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Aug 17, 2022

What's the difference Between GA4 and UA to sell online?

In Google's tools suite We often see minor changes that only marginally alter the features of Google Analytics or their functionality. However, this shift from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4 is a top-to bottom modification to the service. Both services are vastly different, particularly with regards to their data model.

  • The Universal Analytics: UA data is generated by specific "hit types." When a person "hits" your website (such such as the page's view, clicking on social media, or e-commerce purchase), Google Analytics collects the information from this action and categorizes it according to the hit type.
  • Google Analytics 4: GA4 data is event-driven. In the event that an event happens in GA4 The platform will store, collect, and process the data without consideration for categorical labels or actions.

The latest GA4 data model, in addition, offers an alternative to the traditional data funnel. Universal Analytics was designed to track and measure e-commerce success in terms of the amount of new clients or sales you get. In reality, 65% of a company's earnings come from former customers as per the data taken from Review 42.

Thanks to the method of collecting data in Google Analytics 4, e-commerce companies can gain a better understanding of a customer's journey using streams of data. Alongside your efforts in attracting new customers, this platform will help measure your success in increasing repeat business as well as your overall revenue.

Pros of GA4 to E-Commerce

    Data Privacy and Accurate Tracking

New laws, social media rules, and technology companies are working to ensure privacy and data security. Through Universal Analytics, accurate tracking was at the cost of user privacy (and in reverse). But, GA4 is the best of both worlds--providing more accurate and granular information, with enhanced privacy protection for users.

    Monetization vs. Conversions

    Improved user experience and data accuracy

It is likely to take some time to figure out how to use GA4 and then warm up to GA4 (especially during this early development stage). Yet, GA4 is expected to be better than Universal Analytics over the long haul. The new model is intended to make GA4 easier for companies to utilize, easier for consumers (with the added privacy controls and security) as well as more precise and granular with the information it offers.

Pros and Cons of GA4 on E-Commerce

    Some Groundwork is required

The data model fundamentally differs in GA4, users must move their own data collection to the new platform. If you are only beginning to get the hang of Universal Analytics or have already started the process of creating their UA property, adjusting to an entirely new system could feel like a chore. However, Google offers a wealth of information that can help you along the process.

At present, Google encourages e-commerce sites to include both UA and GA4 tracking in place. While building and implementing the Google Analytics 4 property, it is recommended to not change the Universal Analytics property and implementation to be in place (for time being).

To get started, log into your account ( and follow Google's on-screen guidance to create a GA4 property. In order to track sales using GA4 the first step is to create and implement duplicate events using new GA4 events and their parameters. The Google guide for migrating data collected from e-commerce to GA4 here.

    The Future is Unpredictable of E-Commerce Tracking Features

The features for tracking e-commerce on Universal Analytics have been continuously improving over the last 10 years. The most recent enhanced tracking features collect more information than ever before and allows users to view this data through many lenses, with multiple reports choices.

In the meantime, UA4's e-commerce tracking tools and capabilities are in the early development stage. This leaves a lot of unanswered issues for online business owners. For instance:

  • Which e-commerce features will be added to GA4?
  • What date will the GA4 e-commerce features be finalized?
  • How challenging will it be to master and use the new capabilities of tracking e-commerce?

It is likely that Google may have features comparable with those offered by UA completely implemented prior to the cut-off or prolong the cut-off deadline. There isn't a possibility of knowing with any the certainty of how this is going to play out. The professionals at will continue watching Google's launch of GA4 E-commerce capabilities and will keep our community posted.

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