Slow loading on an Angular (Put it to work in your web site) -(r) (r)

Jan 20, 2023
Illustration: The page-loading wait — why we need lazy loading in Angular.

To speed up load times and increase your overall satisfaction for customers make use of a process referred to by the name lazy load. This is a native Angular function that permits you to only load the primary elements of your website application first and then load additional modules when needed.

In this blog, we'll be talking about lazy loading and ways it can increase the speed of your web application.

What is it exactly you are referring to when you refer to Lazy Loading?

Lazy loading is the most popular way of loading images or video files on websites that host a variety of media. Instead of loading every media simultaneously, which could take up a lot of bandwidth, as well as slow the load time of the web page the elements will be loaded when they appear in the web page and are ready to scroll into view.

Angular is a web application framework that is based on JavaScript to perform a substantial quantity of its features. The library that the application uses makes use of JavaScript can grow in size when that it expands in size, that can cause increasing data consumption and load time. For speedier loading, you can speed up the process using lazy loading. This allows you to start by loading only the modules you require before delaying loading of other modules until they become needed.

Benefits that come from Lazy Loading with Angular

Lazy loading can increase the experience for users on your website. It includes:

  • A faster loading speed: JavaScript contains instructions for showing your site's pages as well as processing the data. This is why it's the only rendering resource that blocks all rendering. It is necessary for the browser to load the whole JavaScript before rendering your web page. If you're making use of lazy loading with Angular it's the situation that JavaScript is broken down into parts that load in separately. The part that is loaded first has the necessary logic to make the bulk that forms the base of the web site. The website loads very quickly prior to the other modules being loaded at a slower rate. If you reduce the size of the initial chunk, your site be faster to load and render.
  • Make use of smaller amounts of data by dividing data into smaller pieces and processing it according to the requirements it is possible to reduce the bandwidth that is consumed.
  • Conserved resources for the browser Because the browser is able to load only those chunks that are necessary that does not eat up memory and CPU trying to render and translate the code for which it isn't required.

Implementing Lazy Loading in Angular

To be able to follow the instructions, you'll need the following items in your possession:

  • NodeJS installed
  • A basic understanding of the foundations of

Step Up Your Project

NPM installs the command in the manner as follows by using a g command: -g @angular/cli

Then you can create an application which is known as Lazy loader demo. The way it works is:

HTML0 demo new of lazy loading and routing

The command above will initiate the creation of a fresh Angular project, which includes routing. The project will reside in the src/app directory. This directory houses the entirety of the source code used by the app. This folder contains your main routing file, app-routing.module.ts. The directory's structure is as follows:

Screenshot: The Angular folder structure displayed in a terminal.
The folder's structure within the context of an Angular project.

Make a feature module with Routes

The next step is to create an feature module that will load slowly. To make the module, it is necessary to run this instruction:

ng generate module blog --route blog --module app.module

This command creates the new Module BlogModule as well as generate an routing. If you open src/app/app-routing.module.ts, you will see it now looks like this:

import NgModule from '@angular/core'; import RouterModule, Routes from '@angular/router'; const routes: Routes = [ path: 'blog', loadChildren: () => import('./blog/blog.module').then(m => m.BlogModule) ]; @NgModule( imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)], exports: [RouterModule] ) export class AppRoutingModule 

The primary aspect of lazy loading is in the third line:

const routes: Routes = [ path: 'blog', loadChildren: () => import('./blog/blog.module').then(m => m.BlogModule) ]; 

The line which is used to determine the route. Blog's blog's route makes use of an argument referred to as"the loadChildren argument instead of the element. The loadChildren argument tells Angular to utilize lazy loading to load the modules for the route and load modules in a dynamic manner after the loading process is completed and then to bring it back to the route. This is referred to as a child route similar to the blog. /**. blog/"/" is the name that is used to refer to blog/** in the routing.module.ts file. The blog module that you created appears like this:

import NgModule from '@angular/core'; import RouterModule, Routes from '@angular/router'; import BlogComponent from './blog.component'; const routes: Routes = [ path: '', component: BlogComponent ]; @NgModule( imports: [RouterModule.forChild(routes)], exports: [RouterModule] ) export class BlogRoutingModule 

It's a single route that is "'. It connects with blog sites and redirects users to the BlogComponent. There is the option of adding additional components and define your paths in the files.

