Why You Need to Have A Staging Website for Your Membership Program

Jan 28, 2024

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One of the main reasons WordPress is a fantastic choice for your website that is an exclusive member site is the vast range of themes and plugins that this software offers in addition to possibilities for customizing the user experience.

What's inside? Toggle

With WordPress you can create imprevements to your site through a plugin or themes, or even custom web-based program.

It takes only few clicks to modify the look and feel of your website and add additional features, or modify your site in some other way so why not play around with a few ideas?

There's a problem. Despite the relative ability to implement a wide range of modifications to WordPress websites however, there are limitations. WordPress websites, these modifications may have unexpected consequences, which users might not appreciate.

In this piece, we'll explain how to enhance your WordPress site while not affecting the user experience important when it comes to paying customers.

What exactly is a staging website and the reason you should be using one

Site Safe Coding

If you try the various themes, download fresh plugins or tweak menus, widgets or other elements in WordPress You could accidentally expose your website to risk.

Consider what a prospective future member might think if your site's design suddenly shifts, a function stops operating, or the entire site goes offline.

At best, they'll think twice regarding entering private information. In the worst case, it will go away and never return.

It's also possible that they'll continue to let others know of their disappointment about your website.

These scenarios could occur when you begin to alter the basic elements of your website. We recommend to use a stage site or development environment for testing the changes that you plan to make changes to your website.

If you're a manager of a member site, it is it even more crucial not to modify the web page you're currently operating and to create copies of the web page only you and your team have access to.

Your staging space is a safe place where you are free to be as you please without:

  • Members who are unhappy
  • Attracting new visitors
  • Data loss is a term that is the loss of transactional data that customers provide.

Then, when you're satisfied that your changes didn't cause any difficulties, you'll then be able to add them available to the current version of your website.

Sound good? Then read on to learn the steps to make a staging website to host your WordPress website for members.

Be sure to verify with your Web host

 GoDaddy Staging Sites

A benefit of picking a platform that today is the basis for over 30 percent of websites is the fact that there's a wide range of WordPress optimized hosting options readily available.

One of the exciting new features available to the WordPress web hosts, such as some low-cost simple plans are the capability to quickly build a stage area or test site by using the existing site.

The most efficient staging-site services provided by web hosting providers permit you to create an test site with a private environment. It is then possible to move test versions of your site to the live hosting system.

SiteGround Staging Site Tools

This means that you're free to spend any time you want and complete as many tasks as you need when testing an updated web site's layout. When you're prepared for it and are ready, you can provide the changes to members and visitors in just a couple of mouse clicks.

No matter what staging websites can help you avoid the problems that are inevitable from using a live website to test as well as development.

Find a Suitable WordPress Staging WordPress Plugin for Websites

WordPress Stating Plugin

When it comes to selecting a WordPress plugin that allows you to make a staging version of your site, you have two main options:

  • an application designed for the purpose.
  • a more general-purpose website-duplication plugin.

Let's take a quick review of the pros and cons of each one prior to listing the top plugins.

The use of a specially-built stage-site plug-in might be the most effective alternative, but there are less options since there are less plug-ins that are similar to this.

In addition, you do not have the same control over the process and the end product as you do with plugins which serve more for general purpose website copying.

WPStaging Plugin

A second alternative, a plugin that is general-purpose for duplicating websites, offers you greater control over the entire process.

The top plugins in this category let you copy particular parts of your website, such as the database or content. They also give you different options regarding the place that your website's staging site is such as the local WordPress installation or separate subdomain.

Though a number of the best WordPress website-duplication plugins are for available for free, they're often not so user-friendly and easy to use as professional stage-site applications.

  • WP Stagecoach - a commercial one-click staging-site-creation WordPress plugin with lots of useful features.
  • WP Staging is a working-in-progress, free WordPress site staging plugin and the possibility of cloning.
  • Duplicator is a powerful however more complex WordPress duplication plugin for websites.

You can see that If you're prepared to pay for premium software, it's easier. Although those that are free might take some time to develop however, they're certainly viable options to create a WordPress Membership-based staging site.

Final thought

I hope that you have now understood what benefits of establishing the platform for your WordPress website for members.

You can get away by using the code you use that's basic on a personal site However, when you're managing an enterprise-level membership site, there's more of a responsibility to take care of the users of your site, no matter if they pay for access or not.

     What are you planning to make when you create an online platform for your membership website? Let us know your thoughts by commenting below.

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