
Jun 16, 2022

Skateboarder and community organizer Briana King places their love for their sport and community over all else. Building a career out of these passions has happened very naturally for Briana since she explains to me "I've done everything out of passion and enjoyment, not just because it was necessary to be an occupation of any kind."

Find out about how Briana leverages the website as well as social media channels to remain connected to their skateboarding community on and off the internet.

Community building through products

For Briana Their website highlights all aspects of their company on one page including skate events, merchandise to purchase, and connects to their vibrant group of fans on social media.

"It provides me with a platform to share my ideas and future meetings," Briana states on their website, "but it also motivates me to explore new concepts."

One of those concepts was the idea of launching their own online store, where they sell products related to skateboarding. Briana considers the products an additional way to connect with their community--by giving the members of the community "something which makes them feel happy or smile."

Briana has also hired an acquaintance who skateboards to oversee their online business. "I believe we need to be a part of the community in any possible way. Everything I ever do goes to my local community."