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Aug 25, 2022
A person in front of a door learning to migrate to google analytics 4

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) was in existence for quite a while, yet even though GA4 is constantly updated with new features, there were some users who did not like certain locations or weren't able to get used to the latest features.

Since privacy concerns concerning the use of Google's Universal Analytics (UA) have been highlighted in addition to Google having set a deadline to shut down UA and the date it will be disabled, this is the ideal opportunity to login and begin with GA4.

What exactly does it mean to be GA4?

Google is able to accomplish the task of growing the amount of machine learning it employs by making use of techniques to "fill the gaps" for users who choose not to permit cookies. The idea is to give GA4 the chance to continue giving information on user interactions as well as protect their privacy-conscious information of users.

While it's not possible to download Universal Analytics GA4, GA4 is the most popular method to develop fresh GA properties.

What year was GA4 the year that GA4 was the first to be launched?

Google initially announced the launch of GA4 for testing GA4 toward the end of Julyin 2019. (available to test). GA4 was officially launched in July of this year (available to test). GA4 launch was then followed by an official launch in the month of October in 2020. After that, it was the default system for all new properties.

While GA4 is yet to be recognized by the vast majority of businesses however, they are aware of the importance of privacy. There have been a number of concerns raised about the way Universal Analytics (UA) deals with the issue.

What changed in the UA of Google make changes to their UA in GA4?

Businesses have relied on the insights of Google Analytics for more than 10 years. They've looked into the level of interactions with their visitors to improve the understanding of their website's performance. Additionally, they use information to make educated decision-making.

Although GA4 could give similar insights, Google completely overhauled Universal Analytics and the basis of data it was built on. This means it's not possible to transfer information between UA in GA. GA.

There was outrage from those who work in marketing via the internet due to the fact that several webmasters were collecting data and observing seasonal patterns over a period of duration. It's not a good idea to begin with zero points in an ideal situation.

GA4 is Google's vision to create a cookie-free world. GA4 promises to allow firms to track the user's interactions with AI and machine learning to "fill the gap" for individuals who choose not to consent to be followed.

Cookie message requesting users to accept or deny marketing cookies
Cookie request on .com

What implications does this have consequences for GA customers?

Google announced that it would end Universal Analytics at the beginning of July 2023. Google is planning to stop access to old data by the end in 2023.

Oh boy...this can cause headaches.
Universal Analytics (aka GA) (also known as the regular GA) will disappear in July in 2023.
16 March 2022

If you first started using Google Analytics after October 14 in 2020, then it's likely that it's a GA4-related property. Property that was built before the time of this blog post is more likely to be one of the UA property.

Are you ready to make the switch to GA4 and are you heavily dependent upon UA It is advised that you begin by opening of an GA4 account in order to establish the history records. An initial calendar year's worth can allow you to analyze your data in comparison to the previous year. It's essential to know seasonal changes.

GA4 Privacy

The evolution of websites because users are becoming more conscious of privacy concerns. Some are even choosing not to have their data analyzed Google Analytics needed to change how it functions to give relevant information to the website owners.

GA4 has tackled the issues discussed above by making use of AI in the development of models based on information they've gathered to give a clear picture of how people who aren't tracked visit websites.

Does GA4 GDPR Compliance Meet the Standards?

This is an issue that webmasters across the globe are looking for solutions for. However, GA4 is more secure in terms of privacy, it is not as secure as the previous version, it also has various privacy settings that can be set to restrict the scope of monitoring.

Actually the reality, a Twitter survey conducted by SEO expert Aleyda Solis said that as high as one-third of people using Google Analytics are considering abandoning Google Analytics altogether.

Today, it was revealed that Universal Analytics will stop processing hits from July 1stin 2023. It is now a question of how do you plan to proceed?
March 16 , 2022

The Italian Data Protection Authority, Garante, found that Google transfers illegally user's personal information in the US such as IP addresses, information about browsers Operating system screens and resolutions, as well as selected languages as well as the dates and times the users go to websites. Additionally, they violate of GDPR law.

What's the difference in GA4 or Universal Analytics?

Google was released for the first time to GA in 2005. While it's been updated over the years it's built on the bases which are not specifically designed to handle internet use in the same way we use it now.

Google Analytics 4 is a total overhaul and an upgrade of Universal Analytics designed with a the goal of tracking all user interactions across different gadgets, and providing users with the capability to keep track of their activities as they move between smartphones, laptops and tablets. etc.

Data Models: What's New?

Data models aid Google Analytics on how to handle the data gathered by visitors to specific web pages. The main distinction among GA4 as well as UA is the method by how the data models work, and that is the reason Google can't effortlessly transfer users between UA and GA4. GA4.

The UA data model relies on pages and sessions and both were invented more than 15 years ago during a time when smartphones and tablets weren't entirely invented.

