Utilizing Laravel Scout to enable Full-Text Search (r)

May 13, 2023
Learning laravel scout

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Since it is an open-source tool, Laravel offers a myriad of out-of-the-box functionalities that enable creators to design effective and efficient applications.

In this piece, we'll explore the tools in depth and demonstrate how ways to incorporate the search function with full text in a Laravel application by using the driver. The model is an Laravel application which will store the names of the mockup trains, and then make use of Laravel Scout to provide an option to search in the application.

The prerequisites

To understand this to follow along, you'll require:

  • This PHP compiler is already installed on your system. This tutorial uses PHP Version 8.1.
  • The reason for this is Docker Engine, also known as Docker Desktop that you can install on your computer
  • An A.Lgolia cloud-based account that you can make for free

What do I need to do to install Scout within a Laravel Project

In order to be able to utilize Scout it is necessary to build an Laravel application that includes the search feature. The Laravel-Scout Bash script includes all the commands required to construct an Laravel application, which is housed within the Docker container. Docker is a fantastic option for developers. Docker indicates that there's no need to install other software including MySQL. MySQL database.

The script Laravel-scout is an example of the Bash programming language. Therefore, you have to execute it in an Linux environment. If you're using Windows Make sure to set up Windows Subsystem in order to switch it over in to Linux (WSL).

If you're using WSL then follow the instructions from your terminal to select your preferred Linux distribution.

WSL --S Ubuntu

After that, you'll need to go to the section in which you'd like to save the project. The script that creates the Laravel-Scout directory will be generated. the project's directory at this point. Here is an example of how the script could create a directory in the directory. Desktop directory.

Cd desktop

Utilize the following instruction to launch the Laravel-Scout program. This will create an Dockerized application, by providing boilerplate code required.

curl -s https://laravel.build/laravel-scout-app | bash

Once the procedure is complete You can then alter your directory by using the command cd laravelscout. Next, execute your sail-up command inside the directory of your project to launch with the Docker containers that are running the app.

NOTE: On many Linux distributions, it's possible to execute the following commands with the sudo command and be granted elevated rights.

./vendor/bin/sail up

You might encounter an error:

Error stating the port is allocated
Error informing you that the port was not assigned.

To resolve this issue, you can use the app_port variable to specify the port sail up: sail up command:

APP_PORT=3001 ./vendor/bin/sail up

After that, you can run this command to start the program using Artisan on the PHP. This is the PHP server.

php artisan serve
Serving the Laravel application with Artisan
Ensuring that you have the Laravel application by using Artisan

From your web browser, navigate to the running application at The program will open your Laravel welcome page with the URL you are used to.

Welcome page of the Laravel application
Welcome page of the Laravel application.

How can I integrate Laravel Scout into the App

On your terminal, type this command to open the Composer PHP module manager. This will permit Laravel Scout to the project.

composer require laravel/scout

Then, you can publish your Scout configuration file with this command provided from the seller. This will add your scout.php configuration file to your program's setting directory.

 php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Laravel\Scout\ScoutServiceProvider"

Make your boilerplate .env file to include the SCOUT_QUEUE variable. It is an boolean.

SCOUT_QUEUE SCOUT_QUEUE value allows Scout to store operations in a queues. This results in faster responses. If this value isn't set, Scout drivers like Meilisearch aren't capable of incorporating new information quickly.


How do you mark a model and configure the Index

Scout doesn't enable searchable models of data by default. You must explicitly mark a model as searchable using its Laravel\Scout\Searchable trait.

The first step is to create the data model in an an illustration Train program and mark the model as searchable.

How do you create an Model

In order to use the train application, it's vital to save names, which are placeholders for every train that exists.

Make use of to use to use the Artisan command to make the transfer. You can give it the name the table create_trains..

php artisan make:migration create_trains_table 
Making a migration named create_trains_table
The process of creating a table titled create_trains

The information is stored within the form of a file. The information is a mixture of your name and the time stamp of the date.

Navigate to the migration file in the database/migrationsdirectory. directory.

To include an extra title column copy, and paste the code in line 17 after () column in line 17. () > column in line 17. The code is added to the title column.