For instance, if you would like to incorporate the ability to access information from a specific blog, you can build the component using this command:

ng generate component blog/detail

The result is a component with blog's information that is then added to the module for blogs. If you'd like to have the ability to include blog details, all you need to do is to include it on the different options available

const routes: Routes = [ path: '', component: BlogComponent , path:"/:title",component: DetailComponent]; 

This adds a route that resolves for blog/:title (for example, blog/angular-tutorial). The list of routes included in the bundle are lazy loaded and are not included in the bundle at the time the bundle was first developed.

Verify Lazy Loading

It's possible to find out the status of lazy loading by using Ng servers. Ng server by observing the output. In the lower portion of the output, you'll notice the following results:

Screenshot: Output of Angular's ng serve command in the terminal.
Test lazy loading using Angular's service ng.

The above information is split in two parts: Initial Chunk Files are those that load when the website is loading. Lazy Chunk Filesare lazy loaded. The blog module will be described in the next illustration.

Checking for lazy loading using Browser Network Logs

Another way to confirm lazy loading is to use an option known as"the Network tab of Mozilla's Developer Tools panel. (On Windows, that's the command combo F12 in both Chrome and Microsoft Edge, and Ctrlor ShiftI I in Firefox. If you're on Mac you'll see CommandOptionI I. ChoiceI I in Google Chrome Firefox as well as Safari.)

Select the filter. Select the JS filter, which means you will only be able to view JavaScript documents that have been posted to the web. Once you have loaded the application and you're able to see this type of things:

Screenshot: Angular JavaScript files logged in Developer Tools.
The logs of the initial JavaScript downloads are available via Developer Tools.

When you navigate to /blog, you will notice a new chunk, src_app_blog_blog_module_ts.js, is loaded. It indicates that your application was requested only when you clicked on that link and that it was loaded slow. The logs of the network is required to be displayed in the format below:

Screenshot: Updated view of Angular JavaScript files logged in Developer Tools.
Downloads using lazy-loaded modules that can be logged into Developer Tools.

Lazy Loading Vs Eager Loading

For comparison purposes, you can compare the efficiency of the newly loaded module, and to see how this affects its size, as well as load time. To accomplish this the module will be developed that authenticates. It will need a speedy loading speed, as authentication is something will require the user to do.

Make an AuthModule with this command using the CLI

ng generate module auth --routing --module app.module

This creates the module in addition to creating those routing files. This module is integrated into the app.module.ts. app.module.ts file. But, unlike the method we used to create an application previous time that one that we're currently using isn't loaded with lazy routes. This makes use of the "-routing" parameter instead of the full names of its parameters"route". It adds an authentication module into app.module.ts' imports array of app.module.ts:

@NgModule( declarations of the AppComponent the imports of the following: [ BrowserModule AppRoutingModule, AuthModule [added auth module] providers Bootstrap, AppComponent )

The inclusion of AuthModule within the AppModule imports array means that the module is integrated into the first chunk files, and is included in the JavaScript bundle. If you want to verify whether your request is valid to ensure it's valid, must run the command ng serve to run it again and verify your outcomes:

Screenshot: Angular scripts after authentication module is added.
The result from the Angular's "ng Serve" command after authentication module was installed.

It is evident that the authentication component isn't contained in these pieces of code. In addition, the size of the initial bundle is expanding. The main.js file almost will double in size. The file has increased by 8KB and is now 1KB. It's not a huge difference since these components do not contain many lines of software. But, as you load these components by logic then you will notice that the dimensions of your file will increase and provide the impression that you have to employ lazy loading.


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