The model that is based on sessions is able to collect information by analysing the interactions of users over the specified period of time. This model has been faulty since users can be subject to a range of objectives in the same session. But, this is only one of the purposes considered in UA.

GA4's GA4 data model is based on events and variables, as well as the concept of cross-platform tracking in its base. It means you'll get more precise reports as customers change between devices.

What is the difference between my usage? GA4 What's the Difference?

The techniques used to gather information from users have changed and you can be sure that the information you collect from your users will differ between two versions that use Google Analytics and that's the reason there's no easy procedure to make the switch from UA GA4 in to GA4. As with other metrics like conversion and bounce rates.

Google Analytics 4 vs Universal Analytics Analyzing the Attributes of both Google Analytics and Universal Analytics.

There's a good chance that GA4 will include some new and exciting alternatives, however, certain UA features you recognize haven't been ported over to GA4.

GA4 Conversion Tracking

In the case of UA goals, the objective could be established with the help of the places or events. You could define the goals the duration, the time and. For example, you can make the goal "Form Submit" and connect it with the process that occurs after a person submits a questionnaire. Additionally, you can include an "Checkout Completion" goal, which is activated when someone visits the checkout page.

GA4 has, in its own, not able to set goals but the system tracks the conversions. The number of converted items up to 30. GA4 conversions need to be accomplished by using the help of an event-based tracking system that is based upon Pages, Scrolls and Outbound clicks and search results of the website to find videos interaction with the site, and the downloading of the video file.

To set an automated conversion tracking feature in GA4 it is enough to link each event to the conversion.

GA4 includes every single conversion event regardless of how many of the conversions are made by an individual user within the course of one session. This is why there are a variety of differences between GA4 information on conversions as well as the UA.

What do I need to do to add changes in GA4?

Begin by choosing Configure and then Events on the left menu. Choose each event you wish to keep track of in terms of conversions and note the dates as converted.

GA4 report showing all events, with toggles to mark events as conversion events
GA4 Conversion Events

Select Conversions to review the conversions you've made.

Similar to UA modifications, GA4 converts can only be monitored since the moment they're made. So, it's not possible to track recent changes to the historical data.

How do I create custom Conversions with GA4

If you want to create a custom-made change, click the option to create an Event to create a New Event, or edit an existing occasion in order to modify any current events. You must enter the name of the event in the correct enclosure. When you save the event, you can make your event a change.

Go through the entire Google guide to find more information about how to set up custom calendars.

GA4 Conversion Rate

It is possible to track the percent of conversions during any given time that lead to conversion making use of the percentage at which users convert which is the percentage of those who initiated the event of conversion, and the percentage of conversion for sessions to convert, which is the ratio of sessions occurring during the period when a conversion took place.

GA4 Ecommerce Tracking

The Monetization reports that are included in GA4 will provide you with the amount of revenue generated by your site. These reports will also provide additional information that will assist you in understanding what parts of your site performed the most effectively, and generated the greatest revenues.

Read the report about Monetization To review the Monetization reports, click Reports from the left navigation and then select Monetization.

The overview report of how your finances are performing report offers a short overview of the money that you've made on the application you have created as well as your site.

This Ecommerce purchase report lets you find more precise information about the profits made by specific items and interactions between those items.

Find out more information about how to set up the function of event tracking of E-commerce through your site or applications.

GA4 Reports

GA4 has a number of reports built in which can be used to track your applications and websites.

GA4 Reporting is available within the UI

GA4 reports are available within every report area of the menu left. However, they're also included within the snapshot reports that are available on the Home. home dashboard. Ability to expand any snapshot report by clicking the links on report cards.

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As with UA GA4, each of the GA4 reports GA4 has an overview dashboard with vital report information. They can be completely customized and can be customized to create reports designed for the specific parameters and dimensions that can be crucial to your company.

Alongside these, in addition, you can also make the comparisons by using filters that are dependent on the normal variant of information. They can also add other kinds of series to the chart. The chart lets you analyze the trend of several segments across time. Each chart can include several filters (e.g. country, device, operating system, etc.)

Saving Reports are included in GA4

There is a chance that you found that there's no report you can customize on the GA4 tab of GA4. If you want custom reports to be made within GA4 it's necessary to navigate to the Explore section on the left menu , and make an inquiry. The option to make completely new reports with the alternative of the blank optionor can use templates already built.

What are the requirements to make Your Landing Pages Report in GA4

It's common knowledge to see figures which show the number of users who make a frequent visit to specific landing pages throughout the course of time. regardless of whether you're looking for the most effective landing pages over a specific period of time or using filters to limit your search to landing pages which have been designed specifically to be used by.

While GA4 doesn't have a site accessible through its dashboards, but it's incredibly simple to accomplish this.

