Next.js and React? This is a Partnershipand Not an Competition (r) (r)

Feb 10, 2023
Illustration: Developers evaluating Next.js and React.

In this blog we'll review of Next.js alongside React to help you determine which is the most suitable to complete the task you're doing.

Next.js together with React JavaScript on the Next Level

 Chart showing the number of programmers using various languages suggests many are wondering about Next.js vs React.
Slash/Data study of the programming languages that programmers will use in 2022. (Source: Statista)

The breadth of JavaScript is the reason that an understanding of all the commonly used tools are essential to your success as web-based developer.

What is Next.js?

Next.js is one of the best experience for developers in regards to creating fast, SEO-friendly applications. There are some features of Next.js that makes it a great platform for creating production.

  • Hybrid rendering capabilities
  • Automatic code splitting
  • Image optimization
  • Inbuilt support for CSS preprocessors as well as CSS-in-JS libraries.
  • Built-in routing

The features can help Next.js developers save considerable time during the process of setting up and installing. Start developing your application, and it could be used to aid initiatives like:

  • Ecommerce stores
  • Blogs
  • Dashboards
  • Single-page applications
  • Interact user interfaces
  • Websites that have static web pages that have static

How do you React?

React is an JavaScript library that is used to build interactive user interfaces. Alongside creating web-based user interfaces, it is also possible to develop mobile applications with React Native.

React has many benefits. React includes:

  • Enhancements in performance In lieu of updating every component of the DOM React utilizes an imaginary DOM which updates only changed components.
  • Component-driven:Once you create a component, you can use it again and again.
  • Debugging efficiently React apps use unidirectional data flow - between parent and child components.

Next.js Vs React

Though developers frequently utilize Next.js and React for the same purpose However, there are some key differences between the two.

Ease of Use

To use Next.js the most basic approach is:


If there's nothing else to add as argument to create-next-app The installation process is carried out through an interactive process. The installer asks you to enter the proper name of your project (which serves as the name of the directory that you have created for your project) and if you would like to give an option to run TypeScript in addition to the code Linter ESLint.

The style will be similar to this

Screenshot of a Next.js application being created with npx.
Make the Next.js application in interactive mode.

When you have launched the React instances, the easiest procedure is to include an appropriate name to the project's directory.

npx create-react-app new-app

The result is a folder with all necessary settings for the initial setup as well as dependencies.

Screenshot of a React project being created with npx.
Create React by creating the React project with the command line in the terminal.

These two components make it easy to begin, but keep the fact that Next.js is constructed upon top of React. It is therefore impossible to learn Next.js without understanding React and understanding how it operates. This is a great thing. React is relatively simple to understand curve that's suitable for those who are new to the field.

It is also essential to be aware that React isn't structured. Install and configure a React router, and decide how you want to handle data fetching, image optimization as well as code splitting. This requires installation and configuration of further libraries and tools.

In contrast, Next.js comes with these tools already installed and ready to use. For Next.js, any file placed within its Pages folder is automatically used to create a method of. Due to this feature built into, Next.js is easier to use every day and allows you to start creating your application's logic now.

Next.js and React's capabilities

Since Next.js is built upon React and React.js, they share certain similarities with respect to functions. But, Next.js goes a step beyond and offers additional features including code splitting routing pre-rendering , and API integration right out of the box. These are the features must be implemented using React.

Data Fetching

React displays data from the user's side. It sends static data for the web browser. The browser pulls information from APIs to fill the app with data. This slows down the performance of the application and result in a poor user experience since the app is slow to load. Next.js could solve this problem by using the pre-rendering process.

Pre-rendering occurs when servers make the necessary API calls, and obtain all the necessary data prior to providing applications to users. If the browser is launched, it is able to display pages from the server that hosts web pages.

Here's an example of the way Next.js makes pages that are not dependent upon any information:

function App() return Welcome export default App

For static websites using external data make use of the FindStaticProps() function. Once you've exported the staticprops() from a webpage, Next.js will pre-render the website using props it returned. The function runs always in the server. Therefore, it is suggested to use it to getStaticProps() when you want to find out which data was present at the time of creating. You can, for instance, make use of it to pull blog posts in the CMS.

const Posts= (Posts) Export const GetStaticProps to and async () *

If the paths on your webpage are dependent on data sources other than the one you are using, utilize to use the obtainStaticPaths() function. For creating a path based on the ID of the document, it's possible to create staticPaths() from the page.

