Twitter and. Mastodon: Which Platform to Pick (plus a more suitable alternative) |

Nov 11, 2022

Twitter was created in 2006 and over the decades that followed the tiny bird twittering its way into hearts and minds of 400 million users. Twitter was made up of text-based material that was composed of "tweets." The long-time followers of the site will recall the kerfuffle when tweets expanded beyond their 140 characters to 280 and the brief protest that followed.

With Elon Musk's +$40 billion Twitter acquisition that was announced in the month of October, 2022, lots of people have been fleeing the platform. Many are opposed to Musk his own persona, be it his political views or his leadership style. And some people just don't like his idea for the platform.

Another of Twitter alternatives that's been making the rounds recently is Mastadon. In 2016, it was created to be an open-source and uncentralized social platform, Mastodon touts (or we ought to say "toots") itself as the better option for those who are long-term Twitter users. With famous people like Kathy Griffin and Stephen Fry making the switch and you're probably thinking that it's the right time for you to try the same.

In this piece it will be discussing Twitter and. Mastodon, showing the difference between the wooly mammoth to the tiny blue bird. We'll also about a more suitable alternative.

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        The article...    

    What exactly is Mastodon

    The pros and cons of Mastadon

    A better alternative for both Twitter AND Mastodon

      Usability in the real world

      Real content has features

      Spaces Not servers

      Actual ownership = monetization


      Applications and access

    Ready to start?

What exactly is Mastodon

Mastodon is a decentralized social media platform that is located on what's known as to the "fediverse" which signifies that the network runs on separate servers which can connect to one another. This gives it a bit of a local-to-social network feel. Created in the year 2016 by Eugen Rochko, Mastodon feels a bit as if it's a network of independent social networks who all speak the similar languages.

If the single server part of Mastadon is a source of anxiety, let's say this. After you have gotten past the host server (ie. the place where your data is stored), the user experience can be compared to Twitter, maybe with a bit of Discord included. Instead of a "tweet" you "toot." Instead of "liking," you "favorite" the item you like. People who have been using Twitter may recognize Mastodon as a sort of brand name that's similar to Twitter - although with 500 characters.

Mastodon Toot window

Mastodon allows you to create your own account. You can upload a profile picture and a hyperlink to your website, or other details that users put on their Twitter bios. Like Twitter, you get the number of followers and the people that you follow. You are able to reply, increase (AKA "retweet"), highlight (favorite) an item or even bookmark toots.

Mastodon - Stephen Fry

Pros and cons Mastadon



  • Mastadon feels like Twitter. The usability should be pretty familiar which will allow you to create the account running quick. Making posts, uploading images and videos, as well as polls are almost the same.    
  • It has similar interactive functions too. You can send direct messages to individuals, track them down, block them, or use an @ to refer them to them.      
  • Its decentralised experience provides more possibilities than Twitter for building something like the concept of a space or dedicated server on which users who are interested in a specific topic are able to meet.      
  • There aren't any ads on Mastodon. People have been creating servers either through a cash payment or through crowdfunding. There are some problems with it, that we'll be talking about in the future however it's a nice thing in principle.    
  • The code that runs Mastodon is free to use. This can be an excellent thing as people can take it on and use it to customize their own discussions. Apart from the Mastodon official apps, many users are using Mastodon's open-source code to build their own social apps.    
  • It's not just about the people who are on your server. It is possible to follow users across the platform, whatever server they happen to live on. You can also mark servers that are open for join or invite potential members to invite to join.    



