Make a difference! Gutenberg Membership Blocks for

Sep 29, 2023

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    With the release of 1.11.7 All widgets now serve to function as membership blocks for Gutenberg. It's amazing to think that thinking outside the box' could bring the same benefits?

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Widgets vs. Blocks: SloooowMeets the Fasssst

In the past when widgets were the most popular tools for adding expanded functions to a WordPress website.

And today, depending on your theme it is possible to incorporate any widgets (having any number of features) to approximately 3 places on your site:

  1. Your Sidebar
  2. Your Footer Your Footer
  3. Your Header

It's easy - but it is also limiting.

Today, you could say widgets are the phones that rotate in WordPress they are reliable and functional, but not really built to be used in our ultra-modern digital environment.

Enter Gutenberg Blocks.

WATCH >> this full tutorial shows you how to make use of gutenberg's membership blocks

If a widget is a rotary phone, then a Gutenberg block could be the next generation iPhone.

This is because blocks don't have to be confined as widgets are. Blocks are able to go wherever your content can. And this freedom puts you in total creative and functional control.

In the event of making a mess of metaphors, we can put it another approach: Switching from widgets to blocks could be like changing your skates from training to the electric skateboard.

That being the case that it's the perfect time to start moving! Let's take a look at how Gutenberg Membership Blocks will propel your company to the next level!

Before that, take a look at 5 reasons for why...

The Blocks You're Going to Love Are Definitely a Hit

1. Their Drag-and Drop Ease

Like fitting puzzle pieces together, anyonecan drag blocks about to make pages. It's so easy, even your pet could manage this (that could be, provided you had hands).

Dog working on a laptop

2. They can save you time on Design

With blocks, you don't have to bother with the back-and-forth between your view and your backend in order to check how things are looking.

What you see is what you get. It is easy to design your layout in real-time and see your modifications appear immediately on the screen.

3. They allow for incredible layout flexibility

With blocks, you can include text sections and multimedia next to each other either above or beneath the one, and in any way your mind thinks of it.

In reality, everyone can unleash their creative side and design stunning pages by using Gutenberg's membership blocks. This is true regardless of whether you're a veteran or new to the idea of the art of design.

4. 4. Have Amazing Adaptability

Blocks are able to seamlessly adapt to desktop and mobile layouts. There is no need to fuss with settings or code. It just happens like magic!

By using blocks, you can appear as a sly sub-par person you can imagine, yet your website will look stylish and look incredibly professional.

Gutenberg Membership Blocks for  fancy dog

LEARN MORE >> Gutenberg Membership Blocks Help Docs

5. You'll Future-Proof Your Presentation

Gutenberg is the future for WordPress. Because of that, its blocks are constantly upgraded with brand new features.

So when you use blocks to design your site, you're making sure the work you've put into it evolves in line with current trends. Not only are you staying relevant but you're also one step ahead of the game.

The Gutenberg Membership Blocks are now available. Gutenberg Membership Blocks for

Gutenberg Membership Blocks for  interface

The power behind its popularity is two-fold:

  1. It's extremely easy to use, and needs zero coding ability.
  2. Despite this ease-of-use, it's one of the most powerful and fully-featuredplugin in its class.

All that was true in the withered days of widgets, long before blocks came along.

With the fact that we've expanded all of the widgets to work like Gutenberg Blocks making using them simpler.

Through our Gutenberg membership blocks allow you to do the following actions anyplaceon your site...

  • Memberships can be sold
  • Display a clickable list of digital downloads
  • Your members can log in or log in to access their account pages
  • and more!

Then, for the nuts and bolts...

LEARN MORE >> Gutenberg Membership Blocks Help Docs

Sell Memberships Anywhere

 Registration Block pull out
add your signup form anywhere on your website using the block for registration

The Registration Block gives your sales strategy an extra boost when you keep your customers in the loop when they're fascinated.

In lieu of trying to promote your membership or services in a hidden widget, it is better to position your CTA in a place where the public can be able to see it:

  • Within the middle of an extremely-interesting piece
  • A moving and uplifting testimonial.

With the registration block, you are able to embed a simple-to-use registration form where your website's content is most popular and your viewers are the most engaged.

Making the purchase option precisely where the interest of users is highest...

  • It increases the number of impulse sign-ups,
  • ensures that the user experience is smooth, and
  • increases your conversion rate

This is a trio that's winning.

Show Clickable Lists of Digital Downloads

 Download Block single and multiple
Add value to your downloads and keep them at the forefront of your mind by using the download blocker

If you're a digital media seller and you're selling digital content, the Download Block is the Swiss Army knife - compact yet versatile and extremely practical.

This Gutenberg Membership Block, you can place the list of resources that are available for download directly in the places where readers are involved in your content.

Consider things such as...

  • ebooks
  • checklists
  • Reports
  • digital courses
  • Videos
  • You can name it!

You don't have to quarantine your downloads to a dusty corner of your site.

In addition, you could use the download block to highlight it in the thick of your top-performing articles or alongside the most captivating webpages.

