What can you do to increase the life-time value by using Jetpack CRM?

Jul 14, 2022

It is said that selling is the best method to impress a buyer rather than persuading a buyer to win the deal. The value of one purchase is not that great when you consider the totality of your purchases. What's most important is the lifetime value of the customer (CLV). With Jetpack CRM there are a variety of tools to boost the average value of CLVs for the customers you serve.

It's easier to sell to your existing customers than get new clients. Your existing customers are already familiar with you and when they're happy with the last experience, they'll be inclined to research possible new deals and are more likely to come back provided you complete your job of communicating with them in a manner that is profitable to them and respectful to the people they are.

A reliable CRM and easily integrates into existing processescan help be the catalyst to make this occur.

Learn: What is a CRM?

Jetpack CRM is the ideal choice since it was developed specifically for use in conjunction with WordPress and has stores that are remain top of the line. It's actually run by the same organization that also manages .

This article can help in formulating a method to improve your customer's lifetime value with Jetpack CRM.

What is the lifetime value of customers? What's its significance?

What are you hoping be able to attain to help grow your company?

A single sale could be done for $150 and then you don't call the client again throughout the 15 years following. What if you could make revenue of $30 by making ten additional sales to that same person over the following two years and add up to $30?

The proof is in the pudding that you'll have to pay the $330.

Many eCommerce companies devote the majority of their energy in trying to find new customers, but ignore existing ones. They don't track or collect the data of potential customers, and miss chances to gain back customers.

Understanding your customers' life-time value will help improve stability and profitability for your company. This can also assist you to determine how much you should put into marketing.

In the example above in the previous example, if the customer's life span is $500, you may just be able to justify spending $100 on marketing in order to acquire an additional customer.

If you're not certain of the value of the CLV you have, it's hard to assess whether you've spent your money wisely to market.

What tools do you employ to determine the lifetime value of your clients? Jetpack CRM makes that possible through providing you with the ability to keep track of the amount each customer spends throughout their lifetime by showing the web pages of your business and providing all information regarding the customers you serve in one spot.

Be aware of and react to customer's actions

With Jetpack CRM it is possible keep track of all transactions conducted by your customers.

This Activity Log feature helps keep documents of the most crucial information about every client like invoices, quotes and notifications on their status and much more. This feature is now available with its free integration to your account, you are able to monitor the entire process via your account dashboard.

If you are aware of what the preferences of your clients are, then you can develop smarter, more personalized marketing campaigns that are more successful, and use it to increase the level of participation.

Perhaps your team of experts on service might think of a method to compensate the customer that is dissatisfied with their encounter with your business. Although it may require more work and money than normal, keeping the relationship that has proved to be profitable is worthwhile.

There are no limitations to what you can do! What's important is that Jetpack CRM is able to provide this type of information that is yours to use so that you are able to make the best decisions based upon customer behaviour. It will lead to the growth of revenue and lifetime value to the customers you serve.

Develop customer segments that you are able to focus on when you are marketing

There are all kinds of categories of customers that you can make using Jetpack CRM. As an example it is possible to classify your customers with at least one of the following features:

  • Purchased during the last three months
  • Haven't bought anything within the last 6 months
  • I bought a certain item
  • Converted from emails
  • reside within the zip number or the state
  • An amount of $150 can be spent for just one purchase
  • Make use of coupon codes

It's not over. Are you able to increase the value over time of your clients by making certain that they've used minimum one coupon code? It is possible to offer your clients coupon-based discounts, and also send specific marketing messages to anyone who isn't attracted by price. The way to reach out to people is with a message that's stimulating specifically for them, instead of offering discounts for everyone.

creating a segment in Jetpack CRM

What do you have to do with an audience of clients who haven't purchased within the last 6 months? It is possible to create an incentive for returning customers by offering additional rewards in order to get customers back. Based on the success of the promotion, you'll discover how to attract back customers and enhance the value of their life.

A company that deals in sporting goods could ensure that engagement with email is increasing and numbers of people who do not subscribe are down through sending out pertinent emails. For instance, instead of sending announcements on the latest equipment for baseball for all customers, they can simply send out an announcement to those who have purchased previously used baseball equipment. But this isn't to say that all other customers are left out -- you can design the email to be built on your previous purchases!

All this and much more can be achieved with a CRM system that's powerful, for example Jetpack that is integrated into .

Revenue can be increased through automated marketing using automated email marketing and automation

Another way to increase customers' lifetime value is to use the use of email. This has been mentioned in some detail, but take a look at the following email's revenue as well as estimates of ROI:

  • An average consumer will pay 138% more when email marketing is one of the methods companies use to communicate with customers.
  • The return on investment of emails was found to be four times greater than direct mail.
  • The rate of open for emails regarding cart abandonment can reach up to 40 percent..
  • Emails that are personalized generate over six-times the amount that general emails do.

But that will give you an idea of how efficient and efficient email marketing as well as automation of email can be.

creating an email in Jetpack CRM

Utilize these methods in conjunction with the data about your customers obtained from Jetpack CRM to enhance you're clients' lifetimes. You can more effectively engage each of your prospective as well as existing customers by:

  • Cart email messages that were left unanswered
  • Welcome emails
  • Segmented email campaigns
  • Automated re-engagement campaigns
  • Personalized email messages
  • Automated post-purchase emails, similar to reviews requests
  • Automation of nurturing campaigns

The majority of email communications are able to be automated. This is a double benefit to you since you'll improve your customers' longevity value and you won't have to continually do the work.

There are many things that do not need to be done automatically. Marketing campaigns that you segment and are running like this are based on your personal information on your clients. It could be based on current events around the world as well as specific cities or country like a new release or special holiday and many different variables.

If you decide to utilize Jetpack CRM, you'll be able to gain access to the entire details about your customers that you need to utilize emails in their maximum capacity. Additionally, your average lifespan value will grow.

Enhancing collaboration and decreasing friction between marketing and sales

If you haven't seen it yet If you missed it earlier Jetpack CRM has been integrated directly with your dashboard, at no cost of. It's completely absolutely and completely cost-free!

So, people in charge of marketing and sales can get access to all of the information. Therefore, whether you're creating advertising campaigns to promote your business and sales personnel interact with customers, they can all view the details of transactions with customers, such as contact details, prior communication, and other information.

creating a quote with Jetpack CRM

You can issue invoices, and even provide quotes as well as search for each client's accounts on social networks, classify them in relation to sales calls and other things. See more features of Jetpack CRM.

All of this helps the sales and marketing teams to succeed more efficiently. When sales professionals are charged with reaching an individual group of people, for instance marketing departments have enough information in order to develop efficient materials and communications that sales staff could use.

All employees will be on the same team. Your internal systems will run more efficiently, and your clients will be served with the most customized, relevant, and relevant marketing and communication.

It results in happy clients who stay longer and also buy more.

Install and set up Jetpack CRM now for free and at absolutely no cost start using the data you collect to improve your value to your clients over time.

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