To make the change take the steps listed below.

php artisan migrate
Applying the Artisan migration
Utilizing the Artisan migration

When you have completed the database migrations and creating an application file with the name Train.php in the model/app directory.

How To Add the LaravelScoutSearchable Trait

Mark the Train model for search by adding the Laravel\Scout\Searchable trait to the model, as shown below.

What is the best way to utilize Algolia together with Scout

If you're looking for your first full-text search using Laravel Scout You'll need the Algolia driver. Algolia is an application as a service (SaaS) system that permits users to search through huge quantities of data. It offers a user-friendly dashboard that developers can access on the internet who manage their search engines as along with an API with robust interfaces that users have access to through an application called the Software Development Kit (SDK) in your programming language their preferred programming language.

In the Laravel program, you'll be able to use it in conjunction with the Algolia client program that is designed specifically for PHP.

How do I configure Algolia

For starters, you'll must download to install the Algolia searching client PHP application to your computer.

Follow the instructions below.

composer require algolia/algoliasearch-client-php

Next, you must make sure you have your Application ID and Secret API Key credentials to Algolia within the .env file.

By using your browser, look around your Algolia dashboard looking for your Application ID and secret API Key credentials.

Click Settings in the lower part of the left-hand sidebar. Then you will go to Settings. settings page.

After that, you can choose to view API Keys under The Access and Team section on the Settings page. You will be able to view the API keys for the account that you created. Algolia account.

Navigating to the API Keys page on Algolia Cloud
API Keys page on Algolia Cloud

On the API Keys page, take note of the App ID as well as the key for Admin API value. These credentials serve to confirm the exchange of information between Laravel application and Algolia.

Viewing the Application ID and Admin API Keys from the Algolia API Keys page
Keys for the application ID together with APIs for Administration Keys

Include the following code in your .env file by using your editor for code and then replace them with the appropriate Algolia API secrets.


In addition, you could modify your SCOUT_DRIVER variable by using this application to alter the value to meilisearch to algolia. This will inform Scout to utilize algolia instead. Algolia driver.


How can I create the Application Controllers

Within the app/Http/Controllers/ directory, create a TrainSearchController.php file to store a controller for the application. It will display and update information in the Train model.

Add the following code block into the TrainSearchController.php file to build the controller.

has('titlesearch')) $trains = Train::search($request->titlesearch) ->paginate(6); else $trains = Train::paginate(6); return view('Train-search',compact('trains')); /** * Get the index name for the model. * * @return string */ public function create(Request $request) $this->validate($request,['title'=>'required']); $trains = Train::create($request->all()); return back();

How can I make an Application Routes

This is the stage where you build the routes that will be listed and add train lines to your database.

Go through in the routes/web.php file and replace the existing code by the block below.

 name ('trains-lists'); Route::post('create-item', [TrainSearchController::class, 'create']) -> name ('create-item');

The following code generates two possible routes for the app. The one which is an request for a GET request made from the trains-lists route lists all of the details about trains. An POST request from"/create" "/create" route is used to create fresh train information.

How to Create an Application Views

Create a file within the resources/views/ directory and name it Train-search.blade.php. The file will display the user interface which lets you search.

Add the content of the code block below into the Train-search.blade.php file to create a single page for the search functionality.

!DOCTYPE HTML> HTML> Laravel - Laravel Scout Algolia Search Examples "container">Laravel Full-Text search using Scout The Scout Autocomplete="off"@if(count($errors)) Whoops! It's a problem when you input your data. @foreach($errors->all() as $error) $error @endforeach @endif $errors->first('title') Create New Train Train Management Search @if($trains->count()) @foreach($trains as $key => $item) @endforeach @else @endif Id Train Title Creation Date Updated Date ++$key $item->title $item->created_at $item->updated_at No train data available $trains->links()

The HTML code in the above image has a form element, which includes an input field as well as the option of entering the name of a train prior to recording it in databases. It also contains an HTML table that displays ID, title, created_at, along with the updated date information on the train's database entry.

To view the page, navigate to from your web browser.

Viewing the Train model data displayed within the trains-lists page
Train model data

The database isn't completely loaded, so you must input the title of the demo train using the input box and after that, click "Create New" Train to save the train.

