What was the method by the way Laurel Parmet went from Staff Picks to feature films

Aug 5, 2023

"I have heard everyone say"Just go for it. Go ahead and make your film. The idea isn't real." she adds. "Self-doubt is a major issue and simply an energy suck. You'll spend a lot of time wondering, "Oh, I can't do this that, and I'll fail. You're probably doing that and utilize it in your creation." We were able to chat with Laurel to learn more about her creative process and also her progress as a creative. Read the full interview.

   What's the most useful advice you've ever gotten?  

Laura The best advice I've ever gotten is, when in doubt, always return to what's exciting and essential to me as the storyteller. There's a chance to be a bit caught up in things in the industry, but at the final analysis I'm in this profession because I am passionate about telling stories. That's the essence the basis of what I call my North Star.

   How do you locate the inspiration?  

Lauren In reality, I draw inspiration for my work by observing locations. As I write, I find it beneficial to physically be in the location, regardless of which part of the story is being created. In the story I'm currently developing, I'm hoping to place it on the Oregon coast because I'm on vacation, and was in love and thought to myself "I have to tell the story of this area as a movie."

How did it feel like to step on set for the first time?

Lauren: It was quite an extensive journey to get to this point. Making the story and getting it into the right spot, finding funds and forming your team. It should take a long duration because the very best tasks require a significant amount of time. Also, good scripts take a long time to create, I think.

On the first day that I set up for "The Starling Girl" I was sure I would be nervous and was not sure of the best thing to do however, it was actually a great experience that I felt completely at ease, and I felt as if the exact thing I was supposed to do. It was similar to cycling. It was as if I could return to work without difficulty and be amazed.

What helps you stay motivated?

Lauren The first and most important thing is it's my job. I love being on set because it's my most favorite location to be. It's a good thing to be able to see that scene in my mind of "Oh, I'll get there." It is what keeps me focused. It's an absolute pleasure to work alongside others. I enjoy that I'm making some thing with my friends I find it to be a lot of fun.

    Can you describe your Staff Pick experience?  

Laura Staff Picks that was very much everyone's ambition when I began making shorts and performing at festivals. You feel like you're recognized by those who are awed by your work. It's a wonderful feeling to be a part of this community where there are filmmakers that belong to and I'm awed by.

   What do you make use of within the course of your work?  

Laura is the name I've been using to accomplish everything. In the past, we used Laura when we created "The Starling Girl," uploading edits to share with all. This is the best streaming platform I've found and that's what I use.

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