
Dec 30, 2022

As we approach the end of the year, I'd like discuss what we've been up to in the last few months . Since then we've finished three weeks of six week cycles, which we typically cool down during the intervals. There's lots to talk about which is why I'll dive right into.

Big batch projects

We delivered six "big batches" projects. They were balanced betting on the future iterative updates that are based on feedback from our customers and improvements to our technical basis.

1. A new metrics experience

It was the time that there was the "standard issue" list of SaaS measures that customers could analyze their performance. Over time, we noticed that the metrics weren't sufficient on two levels the first was that it wasn't available to data-novice customers while also lacking sufficient detail for customers who have a solid understanding of information (or even internal analytics team). This resulted in a questionable view of the information we provided.

In the course of this year, we have rolled out a brand new Data collection API and an Analytics layer. This created the basis for a intimate experience for users in terms of metrics. We have focused on member. This meant getting rid of old metrics and adding new ones as well as making them more reliable as well as their detail.

Our new Trials metrics dashboard

     Our new Trials metrics dashboard    

There are still some older metrics that are based on orders and sales, however modern metrics tend to be more focused on trends in addition to assessing company health over a more long duration.

The design and layout of the two platforms is based around the analysis of patterns on a monthly calendar basis, which we think will be more suitable to businesses that provide regular memberships, which utilize . We chart these trends through time by using segments in columns. We also have tables that break down into monthly segments.

churn metrics dashboard

     Our new Churn metrics dashboard    

You can click on each specific cell segment to get a view of that graph of data for that particular month. It is also important you can see all the data points which make up the data (whether it's subscriptions or members).

It's simple to follow the exact same route through living organisms until the electron. The idea behind them was to assist creators in understanding the workings of their laboratory and also the best places to increase their efforts.

The most recent trend metrics are these: The latest key trends in the market are: MRR. See the factors the influence your monthly recurring revenues carrying forward the previous month's revenue including the introduction to new customers, activations and upgrading, downgrades and payments that are not paid, and cancellations. Also, take a look at ARPM and LTV. It is important to know the Members who pay. Easy, just look over the ways that your pay-per-members list changes over time. It's the same way to segment your audience as you do with MRR (upgrades, downgrades, and so on.). • Net revenue. An easy look at the total cash flow for the month calculated from the total revenue less refunds. - Churn. Discover if there's any issues that may be under the surface, with the aid of the revenue churn breakdown through the voluntary (cancellations) and involuntary (failed payments). It is also possible to find rates and the numbers for each segment (i.e. the X amount that was not able to be paid for the amount of Y%). - Trials. Check out the outcome from both paid and free trials over the course of time. In a particular month, you'll track the number of trial launches, and also the amount of time that they ran, as well as the percentage of them that have been transformed into regular memberships, and as well as the conversion rate for your entire trial. - Plan comparison. Pick at least five plans to be compared applying one of these parameters.

2. Comments and likes on the post

Posts allow customers to communicate with their paid members directly by email. They can also post to their own hosted blog. This can be utilized in many different ways; to replace newsletters, to deliver benefits, or simply to contact people and track.

KH8rlU5AAx3bZOPrgV3J New Comment feature

To make it easier to create the spaces needed for dialog and build community, we now enable comments and likes to blog posts (and likes on comments). They can be enabled in a global or per-post basis. It is also possible to make a state read-only the duration of a discussion. its course.

The ability to link deep into comments, load newly updated comments without a having to refresh the site, display badges to show comments made by employees and also limit any abusive comments made by criminals. Members are also able to enable notification for their browsers at the time the new comments are posted.

Posts are a source of constant investment for us. We're very thrilled about the possible possibilities of new applications this might open up to our customers.

3. Intensifying group participation

Customers can offer Group Subscriptions that comprise many seats, which are managed and paid for by a single contact. They are usually used within institutional and corporate environments.

This feature has been discussed numerous times over the years as well as gathered a few larger enhancements based on our observations of usage and customer feedback.