Inserting a new train entry
Fresh train entry

For a search term to search, type in any keywords from trains you've saved into the input box for the Input Title For Search input box and then hit search.

You can see this in the image below. As you can see in the image below the only entries that contain the phrase "keyword" in the title will show.

Using the search feature to find a train entry
The search feature allows you for a train's entry

Meilisearch in conjunction with Laravel Scout

Developers are able to create and host an account with Meilisearch using their cloud or in-house infrastructure. Meilisearch also offers a free test cloud offering like Algolia to developers that want to use the product without having to manage the infrastructure.

To connect Meilisearch with Laravel it is required to install the Meilisearch. Laravel application, use this command in the terminal for the project.

composer require meilisearch/meilisearch-php

Next, you will need to modify the Meilisearch variables inside the .env file to improve its user-friendliness.

Replacing the SCOUT_DRIVER, MEILISEARCH_HOST and MEILISEARCH_KEY variables of the .env file with those below.


Its SCOUT_DRIVER key is the driver that Scout is expected to utilize. MEILISEARCH_HOST is the name of the web address where the Meilisearch instance you have is. While not necessary for development however, incorporating MEILISEARCH_KEY when you are in production is highly recommended.

NOTE: Comment out the Algolia ID and Secret when choosing Meilisearch as your preferred driver.

After you've completed the .env configurations, it is time to index the entries you have already created using the Artisan command as follows.

PHP artist Scout: Import "App\Models\Train"

Laravel Scout is equipped with Database Engine

This engine utilizes "where-like" clauses, together with full-text as well as indexes of your database in order to find the best results to your searching. You do not need to be the indexing of your database in order to be able to utilize the engine in your the database.

For the database engine for it to function, change the SCOUT_DRIVER .env variable to the database.

Open by opening the .env file within the Laravel application. Make changes to the values that are in the SCOUT_DRIVER variable.


If you change your driver away from the database engine Scout is able to switch into the database engine and do full-text searches.

Collection Engine that integrates Laravel Scout

In addition to the database engine, Scout provides an additional collection engine. The engine uses "where" clauses as well as filters to identify which results are the most relevant for your query.

In contrast to the database engine, the collection engine can be used in conjunction with the vast majority of databases that are relational. Laravel can also assist with.

You can use the engine to collect data by changing the SCOUT_DRIVER environment variable to the collection or by manually specifying the driver that collects within the Scout Configuration file.

SCOUT_DRIVER is a collection

Explorer and Elasticsearch

Thanks to the strengths in Elasticsearch query, Explorer is described as a modern Elasticsearch driver, which is compatible together with Laravel Scout. Explorer is an entirely compatible Scout driver, and offers advantages like the capacity to save, browse and analysing massive quantities of information at a time. Elasticsearch is integrated with Laravel gives results within milliseconds.

To use Elasticsearch Explorer, the Elasticsearch Explorer driver that is part of the Laravel program, you'll need to set up your boilerplate docker-compose.yml file that is created by the script Laravel-Scout. You'll then need to set additional settings for Elasticsearch and then re-start the containers.

Browse to your docker-compose.yml file and modify its content using the next.

