The Way Amy Lang Made $113,000 Helping Parents in teaching Sexual Health

Jan 13, 2023

Amy Lang assumed that as an adult, she'd be able to know the right topics to discuss with her son.

In her job as instructor of sexuality and parenting for over seventeen years, she was familiar with talking about sexuality everyday. She didn't know the level of discomfort -- as well as ignorant- she'd feel in the event that she had to speak about sexuality and the child she was with. "I found myself embarrassed when I had "the conversation" with my son, and I'm an educator for sexual relations," she says.

To find methods to become a reliable provider for both her children as well as her family, she started studying. She was able to draw on her expertise with applied behavior sciences and began to learn about the best ways to speak to children about sex as a subject she feels, that is very important, but is frequently undervalued. "We are all aware the importance of children having the physical, emotional and social health. However, we don't talk about sexuality since sexual health is considered taboo," she says. "We have so little details about healthy sexuality in addition to the development of sexuality in children."

Through research her results, she was able to add additional tools to her toolkit and was motivated to continue helping parents and their children in this area -- this time, through online courses. In 2017, she developed her first class, Birds and Bees Solution Center for Parents. Following that she introduced a new course called Preschoolers, Playmates, Private Parts and Playmates. "My conviction is that knowing is empowering," explains Lang. "The greater the amount of information you've got, the more you'll be able to assist your children ."

Now, her online courses account for 50 percent of her total earnings. Since launching her first course in 2017 her course has earned an estimated $113,000 in revenue. What's the most amazing thing is that The whole thing is based on her email lists and her word-of mouth to promote the products. "I didn't need to consider a lot," she laughs.

"I'm earning money as I wash the dishes."

As her successes did not come naturally but she took care of the steps she took. Here are a few examples:

Skip ahead:

  1.       She uses
  2.       She creates an electronic database
  3.       She uses social media as a marketing tool, not selling
  4.       She creates a membership course
  5.       She's created the bonus course
  6.       She develops content through trial and the
  7.       She is able to determine the viewers' desires and needs.

     She uses HTML0.    

Lang had been in her business for over 10 years prior to starting the first online course. Lang is passionate about teaching in person, and attends several live events. However, online courses were the perfect next step for her profession.

Alongside access to more parents and people who deal with children. In addition, she wanted all to have the option to take classes at the comfort of their home. talking about sexuality is uncomfortable for lots of people. Online classes provide students with the security they need to learn.

She decided to run her classes instead of other online learning platforms. "It was the most welcoming, appeared to be the most simple and cost-effective," she says.

     She creates an electronic database    

Lang began her online course, Lang began her online course Lang had built up an enormous email list that currently includes more than 17,000 users.

The method she used to create the bulk of her lists was quite simple When she taught live classes, she'd give out an QR code that led the students to the newsletter sign-up page. In addition, she'd shift her tablet around the room to allow them to fill in their email addresses on their own. One method she used was to solicit email addresses in the middle of her sessions, when the pupils were fascinated and eager to learn more.

Her email list continues to be collected through live events and also via her website. On her navigation bar, there's an option that reads "Free Tips.' When people click that button they'll be taken to a page which allows them to input the email of their choice for an email with a special offer: Seven Tips for Having Amazing Birds and Bees Talks. This freebie comes through email and will also direct people to her school that she oversees.

Although she has an extensive email list now, she reminds online course instructors that this did not happen within a matter of minutes. "I've been working in the field over the last 17 years," she says. "That's more than 1000 customers per year. That's nothing I'm new to. It can take a long time to figure out a winning path regardless of whether you have a huge platform."

     She makes use of social media in order to advertise and not to sell    

While she does have her YouTube channel, which has more than 800 users as well as an Instagram page that has over 4,000 followers, along with the Facebook community with 10,000 users, as well as the Q&A-style podcast, she says that her email list has the greatest level of conversion. Actually, she doesn't use her social networks to promote her classes. She simply uses her email list. "It's quite private in the event that you get an email. It just is," explains Lang. "Social media is primarily used for marketing -- not sales in my view ."

Even though Lang isn't dependent on social media to facilitate selling her classes but she does find them useful for marketing her classes. Because of their ease of use, she shares the same content on all the social media platforms every week. She also schedules the content ahead of time. Every post has a call to action; the author invites readers to sign-up for the monthly newsletter, or make one-on-one calls with her in her witty call of a "Quickie Consult' -- buy an online course or request her to lead an online class.