  • There's no algorithm. Posts are displayed according to the order in which they were posted. At first, this sounds wonderful but it actually hinders its usability.    
  • There is a cost to paying. It's great not having ads on Mastodon However, there might be a catch. Growing your followers on a server is a requirement that must pay or you have to pay for it yourself or you'll be operating on a server someone is paying for. This is great if you can keep the money for a long time, however when someone thinks it's not worthy of their time and effort to pay for the server it could be gone.    
  • Mastodon can be difficult to establish for those who want to create your own channel. It is important to determine how to do your own hosting and install security protocols. If you're not a programmer then you'll probably have to hire one.    
  • There are many security concerns regarding the way that this platform is designed. The requirement that users "apply" to a server could help but so too could the "block" features. However, there isn't any real control and you can see almost anyone anywhere, no matter which server they're using. And since it's grassroots and there's no one to attempt to alter the culture if it's eventually taken over by bots and trolls.    
  • There's no real way to monetize on Mastodon. In addition to that, but it's not cost-free. Anyone hosting the site is required to cover the cost and there aren't ads. At present the network is funded by donations, which raises grave concerns about the longevity of the networks.    
  • is an open-source and open-source community engine that is decentralized. Open source software can be beneficial, users can modify and correct problems, but it's also a problem It's also been utilized to build problematic networks, like Gab.      

A better alternative to both Twitter and Mastodon

As an alternative to Twitter alternative, it can do many of the same aspects. It's a bit more complicated to set up, needs self-hosting to establish a server and , frankly speaking, doesn't have a lot of the good features Twitter offers. It's easy for people to overlook the algorithm. However, on a traditional social network it helps users see content that you want to view. If your feed becomes an endless and chaotic information dump, it makes difficult to engage in conversations and grow community. One could imagine Mastodon as a kind of forum but it's just not as effective as well as something like reddit which has up-voting and down-voting to make sure people are seeing relevant material.

We'll talk about another option. Mighty is a software platform for culture which helps to create vibrant communities. However, where Twitter is a massive social media platform and Mastodon is a vast number of servers, Mighty lets you build a dedicated community full of users who share the same visions and objectives.

Here are some motives to create an Mighty Network instead.

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Usability in the real world

In contrast, Mastodon is a web-based platform that requires programming and hosting to setup the server of your choice, Mastodon Mastodon gives you an impressive community out of the box. Anyone is able to easily build, grow, and even create a thriving community that blows both Twitter and Mastodon out of the water.

Real content is a feature of HTML0.

280 characters? 500? Who cares? The Mighty Network gives you actual feature-rich content. Make posts as you like and also write full-length pieces (blog posts). You can create polls and discussions, set up discussion groups, live streams as well as add events and develop courses. Mighty is a community platform that was created to help communities work together and to bring a group of people who are strangers and to help them become life-long friends.

Feature Item 2 - Courses

Spaces Not servers

Contrary to Mastodon which is a platform where people live in servers, but are able to connect over the entire platform, a Mighty Network is an enclosed community. Instead of having to connect various servers, discussion and activities can be organized through spaces instead. Every space offers the opportunity to offer access to events, host them and add content, an all-member chat or even live streaming and courses.

Actual ownership = monetization

If you've gone to the effort to create your community and want to make money from it, then there's nothing to be concerned about. So instead of worrying about whether your platform has ads or not, as Mastodon is - why don't you simply build on the platform that can help you make your community a successful business?


has payments built-in, making it possible to charge your members with a monthly or one-time cost for the privilege (or keep it free for those who prefer). There are hosts who are able to monetize their free community by charging for live events, which charge for access to premium spaces or even offering a course. The sky's the limit however, you cannot perform any of these on or through Twitter and Mastodon.

More secure

An Mighty Network gives you way more options for safety and moderation. It is as flexible similar to Mastodon in encouraging members to sign up or apply to join. It is possible to moderate content and recruit other hosts to be moderators. And since users belong to an individual community rather than all of the network, you'll feel comfortable in the privacy of the privacy of your own Network.

Access and apps

comes with a great app that works on all types of devices. With Mighty Pro, you can also get a custom-built, brand-named app which gives you a Mighty Network completely under your own brand. We do the building and support for the long-term. Call us to learn more.

Are you ready to begin?

If you're searching for alternatives to Twitter as well as Mastodon, then the software reviews website G2 ranks as the #1 rated community platform. With Mighty, you get a powerful community engine to bring people together for great conversations. However, add features like events, courses, and monetization, you've got everything to build your own powerful social network.

Why not give it a try? It's cost-free for 14 days and we'll never require any credit cards. You could have your personal social media network up and running in the next 20 minutes. No programming required.

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