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     The brand new Interface for Group Subscribers    

Six upgrades were delivered to Group Subscriptions:

  • Plan group members can now upgrade their personal subscriptions to a group subscription that used to be done manually by an administrator.
  • Managers altering it's currently possible to permit group leaders to turn over the administration of the group to a different participant. This makes it easier for administrators of the site also. Managers don't have seats. Users can choose that group managers' subscription count towards the overall number of seats in the subscription. This can be done either way.
  • No auto-renew for externally paid subscriptions when the individual subscription is paid for via an external source (via cheque or any other method) that is why we cannot display auto-renewal choices within their account because this is controlled by the admin of the site.
  • Seat utilization is shown inside the administration The dashboards we have designed were upgraded. dashboardsthat allow us to display more clearly how many seats are being used by all members of the group.
  • generic URL used to manage members When you first joined users to the section within their account, where they were able to manage their teams, you had to sharing their personal URL with their ID. There's now a common routing URL for users to simplify their customer support.

4. Updating our marketing site

Since we redesigned out marketing site in the beginning quarter of 2020 , we've made several enhancements and functions to our site, yet we've not revisited them to ensure that we make sure that our site is up-to-date and tell our tale with the best way that is possible.

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We completed a comprehensive review of our content, and revamped our branding on the basis of the information we've gathered, designed new landing pages as well as enhanced our imagery with more improved brands. We also revamped the page for customers to showcase the features that they're currently making use of.

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It is the aim to emphasize its modularity as well as how it can fit into a myriad of applications.

5. Improvements to performance

It's utilized by many large creators who generate millions in annual revenue, with many thousands of customers. When we've started onboarding new customers we observed that certain areas of our admin had become extremely heavy and slow in everyday usage, reflecting poorly on our reliability and quality of work.

An entire year has been focused on improving the effectiveness of many key areas, including Activities, the Dashboard, CSV exports, and the view segmented of users who have no cost. From a practical standpoint, navigating accounts with huge viewers is far more effective and we're seeing significantly reduced loading times as well as the load of our employees by using our tools.

6. Cancellation surveys

In order to provide additional information to creators regarding the causes behind why customers have cancelled their subscriptions, we'll send cancellation Surveys to be shown to customers after cancelling. The data will be aggregated into an up-to-date cancellation view.

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     New Cancellation Surveys feature    

The data does not just help owners regain customers however, it also gives them feedback loops that assist them in understanding the worth of their membership program in the course of time and help in ensuring that it is aligned with the customers' needs.

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     Our new Cancellation surveys    

The updated version of this views gives creators an overview of two distinct segments: cancelled subscriptions which haven't yet been made a churn (and may be returned) or were fully churned and expire. It also shows the reasons for cancellation in every segment. These data are able to be processed and exported in CSV. CSV is the same as all other information contained within .

Surveys may be disallowed or disallowed, however the majority of them are allowed.

Small-scale batch and on-the-fly projects

They are small projects have been completed in conjunction with the larger projects mentioned earlier (not including bugs and support tickets). These projects typically span from 2 days to up to 2 weeks of effort, guided by feedback from customers and insight gained from our teams who interact with clients. We have [email protectedWe [email protected]

  • A preferred partners page on our site for marketing to showcase some of our best development partners as well as make connections with prospective prospects.
  • pagination of our blog posts to improve SEO and increase duration on the site.
  • Protection for podcasts has been improved. RSS feeds provided by ACast.
  • Support for Hungarian as well as Czech as alternatives for localization
  • a new coupon targeting option, so coupons can now be applied to any of the following purchase and previously purchased purchases as a result that you want to renew expired subscriptions or the time you change your subscription.
  • An API feature that allows you to block specific text links which were blocking iOS app store approval for some customers.
  • New options for tax management in Canada, so customers are collecting the proper amount of tax based on income and the nexus
  • Cookies banners on the site of marketing for EU and UK users.

In addition, we have automated various internal programs we employ to move customers away from competing companies like Substack as well as Pico. We also analyzed and then restricted our use of cookies from third parties in order to protect the privacy of our customers.

In all our products, these represent a complete team effort starting with research and development, all the way to installation, including documentation, customer service and even marketing. We would like to thank the team for their incredible workand an enormous thanks to our clients and partners. We wish you a very Merry Christmas!

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