For example, you might export staticPaths.getStaticPaths. () is derived is derived from pages/posts/[id].js as shown in the following screenshot.

export Export GetStaticPaths = async() *

receiveStaticPaths() is often paired by the GetStaticProps(). In this instance, it's practical to make use of the function getStaticProps() to fetch details about the ID inside the path.

export const getStaticProps = async ( params ) => const post = await getSinglePost(; return props: post ; ;

In SSR the information is downloaded according to the specified moment and sent to the web browser. To use SSR it is necessary to convert obtainServerSide() props function in the web page you would like to render. This function will call the server every when a request is processed, which makes SSR appropriate for websites that use dynamic data.

You can, for instance, utilize it to access information from APIs for information about the news.

const News = ( data ) => return ( // render data ); ; export async function getServerSideProps() const res = await fetch(`https://app-url/data`) const data = await res.json() return props: data 

The data is downloaded every time a request is made and is sent via props to the News component via props.

Code Splitting

Coding is the method of breaking codes into smaller pieces that the browser can load at any time. This reduces the amount of data sent to the browser at initial load because the server only sends what the user wants. Bundlers such as Webpack, Rollup, and Browserify permit code splitting inside React.

Next.js lets code splitting right from the beginning.

In Next.js the pages are separated into codes. In addition, adding pages to the application can reduce the size the package. Next.js is also able to support dynamic imports. It allows users to import JavaScript modules and load them dynamically at the runtime. Dynamic imports help speed up page speed since bundles load lazy.

The section titled Home, which is the one that is following that of the server doesn't include the hero component in the bundle that was created.

const DynamicHero = dynamic(() => import('../components/Hero'), suspense: true, ) export default function Home() return ( ) 

In this scenario this scenario, the suspense's Fallback element will be rendered prior to the hero component is loaded.

API Integration via Next.js against React

It is also possible to create, for instance, an API route, for instance pages/api/user.js API route that will return the name of the user using the following method:

export default function user(req, res) res.status(200).json( username: 'Jane' ); 

If you visit the https://app-url/api/user URL, you will see the username object.

 username: 'Jane' 

API routes are helpful for situations when you want to obscure the address of a website that you visit or safeguard your environment variables, without writing an entire backend app.


Next.js is certainly superior in its ability to build applications that are more effective and efficient through a simple method. SSR along with SSG Next.js applications perform better over rendering in client-side (CSR) React applications. In addition to fetching data from the server after which it transfers it to all the information needed to the browser to render it, Next.js eliminates the need to send a data fetch request through APIs. The result is that loading times are faster.

Next.js features font optimization, smart bundle optimization, prefetching of routes along with bundling. The features aren't yet accessible in React.


Since React is more than a decade old, it has been around longer than Next.js and has also an even larger crowd. Yet, many React developers are embracing Next.js and the growth of the community continues to increase. Developers can more readily discover solutions that are already available for the problems they run through instead of needing to build the solution themselves.

Next.js is also a fantastic tutorial with detailed illustrations that are easy to understand. However, despite its popularity React documentation is not nearly as user-friendly as Next.js's documentation.


The decision to choose between Next.js or React is based on the requirements of the application.

Next.js increases the efficiency of React by providing the structure and tools needed to increase efficiency. These tools, such as code splitting, routing , and image optimization, are integrated into Next.js and programmers don't require manual configuration of any of these features. With these capabilities, Next.js is easy to use as developers can to begin coding the business logic when they're prepared.

With its many rendering options, Next.js can be utilized for rendering server-side applications and applications that blend static generation and Node.js rendering on the server. Additionally, due to the optimization features offered by Next.js it is perfect for sites that require to be quick, such as online stores.

React is an JavaScript library that will aid you in creating and improvement of front-end programs. Its syntax is simple to grasp, especially for people with an JavaScript background. Additionally, you're in control of the tools you use in your application as well as the method you use to create them.

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