While she isn't able to create a community for her students to be part of, she can make a community of friends by using her social networks- specifically through hosting a series called "Help Another Parent. This the series Lang answers questions asked by parents and encourages members to offer useful and helpful tips. "I have regular players who, for the vast portion, do a great job of providing advice to parents." the actress says.

Lang recommends that course creators adapt their material for social media to meet the requirements of the audience they are targeting. Also, taking into account marketing properly is crucial.

"Believe that what you're offering will be helpful."

Apart from social media, and her mailing list , her popularity has grown organically through word-of-mouth. Most of the people who have gone to her in-person sessions or taken online courses spread their word to instructors and parents.

     She creates a membership course    

She has two main audiences: parents of children who range from 5 to 12 years old, and professional that are mostly preschool teachers.

The program for parents called Birds & Bees Solution Center for Parents is available through a membership website for $89 USD per year. This was an experiment up until she landed on this number; she wanted it to be the most affordable possible. "I do not want to think over the price," she says. "I would like to have simple and easy"yes ."

Lang compares the course to a 'library' of resources comprising handouts, documents and video clips, along with audio recordings of webinars that are topical, other materials, as well as weekly sessions that are known as "Hump Days Half-Hour Hours.' They consist of one hour of training and group coaching. "These sessions are my favorite things to do, because they're live and I get to engage with my students," Lang adds Lang.

The course was developed by the teacher using a library format, as many parents face just one question. Instead of having an endless amount of content to study to get their one query addressed Libraries let users select and decide which information they want. "With libraries it's not necessary to fret about whether the information is appropriate for kids or the research aspect," adds Lang. "People say to me frequently, "Thank you, this has made life so much simpler' .'"

Content is designed and included in the course according to a an ongoing basis. "I am able to help a lot of parents without having to be present in the sense of having to show up," she says. "It's just one of the benefits of having a website that has a membership ."

     She develops an additional course    

As well as working with parents she also works with professionals such as early childhood educatorsin order to assist with sexual abuse prevention.

The next class Preschoolers, Private Parts, and Playmates specifically targets the kids in this age bracket. In this class, she will educate about sexuality of children, including what is and what isn't typical, as well as what to look for to determine the need for assistance.

     Plus, this course provides organisations with an affordable method of hiring her. "Some businesses are unable to take me on," she says.

When students complete her courses, she doesn't offer them the services or products she offers. Her goal for 2023 is investing more time and effort to sell her 'Quickie Consult' and the book Sex Talks for Tweens and Teens How To say and how To communicate it.

     She develops content using trial and error and    

It took Lang several months to learn the process of creating content for the online course. It took an enormous amount of trials and errors. In fact, when Lang is thinking about the journey she took in creating an online course, she realizes that the most challenging part was working to determine the ideal duration for her video, which handouts to contain (and whether or not they would be useful) in addition to determining what kind of material would be most popular with her students.

In retrospection of Lang's of creation, she wishes that she'd done an audit after the first year, to check what people were watching and make adjustments as a result of the feedback. While she has altered the videos in the past she's convinced that feedback from viewers will help to improve your craft as an artist.

She was initially producing videos of an hour for her classes until she realized they were just too long. After that, she cut short and made them more accessible as her viewers consist of parents who have busy schedules and do not have much extra time to spare. "I am going to create something that is accessible and easy to use," she says.

There is no one who can help her create content. She says that she reads books, stays up to date with her research, and allows the questions of parents help her develop new material. There are also colleagues whom she talks to who can help in the development of ideas as well as provide support.

     She determines her viewers' needs and desires    

If you're thinking of starting an online-based course She recommends that course creators determine reasons for why they want to develop an online course. This will help them establish an objective which will allow them to start by working at a smaller scale.

Lang insists on that it is crucial to determine the audience's wants and wants and. "What you imagine they want and require isn't necessarily what they actually need or want," she explains.

In order to determine the requirements and wants of the potential client Lang advises that creators send their customers a questionnaire and then use the responses to aid in the creation of online courses. "Be determined and always keep your mind in the present that it's not all about your personal preferences. It's about your people," she says.

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