  1. Select Explore in the menu left after which hit "Blank to start with a new adventure.
  2. It is important to label your report with the correct name (e.g. that your report appears on website) before you select the preferred date.
  3. Go to Dimensions and then search for the site. Check the box prior to pressing hit on the Import button.
  4. Click Metrics, then select every single one of these parameters you wish to incorporate in the report. Some examples include Total users along with Conversion Rates, Bounce Rates and conversions in conjunction with the Total Revenue.
  5. Double-click on each dimension or metric that you've created to put them in the report. Double-click each dimension or metric to include them in the.
  6. If you're interested in filtering websites so that they display specific pages, or even pages that are in groups then click in the tab Settings. Then select the filter and select the dimension, metric, or dimension you'd like to erase. For instance, if you want to view the entire blog's content, you could change an URL on the blog's web pageto contain"/blog" and "/blog".
example of a filter set to include landing pages containing the text /blog/

You are able to select which type of report you'd like to capable of seeing (e.g. table, donut chart, line chart, etc.) when you select any from the choices from the section Visualization.

GA4 screenshot showing visualisation settings

If you wish to include more than one visualization (e.g. tables and charts) it is possible to copy the report first, and then change the visualization to the original report.

screenshot from GA4 showing how to duplicate a table

It is possible to alter the name of forms in order to give them the proper title. It is done by pressing the name with a double click.

GA4 screenshot showing updated title

Views, Data Streams , and Views, Data Streams as well as

In the universal Analytics view the views allow users to build specific properties in particular subsets that contain unique settings that they will require for their setup. In the case of GA4 views, the views are replaced with data streams.

What is GA4 stream of data?

Data streams can offer GA4 with a solution for UA Views. According to Google Data streams is " The flow of data which is directly from your application or website to Google Analytics." Data streams are classified in three types:

  • Web (for websites)
  • iOS (for iOS apps)
  • Android (for Android apps)

In GA4 it's not possible to develop the capabilities of having several views. Instead, it is possible to create several streams of information.

What can I learn about setting up Data Streams?

To add a data streaming for your account, simply click the button Admin located on the right of the menu to the left. Choose your account and the property that you'd like to change, then select the Data Streams tab in the column for properties. Click to create a brand new stream using the options of iOS applications, Android app, or web.

If you're interested in adding an information stream for your site, simply type in the URL for your website (this is your domain's names, e.g. domain.com) and create the stream's subtitle, e.g. " streaming on the web".

Enhanced measure is the most well-known alternative, as it automatically logs websites visited and occasions. You can deactivate the option simply by choosing the option (this is a possibility in the future if you'd like to).

Google advises that in the majority of situations it is best to have the same stream of data in the account type (web/app) since having multiple streams to a web-based account may result in different outcomes. Further details on this subject in Google's guideline for the layout of GA4 accounts. GA4 account..

It is essential to add an Analytics tag on your website before data is shown on your brand new GA4 property. Learn the process of including GA4 tags on your WordPress website. GA4 tag on your WordPress website.

Monitoring Subdomains GA4

One of the main advantages of the brand latest gtag.js component is its ability to generate cookies on the top level possible of domain. That means GA4 can monitor users on every subdomain without the need for a minimum amount of set-up.

GA4 UTM Tracking

Google can support all of the parameters used for tracking by UTM That means you're allowed to keep including these parameters in your campaigns that you monitor in GA4. These parameters can be located in the Traffic Acquisition Report.

The search bar within GA4 allows you to access immediate reports that are related to the query that you entered. Auto-suggest can help you find similar problems before you begin typing, which will reduce the time and effort while helping you find reports.

The GA4 search bar can give instant responses. This means that you are in a position to ask questions like "how many conversions did we get in the last week?"

Example of a search box query asking "how many conversions did we get last week?" with the answer showing as 519

GA4 Search Bar GA4 search bar is also able to provide Google assistance documents that can assist you in answering your questions about how to set up the GA4 account.

What can I do in order to make the switch from GA4

Are you ready to leap and create a GA4 account? GA4 account? Prior to cutting any connection to UA ensure that you transfer your historical data out of UA.

What is the best way to get access to Your Historical Data from UA

Google earlier stated in the past that it's not possible to transfer data from UA to use GA4 due to the brand new platform that uses an entirely different data model (We discussed this topic in a brief manner earlier, but Google provides more information in their documents). It is possible to download data that was previously stored in UA.

For manually exporting data, export data manually . For a manual export of data, go to the GA report that you wish to download. Similar to Acquisition, All channels. Select the filters and segments that you wish to apply. Then, select Export from the menus on the right. It is available for download in the form of pdffile, Google Sheet, Excel document, or CSV.

While it is useful to keep valuable information, but there are certain limitations:

  • Presently, there are just two dimensions simultaneously.
  • Rows can be limited to 5 km
  • data may be samples (the check-mark of green to the left will be visible when data isn't being sampled)

The article in SEJ offers different ways to download your information.

