What are your thoughts about the 70-20-10 rule in Learning & Development?

Apr 8, 2023

The 70-20-10 framework is helpful in designing a mixture of learning that enhances outcomes by incorporating the experiential, social, in addition to formal.

As a creator of courses and a corporate instructor, the ultimate goal is to have participants benefit from the class and retain the knowledge provided and make an improvement that is clearly demonstrated by the capability to reach what the instructor has set out to achieve. For an organization's clientele The best method to evaluate performance is through the improvement in performance at the workplace or behavior of employees. When you're the one who created one particular course, once students achieve their desired results and feels positive, they may be encouraged to purchase additional courses or products that offer.

70-20-10 Model 70-20-10 model was designed in the hands of McCall, Eichinger along with Lombardo

     What is the 70-20-10 rule and how do you implement it?

McCall, Eichinger, and Lombardo carried out a survey of CEOs to gather their views about theories regarding learning. They found the results surprising!

  • The majority of learning students gathered was connected to the practical aspects of their education, work-related abilities and the decisions they made in the work environment.
  • Influence of colleagues and coworkers or from coaches accounts for 20 percent of the retention rate.
  • The smallest amount of students, 10 percent, that was covered was for the traditional school with it had an average of 10 retention.

Here is a short summary with illustrations as well as links. Click the images for each part:

Experiential: 70%
  • On-the-job training
  • Gamification
  • Online Simulators
  • Virtual Reality
  • Scenario-based learning
Social: 20%
  • Mentorship
  • Discussion Boards
  • The formats for online meetings
  • Webinars
  • Social Media
to be used in formal education 10 percent
  • Training and on-boarding
  • Lectures
  • Videos for instruction
  • Textbooks
  • Knowledge Base

Experiential (70 per cent)

Learning through experience is a chance for students to participate in the kind of training you can find on the job such as working on assignments and routine activities. Instead of reading about what is the most efficient method to complete something learners are pushed to experiment and try.

If they're stuck, they may use websites as well as official education resources to fill more up for the gap.

Digital content has the ability to offer different levels of participation and offer immersive experiences that can lead to an increased level of engagement. There are a variety of ways to use Experiential Learning through online course design.

Here are some of them:

     Simulations on-line    

Virtual reality simulations can be an approach to this could help achieve this. Virtual reality is a method that allows students to experience the situations they will encounter and to learn how they can handle the challenges they encounter. It provides a safe environment that allows students to play, learn and grow in a range of abilities, including throwing tennis balls at each other, making delicious meals, or making sure you're ergonomically sound when working in the privacy of your workplace at home.

An alternative type of education can be described as using simulations in education. This type of course it's where the learner becomes absorbed in the situation and is required to make decisions to help them navigate the learning path. They receive instant feedback on their choices as well as have the opportunity to consider the choices before moving on. You can achieve this using branching scenarios where the student immediately notices what the outcomes of the selections they've made in the situation.


Through the use of these apps, you can incorporate games that will enhance students' overall experience. Learn about the available apps through the App Store.

     Social (20 percent)    

Social learning, commonly referred to in the "20 percent" portion of the 70-20-10 model , is a crucial component must be integrated into the model.

Discussions and peer-to-peer learning are essential elements in the learning process as they aid in developing better relations with both the material and other students. The ability to learn this way can be achieved through mentoring and feedback. This is accomplished through establishing relationships with colleagues.

Platforms like Zoom as well as social media sites provide a way to collaborate among colleagues be made simpler. Social interactions can provide the perfect opportunity to inspire students to interact with other colleagues in a personal way. While this aspect is only 10% of model The overall benefit must not be ignored.

If we are talking about social learning, do you realize that it's suitable with Zoom as well as an option for community, as well as the capability to change the topic in a class? It allows learners to communicate effortlessly without the need to connect multiple locations, which provides more user-friendly experience.

     Formal (10 percent) Formal (10 percent)    

Many of you know about the lecture style of teaching. This type of content can be recorded using slides designed to make the points more clear or clips of video with narrations by a person who will remind the viewers of a movie, while it is not a bad way to convey information, but it's time to begin exploring ways of incorporating greater use of the practical as well as interpersonal aspects of the learning.

An engaging and fun experience can lead to better outcomes and happier learners.

     How can you apply the model 70-20-10 in creating and developing and    

A well-planned course is essential when it comes to having an education program. It makes sure that each element of the 70-20-10 model is integrated into the curriculum. Each element is vital and must not be obliterated.

There is plenty of work necessary to design courses that cover all types of situations and games, however when the material provided is weak at best or students aren't well-equipped with the information needed for them to manage the course aren't able to produce the desired results.

Similar results are possible when the curriculum is created for students to listen to speakers for hours and hours, but there is not any chance to participate in inter-peer interactions, or other form of interaction that lets the students interact to the content. Balance is the key.

When you are writing your course content. While you write your material, think of ways in which you could include learning opportunities within your course, along with social learning as well as the more conventional techniques transfer.

Perhaps you can share a shorter video, with a follow-up session and follow-up discussions with the other participants however, not only about what you learned from the video, but also how the concept could be applied to the particular situation of each person.

Implementing and using the 70-20-10 approach, you are taking a step towards giving a transformational educational experience for your audience.

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