Marketing Automation: A Smoother Way Blog

Jul 28, 2022

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A successful B2C as well as B2B marketing plan doesn't need to be difficult to implement. Case in point: the abundance and growing popularity of marketing automation software tools, a class of technology that eliminates the need for repetitive tasks out of the equation, making it easier for companies to monitor and enhance their marketing strategies.

If you're a professional marketer or just someone who's interested in learning how brands have become so adept in marketing outreach, we've got a helpful guide to marketing automation. This includes details on the benefits of marketing automation and how to implement strategies for both B2C and B2B companies.

What exactly is Marketing Automation and How Does It Work?

Marketing automation is a software instrument that is used to simplify an organization's marketing activities on the internet. It does this by automating workflows as well as performing repetitive tasks that includes everything from emailing prospects, posting to social media to bidding on ads. At present, 68% of companies automate their marketing by some method as well as 92% of marketing agencies are putting more time as well as money and resources into automation integration.

The goal of marketing automation is to make a team's work easier by keeping a consistent communication to their target audience, and turning out an abundance of valuable insights that can then be employed to create data-driven tactical improvements. The results include better leads nurturing as well as scoring, which in turn enables the sales process to increase revenue and ultimately, it provides customers with a better user experience.

Important to note is that even though it's beneficial for marketers to have this type of tech on their side however, it's not one-time-use tool. Marketing teams are working using automated software and are constantly monitoring their inputs and the results. When fully integrated, these tools can be a brand's best resource to increase leads and conversions and also allow the time for the strategy instead of checking off a never-ending to-do list of daily tasks.

Marketing Funnel Automation

As for how marketing automation really works, it largely comes down to enacting a more productive sales funnel.

The marketing automation funnel appears similar to your typical sales funnel. On upper end of the funnel is marketing leads, people who know of a brand but need more information about the value of their service or product. The bottom is where you will find converted clients who have made a purchase but who can continue to be nurtured for retention. Each step between upper and lower levels is occupied by individuals who have made the gradual process of moving from lead to client.

Marketing funnel automation allows for the movement from the top of the funnel to the lowest point, delivering timely media across various channels to help urge leads towards a better path. Similar to what marketing teams do themselves, except it's done automatically based on an individual lead's actions and behaviors.

You can't operate a successful business without a steady stream of leads. The marketing automation funnel ensures that these leads keep coming--and that they are guided through the buyer's journey efficiently. The result is higher rate of conversion than that attained through funneling that is not automated, which is why 77% of marketers experiencing the increase in conversions, and 76 percent reporting positive ROI (return of investment).

Marketing Automation Workflows

If moving an individual from the top to bottom of the funnel is your goal, the automation process for marketing is the process which makes that happen.

Marketing automation workflows are a series of actions initiated by different points in the buyer's journey. If a potential customer takes an action--for example, browsing a site of a brand's or asking for a demo, the marketing automation software reacts with a method designed in order to encourage them to the next stage.

A marketing automation workflow is planned in advance. The marketing team must think about how in order to identify what triggers are and what happens as a result. They also need to create the content to meet each response. It's a lot of work at the outset, but it ensures effectiveness throughout the entire marketing funnel, and it ensures that each lead's behavior is properly responded to.

Processes that Work: Marketing Automation Examples

What could a workflow sample look like? Here are some examples of marketing automation examples that a team might use.

 Example 1:

  • TriggerA Lead provides details to register to receive email newsletters from a company's.
  • Answer:A welcome email is instantly sent to the new subscriber thanks for joining the brand's community.

 Example #2

  • Trigger:A lead signs up for a free trial of the service offered by a company.
  • Response:An email is sent with information on how users are able to make the most out of their trial time, including links to articles and videos with more information.

 Example #3

  • TriggerA prospect looks at a product page for some time, but doesn't make a purchase.
  • ResponseDigital ads for the product are displayed in their social media feed, followed by a personalized email offer.

The majority of times marketing automation workflows require many steps, all of which are triggered through the previous action. As an example, few days after the welcome email , a prospect could receive an additional email with personalized product recommendations, and several days later, an offer of 10% off the first purchase. Your response (or the lack of it) to each email will determine what comes next.

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The benefits of marketing automation

There are many marketing automation advantages, so many in fact that the market for marketing automation software is projected to increase from $3.6 billion by 2020 and $11.46 billion in 2027. Since so much money is being poured into the market, it makes sense that companies have expectations of what they can expect in return. With the benefits they're currently enjoying and benefits, they've got a evidence to believe that their investment will be rewarded.

Below are a few of the greatest benefits that automated software that have been developed to date.

Growth in Lead Quantity and Qualitative

Businesses that use marketing automation software see a 451percent increase in number of leads. Additionally leads that they get are better qualified, spending 47% more money on purchases than leads who don't undergo an automated process.

