What Should You Do with a Membership plugin? -

Apr 6, 2022

If you design an online course with WordPress there is a good chance that you'll be surprised to discover that there's often several paths to the desired final destination.

WordPress is the ideal tool to sell and create online classes since it's easily adaptable and lets you manage the platform. However, there are many plugins that you can choose from and it could be a bit too overwhelming.

You may be facing this issue in connection with your online course and you aren't sure of what to do. If you decide to create your own WordPress website, you'll ultimately face the following decision about your online course:

  1. Only use for the courses you've chosen.
  2. Only use a membership plugin
  3. Make use of both

Answering the above question will depend on the specifics of the project you're working on. This is why I cannot give an absolute guideline on when you'll need to use each. However, let's take a look at the common circumstances.

1. Make use of only

If you're thinking about it, the reality is that you don't need a plugin for access to your information. Our LMS will protect your content, without the need of the membership plugin by through the Access Settings.

As an example, suppose that you are trying to sell three different course. Course content (lessons or quizzes.) is not available to students who are not yet enrolled. Only registered users for the course can view the contents of the course. If someone purchases a single course, they don't get access to the other courses. The course they purchase is only the one course they purchased.

If the course you're learning isn't completely free You may be thinking how to add a pay-gate to your courses. It is compatible with these top shopping carts

  • Simple Digital Downloads
  • SamCart
  • ThriveCart (beta)

It is important to note that the WordPress shopping carts (1 and 2 above) are compatible with a variety of payments processing companies. There are three payment options in case you do not want to utilize a shopping cart.

  • PayPal
  • Stripe
  • 2Checkout

You can very easily use all of them for accepting payment. They will safeguard your course's contents without having recourse to an enrollment plugin. The people who opt for this method appreciate the streamlined process for making their own course offerings because it eliminates the necessity for having to learn another solution.

2. Use a Membership plugin (Only)

It's important to remember that there are instances when using an LMS plugin like isn't necessary.

If the task you're conducting work on requires the protection of just some pages, posts or even assets that are on your WordPress website, then a membership plugin is exactly what you require. A learning management tool can be not enough.

A good example is if you run a website that includes a community forum and possibly some beneficial downloads available to your members. In this case it is not necessary to install application like this since there is no requirement to enroll students for courses, making quizzes available as well as badges, certificates or the reporting of points.

3. using both as well as a Membership Plugin

While a membership-based software can be a good idea, it could have advantages of using the membership plugin, based on the requirements of your business.

If, for example, you're interested in having extra information about the members in your business, then the member plugin can be a fantastic value-added feature. Most membership platforms offer their own reporting capabilities. In conjunction with that, it can provide you with more details on your members.

Another common scenario for using the two is when you own an existing membership website and just want to add the features of a course in a more formal, well-organized manner. The addition of a plugin is a simple way to increase the value of your membership website with the addition of courses that members can take to improve their knowledge. There is no need to alter how you manage the members, as it is still making use of the membership plugin.

is directly integrated with the following solutions for membership:

  • PaidMembershipsPro
  • Restrict Content Pro
  • Memberful
  • Wishlist Member
  • Memberium
  • UltimateMember
  • ActiveMember360
  • iMember360

A word of caution Avoid locking in vendors!

The learning programs you choose to join can vary with regard to demands as well as at times these needs alter. Start your learning program using one of the options above. You can change to a different program when you require.

What I have learned after more than a decade of working in the field of online learning is that courses for learning online and in-person classes aren't exactly the same for every person. Learning styles change and with it the demands.

If you are using or not do, I recommend encourage you to avoid all methods that focus exclusively on a single online platform or way to protect content. The same way, you should be cautious of products that are described as "all-in-one". It's rare to find such a claim, however If it's that's the scenario, you're at risk too. Don't risk this kind of risk. The risk has resulted in a number of headaches in the past.

Still confused? Watch this video!

In this webcast, we will discuss some common scenarios in which it is possible to use a membership plugin combined with a membership plugin can prove beneficial.

Article was first seen on here