for free.

Be sure to interact with your audience through all social media platforms.
If you're making public announcements on your course that is free, then you have to become actively engaged on social media as possible. Get in front of the most people you can with a Facebook account or Twitter account and YouTube channel Pinterest page, etc.
When you receive new signups, make sure to follow up with them. Insist on getting them onto an email or a waiting list as soon as is possible. Give them the option to buy an signed version of your book also.

 Earn money through online courses

The most important thing is to get your most important ideas on the market. The only way to achieve the highest quality version of your self as a creator of courses is to utilize my personal knowledge to aid others. The most effective way to become more proficient at drawing, better at illustrating, better at generating creative ideas by helping others improve.

If you offer one item for free on the internet, you're going to find many more talented, passionate people that want to take lessons from you. But don't give everything for free!

Start earning cash by selling online courses.

At the beginning, all you must do is make as much money as you can to reach the point where you have enough money to carry on your business. It is likely that you'll have several hundred dollars in addition to your bank account. It will be enough to cover a year of art supplies so you can be content with your earnings from art.

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