Transfer from GA4

While Google provides a range of tools for you to help in achieving your goals to GA4 however, you'll need start over to set up your account.

How do I set up my Google Analytics 4 property Using the existing U.A. Tracking Code

If you're already taking advantage of Universal Analytics with gtag.js, it's simple to join the feature to your new GA4 account, by linking tags to your website and avoid the headache of adding another tracking tag.

How do I add Connected Website Tags

  1. You can go through the Administrator located at the top of the menu to the left. Choose your login, and then the home you want to purchase.
  2. Click Data Streams under Property
  3. Select the web tab and then select the Web Data streaming..
  4. Choose Manage linked sites tags and then go to the Google tag section.
  5. In Connected Tags, enter the tracking ID of the UA property you wish to join (you will locate it in the Administration section of your UA account ). There you can find your property's Tracking Details as well as the Tracking ID
  6. Name it (e.g. [Site name[Site name[Site nameSite name UA ID)
  7. Click here to connect.

GA4 Setup Assistant

GA4 Setup Assistant GA4Setup is utilized to establish your brand-new GA4 property. It's able to work together with the existing Universal Analytics property. This means that you'll have access directly to UA property (for this moment! ).

It is important to note that the GA4 Setup Assistant Wizard does not contain any prior information about the home you're considering buying. Thus, the earlier you begin earlier and the faster you'll be capable of gathering data.

Screenshot from GA4 showing the setup assistant in the left menu

Read this article on Google to get step-by-step instructions on how you can use GA4 configuration wizard to create a GA4 Configuration Wizard for building an GA4 site property. site using Universal Analytics.

GA4 Goals Migration Tool

GA4 is a program that lets users automatically transfer goals from GA4 and UA in GA4. For this function it is necessary to be on GA4's "Editor" Post.

Design your own brand-new GA4 property. Then, click the Administration tab. Next, you'll have to configure the Assistant to the column that is assigned to your Property After that, go to the goals you have already set in the Universal Analytics property, and hit to start. Choose the goal you'd like to move to the GA4 property.

Screenshot from GA4 showing option to import conversions from universal analytics

You can also track your current conversions in the GA4 properties. You can find them under Settings > Conversions within the Conversion Event table. The duration can be up to 24 hours until the conversion has been completed.

More information on this topic is available in the help section of Google's documentation.

Dimensions and MEtrics of GA4

Many metrics and dimensions are included automatically in the configuration process of GA4 Some require an additional configuration to enable them.


Universal Analytics has two User variables: The Total User that is comprised of those who had one or more sessions in the duration specified, and newly registered users that are first-time users who accessed this website within the defined times.

In Google Analytics 4 there are three measures of user activity: Total Users, New Users as well as the user who is active.

"Active User" is by far the main indicator of the user's activity within GA4 and comprises the amount of users who have visited web sites or an app. Active users could be created by any person who is in an present session or in the event that Analytics collects:

  • The first-time visitor moment is also referred to in"engagement_time_msec" engagement_time_msec value , is derived from a web site
  • This is either the initial_open event, or the engagement_time_msec value of an Android application
  • It is the first_open or engagement with users event that comes from an iOS app

A majority of the reports within UA are based on Users. The calculation is using the number of users. GA4 also is calculated built on User count, but GA4 is measured with Active Users and calculated differently which can create confusion used in conjunction with similar measurements.

The GA4 equivalent metrics is available on Explorations for a quick glance of GA4's total GA4 users.

Engagement Rate

The rate of engagement, dependent on the number of engaged sessions measured through the number of sessions that last longer than 10 seconds. had the event of conversion or had at least 2 screenviews or pageviews.

Bounce Rate

The GA4 Bounce Rate refers to the percentage of sessions that have no engagement. This is in contrast to engagement rates.

In GA4 those who been on the site for more than 10 minutes on a page can't be considered bounced which is why they are more likely to be successful.

GA4 Training Program

If you're seeking more details about the options with Google Analytics 4, and are interested in learning the best ways to make use of the most recent capabilities offered with GA4 while also benefiting from an internationally-recognized certificate, this is the perfect time to enroll on the Google Analytics 4 training program..

Today is the official launch of Google Analytics 4 today. Google Analytics 4 training program as well as certifications by Skillshop.
16 August 2022


If you've put off switching to GA4 you're now the right time to get started. If you're not yet prepared to invest the time necessary to understand GA4 and GA4, you are able to make use of both versions at the same time. This gives you continued accessibility to UA reports you know and appreciate until the point at which UA goes away.

There is no doubt that Google will cease operations in the summer of 2023. It is therefore imperative to make the switch to GA4 whenever you're able as the sooner you'll start knowing the direction that Google Analytics will take in the coming years. Google Analytics.

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