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Aug 31, 2022

Pay What You Want pricing options have been gaining popularity on the world of online shopping. How do businesses make profits when they let customers decide their own price? What is the best way to set up Pay What You Can pricing in an online store?  The experts from e-commerce at's are here with the answers to the Pay What You Want questions.

What is Pay What You Wish Pricing?

While it might seem unconventional however, it can provide many positive effects on your business (and your bottom line). Let's take a closer examine the advantages of Pricing that you pay for.

1) The Roping of Customers in  A Perfect Marketing and Introductory Offer

The Pay What You Wish pricing strategy is described as a strategy for marketing. It allows customers to sample of your products at a rate you know that they will not be able to resist (because they made the decision themselves). Once they've had a taste your incredible products first-hand and gaining people who are new to your brand hooked for life. The PWYW pricing strategy will yield the same result as a free trial while offering additional perks for online sellers.

Contrary to free trials, a Pay What You Want offer will attract customers while bringing in some cash to you. Additionally, PWYW pricing will weed out "freebie customers" who are completely unwilling to pay--bringing forward only people who really want your product.

2) Helping Others with Your Online Company

Conversely, businesses also use pricing such as Pay What You Can pricing as means of giving back, making the products or services they offer more accessible and less burdensome for individuals of any situation of financial difficulty. Giving back can have several positive effects on your business and your business, such as:

  • Joining the community
  • Brand trust
  • Simple and effective!

3) An Ideal Fundraising Sales Method

4) Boosting Digital Product Sales

Modifying your pricing approach will boost business and attract new clients. If a lower, discretional price leads to a higher volume of sales, you'll earn more without any additional effort. If this is the case, PWYW pricing can even generate more income than fixed pricing.

5) Understanding Your Market

In the marketplace online One of the biggest problems that creators have to face is pricing. Of course, you don't wish to put money to be wasted by overcharging for your products. On the other hand you don't want to restrict business through charging higher prices than customers will or are able to pay.

If you find yourself thinking, "How much should I be charging for my services?" PWYW pricing can aid. Many online sellers utilize Pay What You Want pricing to gain a better understanding of their marketplace and customers. Once you have an idea of what the ideal price should be then you can list the item and put a price tag.

6) Avoiding Undervaluation

Your work and hand-crafted items are, in some ways valuable. Yet, designers are usually pressured to list items at a low price point--making it easier to minimize their contribution to the online market.

When you launch pricing for Pay What You Want pricing, you can open up the ceiling on the value of your products. You may be amazed by how many buyers recognize your value. Buyers might even regularly contribute to your account more than what you charged had you put an amount for your products. It is also possible to ensure that the value of your products is appropriate through setting a minimum price for PWYW.

7) Clearing Out Extra Low-Cost Inventory

Do you remember having so much extra inventory that it starts to take over your office? You can clear out the old stock quickly and still profiting from Pay What You Want pricing. The process is the same as placing items from a sale on sale--though you might consider PWYW prices to be particularly appealing for potential customers.

Set Up of Payment What You Want Pricing

It is easy to set up the Pay What You Want price for your online store. If you are launching a new product you can select "Pay What You Want" from the pricing type drop-down menu. The selection you make will result in the Minimum Contribution box. You can enter the minimum amount that you are willing to pay for your product. If you are not planning to set a minimum amount You can set this value to $0.

You can choose to further customize your listing by adding an estimated price, setting up an option for recurring payments, and much more. After you've got your product all set, you can create your listing and start bringing in sales almost immediately. This is as easy as that! You can find our step-by-step PWYW support guide here.

Pay What You Can Pricing How do you make Profit?

Additionally, you can add a suggestion price giving customers an insight at the value estimated for your offerings. It can encourage customers to give more of their contributions--or help customers at your minimum price range understand the value and generosity of your product.

Configure Price What You Can With