Paywall Paradise

 Protected Block screenshots
Keep your information safe from being viewed by a snooper with the block that is protected

Looking for an angel of protection? Then you've got one! It's not a bad thing, at least your contents certainly got one - and it's called the Block that is Protected. Block.

Not all content is created equal. Some of it may be worth the money. Straight and simple.

The Protected Block can help you protect valuable content from prying eyes by dropping an paywallor action-gate(e.g. or an email address restriction) exactly where you require it.

Wall Street Journal lead-in paywall
An article lead in on The Wall Street Journal website

Give your site visitors a motivating sneak peak with lead-in paywalls (like you see in big online pubs).

There is also the option to cover professional tips or exclusive downloadables in a secure block.

The sky is the limit.

You're not only guarding your content. You're making a feeling of exclusivity and urgency.

The greatest benefit of using this Protected Block is that...

  1. You increase the perceived value of your premium stuff AND
  2. In the meantime, you (A) receive important user info or (B) create a sales

This is a deal that's 2-for-one.

Roll Out Your Customers the Red Carpet for Your Customers

 Account Info and Login Blocks screenshots
You can give them the ultimate convenience with the accounts login blocks

The next set consisting of 4 Gutenberg membership blocks lets you put the red carpet on the digital front of your customer's doorstep. These are...

  •   account form block  
  •   Account Links Block  
  • Account Information Block and
  •   Login Form Block  

By using these blocks, you never have to disrupt your customers' experience through sending them out in search of essential functions like login or account access.

In addition, you could make access available virtually everywhere on your website. It is possible to ensure that the most important features are always an easy click away in the areas your users need the most.

Happy  customer leaving positive reviews

The easier you make it for users to log in or sign out to access their accounts, the happier and more active they'll become.

In the world of online membership, these two factors are your ticket to continuous growth and income.

In the end, satisfied, engaged customers tend to remain loyal.

ReadyLaunch(tm) Blocks

Learn how you can auto-style your pages in 1 minute

When it comes to online design, ReadyLaunch(tm) is where the Gutenberg magical takes place. It's kind of like your membership site's Narnia wardrobe.

Lucy opening the wardrobe in Chronicles of Narnia
It's all set to launch.

With just a few magical actions in just a few clicks in the ReadyLaunch(tm) interface and you'll be able to leave your site appearing as though it was designed by a pro.

Here are just some of the advantages that these Gutenberg blocks can bring to the table:

 A uniform look. Simple to put together.

With ReadyLaunch(tm), your settings are pre-configured. All you do is add your images and colors.

Every block that you include on your website has a branded, professional appearance - with no additional effort needed.

Always Ready to Sell.

The blocks can be put wherever you want - in article, among testimonials, or even on pages that are dedicated to them.

And they're not just visual appealing, but they're made to boost sales. Every block's layout is deliberate and is based on the best techniques.

Friendly User Interface that keeps the Users Happy.

ReadyLaunch(tm) blocks keep your site organized and easy to navigate, by making it easier for users to use the site. interaction.

ReadyLaunch™ by  screenshot and features montage

The irresistible ease of use keeps new customers coming back - as well asinspires existing customers to make the switch.

There is no need to code.

You don't have to be an expert in technology to utilize ReadyLaunch(tm). The Gutenberg blocks let you develop your site as an expert if you thought CSS was a great TV show on primetime.

Fast Installation. Fast Cash Flow.

Forget about wasting time on complicated configurations. By using ReadyLaunch(tm) blocks it is just a matter of minutes becoming an income-generating machine.

They're extremely simple to operate and makes the creation of a professional membership website very simple. When we say ReadyLaunch(tm) can take you from no-site to selling-ready within a matter of hours, we're not exaggerating.

Wrapping It Up: Unleash the Powerful Potential of Gutenberg Membership Blocks. Gutenberg Membership Blocks for

woman pointing at Gutenberg Membership Blocks for

Here you are The amazing selection of Gutenberg membership blocks . They are all designed to enhance your site and make it easier to manage your life.

From the transformative Registration Block and the unstoppable paywalling capability of the secured block We've discussed how these small blocks can give a big boost to your online marketing game.

There's a most delicious part - ReadyLaunch(tm) blocks.

For those who aren't tech-savvy, speed-crunched, and really, any personwho is looking for a beautiful website that is high-converting without breaking a sweat, ReadyLaunch(tm) is a must-have powerful player.

More than just digital Legos to create websites, these blocks are strategic tools that bring your content and sales goals to reality.

Each block is unique and has distinct revenue-raising specialties regardless of...

  • Sign-ups for driving impulse
  • Protecting exclusive content
  • making essential account features easy to access
  • And more!

The best aspect? Blocks are all wrapped with the brand-name armor of ReadyLaunch(tm). Your website will is not just performslike the picture of a movie, it is also designed to looklike one too.

cta character

Start Today!

Start getting paid for the content you produce.

With these blocks, you'll be able to transform your site into something more than just a website. Your website can become a active marketplace or a hub for community as well as your best assets for your business.

Why are you sitting around to? Go out and get set to roar with a vengeance using Gutenberg Membership Blocks for the upcoming day!