The standard we've developed is one that we've developed to make it easier for online instructor-led learning (VILT) (2024) |

Feb 11, 2024

Instructional online is delivered through instructors via the internet that makes education accessible all over the globe. It is used across a range of educational centers, however the notion of "instructional online instruction" is among the most popular methods used at workplaces for training staff and customers.

In this blog we'll introduce to you the basic concepts of virtual instructor-led education including:

  • What is virtual instructor-led training (VILT)?
  • The benefits and advantages of VILT.
  • The best practices for using VILT.

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What exactly is virtual instructor-led learning (VILT)?

The instructor-led virtual classroom (VILT) is an kind of synchronous education that permits instructors to teach students via the Internet. It's a part of online learning which replicates the typical dynamic of a classroom. The instructor is guiding students on the internet-based platform. Most of the time, the teaching is provided via video or chat.

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Although they are not instructor-led They have the same advantages of traditional classrooms, but are more adaptable. Training can be provided for hundreds of students in a short period throughout a range of subjects particularly when they're developed with care. The use of virtual learning has become increasingly commonplace in higher education. Instructors who offer virtual classes at higher education could help colleges reduce the cost of facilities with high-end equipment to keep the classes running because they offer more in-demand training and also the opportunity to blended learning.

VILT is always in demand in the world of business with the equivalent of 40% of Fortune 500 companies using it to provide internal and external training. You can hire teachers for your staff to offer education and instruction, and offer training for the entire enterprise using a virtual tech. It's cost-effective since neither the teacher nor the pupils have to go to get instructions. Additionally, you can bring experts from across the globe for advice.

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Instruction given by an instructor could prove to be the most suitable option for those who are aspiring artists too! For a lower price, VILT allows creators to communicate with customers direct, as well as share the information they've gained as well as benefit from the advantages and benefits in online education.

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The advantages of instructor-led online instruction (VILT)


  • Flexibleness Like the other types of synchronous and Online instructor-led education has advantages of being flexible to the needs of students. If the course is taught in the real-time (a co-curricular course) It's much more flexible for students than classes.
  • Cost-effectiveness and efficiency ViLT can be adapted to be used with a method that does without the expense of private training, trips to sites or other expenses.
  • Training: The average company will invest in the range of $660,000-$2.6 million annually to cover the costs of turnover. Employing VILT to improve the capabilities of employees can increase the satisfaction of employees as well as increase their abilities. It can reduce the amount of turnover among employees.
  • Digital capabilities can be used to teach Digital capabilities through VILT. This can result in extremely beneficial results. A good example of this can be found in an investigation that found that training individuals on digital technologies across different regions like Asia Pacific. Asia Pacific generated an additional $4.7 trillion in economic growth each year.
  • Access to expert knowledge: VILT can provide access to up-to-date information you previously couldn't access directly. Every employee of an office in the region can take part in a personalized VILT event with the top managers from your business and the industry. Industry experts are able to assist in developing the training plan for your business with an approach built upon VILT.
  • The possibilities for scaling are limitless in terms of the possibilities for VILT participation. This is especially beneficial to the basic instruction in large companies because it is able to be offered to large numbers of employees at the same time.
  • Its consistency Its training program with the VILT method also remains constant since trainers can teach hundreds of students across the globe using the same method.
  • Interactive: Unlike synchronous learning which has problems with regards to accountability and engagement it can be extremely enjoyable if it is implemented effectively and effective. There are also technologies which can increase the amount of interaction. These include smaller-sized group chats, surveys, polls, questions, and a host of others.
  • Videos The primary goal of VILT concentrates on the interactive aspect of classes. It's easy to make an audio recording that students can view whenever they'd wish to.
  • Analytics based on data using an online platform that allows users to constantly collect information and gain understanding of the patterns of behavior among the users who are using your platform.
  • Flexible learning paths ViLT lets you design targeted training courses specifically for companies of all sizes. It teaches employees the necessary capabilities to achieve success.