# For more information: https://laravel.com/docs/sail version: '3' services: laravel.test: build: context: ./vendor/laravel/sail/runtimes/8.1 dockerfile: Dockerfile args: WWWGROUP: '$WWWGROUP' image: sail-8.1/app extra_hosts: - 'host.docker.internal:host-gateway' ports: - '$APP_PORT:-80:80' - '$VITE_PORT:-5173:$VITE_PORT:-5173' environment: WWWUSER: '$WWWUSER' LARAVEL_SAIL: 1 XDEBUG_MODE: '$SAIL_XDEBUG_MODE:-off' XDEBUG_CONFIG: '$SAIL_XDEBUG_CONFIG:-client_host=host.docker.internal' volumes: - '. :/var/www/html' networks: - sail depends_on: - mysql - redis - meilisearch - mailhog - selenium - pgsql - elasticsearch mysql: image: 'mysql/mysql-server:8.0' ports: - '$FORWARD_DB_PORT:-3306:3306' environment: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: '$DB_PASSWORD' MYSQL_ROOT_HOST: "%" MYSQL_DATABASE: '$DB_DATABASE' MYSQL_USER: '$DB_USERNAME' MYSQL_PASSWORD: '$DB_PASSWORD' MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD: 1 volumes: - 'sail-mysql:/var/lib/mysql' - './vendor/laravel/sail/database/mysql/create-testing-database.sh:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/10-create-testing-database.sh' networks: - sail healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "mysqladmin", "ping", "-p$DB_PASSWORD"] retries: 3 timeout: 5s elasticsearch: image: 'elasticsearch:7.13.4' environment: - discovery.type=single-node ports: - '9200:9200' - '9300:9300' volumes: - 'sailelasticsearch:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data' networks: - sail kibana: image: 'kibana:7.13.4' environment: - elasticsearch.hosts=http://elasticsearch:9200 ports: - '5601:5601' networks: - sail depends_on: - elasticsearch redis: image: 'redis:alpine' ports: - '$FORWARD_REDIS_PORT:-6379:6379' volumes: - 'sail-redis:/data' networks: - sail healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "redis-cli", "ping"] retries: 3 timeout: 5s pgsql: image: 'postgres:13' ports: - '$FORWARD_DB_PORT:-5432:5432' environment: PGPASSWORD: '$DB_PASSWORD:-secret' POSTGRES_DB: '$DB_DATABASE' POSTGRES_USER: '$DB_USERNAME' POSTGRES_PASSWORD: '$DB_PASSWORD:-secret' volumes: - 'sailpgsql:/var/lib/postgresql/data' networks: - sail healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "pg_isready", "-q", "-d", "$DB_DATABASE", "-U", "$DB_USERNAME"] retries: 3 timeout: 5s meilisearch: image: 'getmeili/meilisearch:latest' ports: - '$FORWARD_MEILISEARCH_PORT:-7700:7700' volumes: - 'sail-meilisearch:/meili_data' networks: - sail healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "wget", "--no-verbose", "--spider", "http://localhost:7700/health"] retries: 3 timeout: 5s mailhog: image: 'mailhog/mailhog:latest' ports: - '$FORWARD_MAILHOG_PORT:-1025:1025' - '$FORWARD_MAILHOG_DASHBOARD_PORT:-8025:8025' networks: - sail selenium: image: 'selenium/standalone-chrome' extra_hosts: - 'host.docker.internal:host-gateway' volumes: - '/dev/shm:/dev/shm' networks: - sail networks: sail: driver: bridge volumes: sail-mysql: driver: local sail-redis: driver: local sail-meilisearch: driver: local sailpgsql: driver: local sailelasticsearch: driver: local

After that, execute the following command to get the most current Elasticsearch image you've added to docker-compose.yml. docker-compose.yml file.

docker-composes up

Make use of the Composer function below to integrate Explorer in the project.

composer require jeroen-g/explorer

Additionally, you need to create an administrator's profile for this Explorer driver.

Utilize using the Artisan command to create your explorer.config file for the storage of your settings.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=explorer.config

The configuration file that was created can be found within the directory known as"/config" directory.

Within the config/explorer.php file, you can refer to the model you have created by using indexes key. Indexes key.

'indexes' => [ \App\Models\Train::class ],

Modify the values in the SCOUT_DRIVER variable within the .env file to the value of elastic in order to permit Scout to use in the Explorer driver.

SCOUT_DRIVER = elastic

If you're in this situation, it's your responsibility to incorporate Explorer in your Train model employing the Explorer interface and then overriding mapspableAs() method.

Launch with the Train.php file within the App Models directory. Replace your existing code by the code below.

$this->Id, 'title' => $this->title, ]; 

With the help of the code you included the above code, you'll have access to Explorer to search for the text in the model. Train model.


To PHP designers, Laravel and add-ons like Scout make it a breeze to incorporate fast and effective full-text search capabilities. Utilizing Laravel's Database Engine, Collection Engine as well as the features provided by Meilisearch and Elasticsearch that allow you to integrate with the database's information and integrate advanced search capabilities in milliseconds.

It's easy to handle your database and keeping current ensures that your clients get the most enjoyable experience possible while your code stays clean and streamlined.

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