Alignment of Sales and Marketing

The idea of putting sales and marketing teams in separate departments doesn't help anyone. Automation in marketing, on the other hand, benefits both. The software can track all lead interactions and integrate with a business's CRM (customer relationship management) software so that sales reps can see whom they should contact directly and how to do so.

Customized Content

Batch-and-blast emails where generic content is sent out to thousands of leads all at once is a thing of in the past. Eighty percent of consumers believe that a customized experience makes them more likely to purchase something, and marketing automation can do just that, triggering ads or content and taking actions that are based on each lead's individual preferences and behavior.

Smarter Data

Marketing automation software for B2B and B2C firms provides a wealth of data that can be utilized to optimize current strategies and marketing campaigns. They also serve as analytic hubs, bringing all of a brand's digital marketing information together in order to get the most precise and useful data that is available.

The Art of Creating a Marketing Automation Strategy

A powerful B2C as well as B2B marketing plan is one that's constantly evolving to meet the needs of both brands and their clients and prospects. While the details of an B2C marketing automation program may appear different than an B2B marketing automation plan (and vice versa) They share several strategic elements.

There are four key steps to optimizing marketing automation, both for B2B as well as B2C reasons. They all play an equally important role to ensure that companies profit from the automation programs they use, teams shouldn't skip over each step to get the most effective results.

Then what do they mean? Here are four essential steps for creating a profitable B2C (or B2B marketing automation plan.

  • Plan and ResearchA significant amount of research and planning needs to happen before a company can start to put automation into practice. In the beginning, they must choose the best software for their needs and their budget. They should take into account what capabilities they'll need and how large they intend to scale their efforts. There also has to be an extensive study of behavior of customers and leads as well as their preferences and issues. This aids in the creation of content and is crucial for designing efficient workflows.
  • Content Generation:Now is the time to put all the research into action in creating workflows and the content that goes into them. This includes emails, ads as well as images. There are a lot of applications for marketing automation have templates that marketing teams can plug information into. Important here is that your branding remains consistent across each separate material, both visually and in terms of tone.
  • Implementation and Data Tracking:With workflows and content in place, a business can actually start to implement the automation process. Once it's up and running then the focus is on keeping track of the data coming through as a result. This is a good thing, as it includes conversion information, of course, but as well data regarding cultivating and qualifying leads. Team members should constantly be looking for patterns that point out efficiency issues in the workflow, such as unanticipated barriers to conversion.
  • Optimization:With data in hand now is the time to modify the plan and make improvements. Be aware that a winning B2B (or B2C marketing automation approach evolves constantly. Data is what drives this evolution, and it's the marketing team's responsibility to evaluate and make adjustments as necessary so that the inefficiencies mentioned above are removed from the workflow and leads can move throughout the process with ease.

Automation of marketing does not require less effort overall. Utilizing automation in B2C as well as B2B marketing frees up time to pursue more efficient activities. Whereas a marketer might once have spent hours switching between marketing, CRM, and analytics tools the present day marketer has everything all in one place and can work faster and more efficiently.

The types of tools for marketing automation

Selecting the best software for your needs is just as crucial as creating the perfect workflow. Fortunately, B2C as well as B2B marketers can choose from a myriad of different automation tools to select from. It's simply a matter of figuring out the one that best fits their brand, budget, and long-term goals.

Explore these popular marketing automation software tools, and take a quick look at what's on the market.

Email Marketing Automation

Popular email marketing tools: MailChimp, Constant Contact, Sendinblue, Drip

Social Media Automation

Popular tools for automation of social media: Buffer, Hootsuite, Sprout Social, Falcon

Customer Journey Automation

It's sometimes difficult to know how lead leads should be moved through the sales funnel. Customer journey automation takes the guesswork out of creating and nurturing leads and can also help with the process of identifying leads for sales teams. This can result in better-mapped paths, as well as, by default, better organized flow charts and workflows.

Most popular customer journey mapping tools: Lucidchart, Custellence, Smaply, Mapovate

Automated Ad-Buying

Advertising-buying automation assists brands in optimizing their digital advertising strategy. It assists with both the design of advertisements and bidding for placements. similar to other tools for automation provide a variety of data in return which is crucial in improving the outcomes.

The most popular tools for ad-buying automation: Salesforce, Acquisio, Smartly Optmyzr, Smartly

All-in-One Automation

All-in-one automation software offers all of the above capabilities all in one item of software. These are as comprehensive as you can get, and are great for businesses that are actively in the process of implementing an omnichannel strategy, or that plan to once they get the most effective instruments in place.

Popular all-in-one automation tools: HubSpot, Marketo, Act-On, GetResponse

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