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businesses that make use of VILT


  • IBM The IBM VILT strategy for enhancing the capabilities of employees provides a simple way to gain an internationally recognized credential with a feeling of community which enhances learning. IBM's study into training for capabilities showed that the strategy was accountable for an increase of $70,000 in the business's value as well as an increase by 10 percent productivity.
  • Microsoft: Microsoft runs its own education platform, Viva Learning, and generally supports employee education. In fact, it created their own T.V. program to teach employees about ethics, namely The Trust Code. Employees love it. Microsoft has VILT to partners and suppliers through it's VILT platform.
  • Cisco Cisco Cisco WebEx technology and hardware changes the way employees learn working in the office and out on the field. Smart rooms are able to be able to recognize and relay audio signals that come from speakers. Cisco is at the leading technology in VILT technology. The technology is integrated with an asynchronous learning platform, which can be accessed via Cisco U.
  • Oracle: Oracle uses VILT to help employees train and provide updates for customers. Course schedules are available on this website.
  • Amazon: Amazon uses virtual instructor-led classes in order to facilitate education for its employees and to provide education for government institutions. The best examples could be the Amazon AWS Training platform which provides the service.

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VILT Types


  • Webinars are a great option to use in lieu of broadcasting webinars. Webinars offer a wonderful option to generate VILT.
  • Virtual Classrooms: Enhancing the quality of learning in virtual classrooms can be a bit of work. However, it's entirely feasible using the latest technology platforms to teach courses.
  • web-based workshops Integrating interactions and collaboration in the VILT is a fantastic way to make people more involved.
  • Blended learning using virtual components Blended Learning mixes online and in-person learning and VILT can be a great alternative.
  • Virtual Labs : Virtual learning is also more engaging and interactive through tasks and exercises like the computer lab that is interactive.
  • Role-Playing and simulations This is an excellent way to test your abilities on the web.
  • Interactive E-Learning Modules that contain instructor-led interaction. VILT can include video clips of modules or courses which have an instructor accountable for crucial discussion along with questions and answers and other tasks.

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What exactly is VILT?


  • It's essential to be sure that you're using the appropriate technology "Virtual" education should start by using technologies. Your choice of platform can determine the quality or the failure of your training. Consider live streaming as well as the live teaching tool (obviously) however, you should consider feedback systems from bigger perspective. Also, think about collaboration and collaborative projects as well as the design of your courses (an LMS) as well as discussions forums and community forums. Additionally, you must consider the pertinent aspects. In the example above are you aware the program you use for your class will need the use of a sales channel? Are your students able to connect the software?
  • Pre-session communication: Communicate early and often with relevant information-especially with access point info and relevant course information.
  • Strategies to get students engaged. Strategies to engage students. Live streaming or webinars may help, but the vast majority of students learn better when the environment is fully. There is a way to include conversations as tasks or even live elements into the VILT.
  • A clear learning objective. Like any other educational programs, VILT should have clearly defined learning goals that the course material aims at aiding students in achieving. It is also essential to convey these goals to students from the beginning of their education.
  • Tech support is available in case of issues VILT will require tech support along with tech support. It's not fair to blame you when students have issues in technology. It could impact students' learning all through the course. Be sure the equipment that you've set up works. If you're able, get the technical assistance by a specialist with the expertise.
  • Feedback: Be sure to provide feedback to your students participating in a course that is entirely virtual. There is usually the growth of a spiral in the virtual classroom and it is vital to provide feedback. Also, it is possible to look at important information about interactions between users in order to determine how long users will be attracted by the activities they're engaged in (if you're using an online platform for education ).
  • Recording: Determine if you'd want to record. There are pros and advantages that recording. One benefit of recordings is the fact that they could assist in making learning more accessible for people who are unable to take part in the session (or those who want to come back to go through the program). In contrast, individuals are less likely to take the course or be involved in instruction classes live when they know that recording sessions is available.
  • Breaks: They are vital for working effectively with VILT particularly in the case of webinar-style training. Make sure you take longer breaks than what you would typically be taking during your training session because sitting in front of a computer monitor could make you become less effective in finishing.
  • Safety is not the least crucial factor. it is crucial to establish the right learning environment in which will be available to all. If you do not currently provide these services, it's essential to create guidelines and rules. If you're in a position to have forums or discussion it is possible to add a moderation to the process.


There are plenty of wonderful teachers that teach classes all through the school year. They apply their expertise in teaching on everything from arts and business. If you're looking for an optimal platform for an online course or instructor-led class We've created a great platform for live streaming, with community-based features in addition.

Read: What you should be aware of about the Course-Based Cohort Platform

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