Make Health Tech Education Easy through an LMS

Apr 13, 2022

Return time just a few rotations around the sun , and it will take you 13 years for you to sequence your DNA. The cost of this will be somewhere near $1 billion. The same task could be accomplished in less than an hour, at a cost of less than $100.

Health Tech, which services the health care industry, is always developing. Blink and you'll nearly be missing advancements such as 3D printed implants printed on-demand and biometric sensors that provide continuous and uninterrupted health monitoring, and yes - even personalized care that's geared specifically to the specific DNA you have.

Making sure that their clients are aware of the latest developments is one of the goals which education in health technology companies aims to achieve however there's more to it beyond that. Let's dive in.

What exactly is the definition of Health Tech?

It is the World Health Organization defines Health Tech as "the application of organized knowledge and skills in the form of devices, medicines, vaccines, procedures and systems created to resolve a health problem and improve quality of lives." This definition is the broadest category which deserves a little clarification before going any farther.

The environment is an extensive one. It includes newer areas like electronic GP record devices, medical equipment such as medical computer software applications that let you connect to an GP via video call, electronic assistive tech, AI powered drug discovery, nano-medicine, medical robotics, neuroscience, and more. Ultimately, health tech organizations strive to support physicians and improve their results and experiences using technological advances, even though they each have distinct specialization and approaches.

Studies show that digital-first services are increasing in demand in particular because patients are more excited about the ease of health care that is delivered using virtual channels. It's a significant consideration considering that Health Tech is becoming increasingly in medical professionals' practices and their everyday interactions with patients.

This is a growing trend and healthcare technology companies are now having an possibility to offer education to their customers to allow healthcare staff and healthcare organizations to stay current with the latest technology, processes and procedures, as well as increase product adoption and customer success.

The reason Health Tech Education Needs are Different

Health tech moves quickly. It grows quickly, too. According to a recent study by Global Industry Analysts Inc, the global digital health market which was estimated at US$152.5 Billion in the year 2020 is set to grow rapidly and reach 456.9 billion by 2026.

Its requirements for education have been growing at the same rate:

  • Training: As technology is evolving fast - and laws changing with them - medical organizations and their practitioners must stay in the most current state of affairs. Training can be as easy as learning how to use the specific equipment you offer or as complex as learning specialized medical procedures utilizing your products.
  • Compliance: If your products handle personal health information, it is important to ensure that the products you use are utilized by your customers in a way that's in compliance with HIPAA, GDPR , or PIPEDA. OSHA and various other regulations could also apply depending on the nature of your company and the products you offer.
  • Education: Learning initiatives may involve teaching your clients new procedures or orienting your customers to the lab training specialists in niche expertise and practices, and keeping practitioners in-the-know about current developments.
  • Customer Onboarding: In an industry that has very little space for mistakes, the new users of your product must begin on the right track with the proper use, best practices and processes of your product starting from day one. Engaging your customers quicker via education not only help them but assist in increasing the adoption of your product and reduce customer churn.

The past was when this task was assigned to classes in person as well as paper-based documentation, or a mish-mash of videos. However, these traditional methods for educating clients in the ever-changing health tech sector can be quite complicated when technology, information, processes, and treatment evolve as rapidly as they do today.

6 Must-Haves for a Health Tech Organization LMS

That's where a learning management system, also known as an LMS, can help your organization in the field of health technology in the best way. Think of the LMS as a central source for online learning, which is customizable and includes courses, resources tests, as well as analytics. A LMS makes it easy for you to create, administer and maintain learning content for your clients.

But there's more to the story than that for healthcare tech companies. Within the health tech industry, these six features are nothing short of crucial:

 1. Accessibility

Instructing your clients, such as medical practitioners as well as healthcare personnel is particularly difficult when they are spending the majority of their day on their feet. They are often on a 24/7 work schedule. Therefore, how do you set the time aside for an hour each set time for an event or to learn more knowledge? It's more difficult than you thought. An LMS offers your students the opportunity to access the training no matter what they're doing, or when they have time to spare.

 2. Responsiveness

Imagine how fast COVID-19 affected everyday practice and how vitally quick response could have been in stopping the expansion. A strong healthcare LMS lets you make quick and efficient updates during creating courses, and then managing them.

 3. Complexity

Education in health and medical technology spans many specializations and in-depth knowledge that takes years of targeted learning to be able to acquire. There are also many positions within an organization that are related to healthcare, with different learning goals. Your LMS must be able to manage the breadth and depth of informing your customers on your product, best practices, and services.

 4. Simplicity

At the same time at the same time, the LMS needs to be easy to use. Even though your users may be healthcare experts however, they might not be technological experts. Having a simple interface makes it simple for students to access the training and resources they need. This can mean the difference between enthusiastic adoption or no one engaging with your content.

 5. Scalability

Traditional training doesn't scale well. When your client base expands, you will need additional instructors as well as conference rooms and more binders. This will cost you extra, also, in the form of money, time and hassle. A LMS provides the resources you need to spread knowledge without biting off more than you can chew.

 6. Security

An LMS equipped with functions like encryption, endpoint protection Single Sign-On OpenID, encryption and enterprise-grade support service-level agreements helps to keep sensitive information protected while in transit or stored in a safe place.

Health Tech Education in Action Health Tech Education in Action

Selecting the best LMS is not a problem - after all, there are many options to pick from. It's an important decision and will need a strong team, including the customer service team that know your customers' educational goals, your IT experts who know the requirements for technical support and infrastructure, and compliance or legal specialists who will be able to determine if the system meets your organization's regulatory standards.

After you've chosen the best LMS to use for your health technology company, it's time to launch it. The process involves the assistance of your customer success team, who will help define what learning is needed, instructors who will bring the course to life, and also communications to get the word out.

Your LMS provider can take the hassle out of the process of rolling out. In our own experience, our support staff has helped health tech organizations build learning from the ground up within as little as two weeks.

Sounds great - we know! But there are other benefits also:

  • Cost savings: Without the requirement for classroom instruction and live instructors It is possible to roll out learning to as many customers as you'd like - without draining your budget.
  • More reach: You are able to inform customers all over the world, in multiple languages, all from one platform. Through community building and sharing features, you can help to spread your information even faster.
  • Immediate analysis  You can make more of what's working (and lesser of what's not) by using real-time analytics to reveal how your clients are progressing and finishing their training.
  • Learning retention: There's a number of things to keep in mind when it comes to health care, and a lot of it can be confusing, which includes a lot of health technology products. Learner retention is improved when your LMS permits learners to advance in their own way and revisit the material they may not have mastered.