10 ideas for community engagement to steal this week

Sep 30, 2022

If you've ever had the privilege of managing a community on the internet or otherwise, it's likely that you've learned something. The idea of inviting people to join an online community is great. However, getting them involved and excited about being there will be more efficient.

The process can be challenging. It's sometimes difficult for people to get people to join into the game and be involved. Some prefer to remain at a distance for long time. If you're unable to convince participants to join in There's a chance of being evicted completely from the neighborhood.

It's enough of all the stressful stuff. It's important to be aware that it's simple to ensure that people are involved within the society.

If you have the right techniques and tools, you can get member participation to increase throughout every day.

The most exciting thing about engagement? Engaging members be a Iceberg. As more people are engaged as they become engaged and engaged, the more members that are active help colleagues to become engaged. So, your efforts to encourage employees of your company to be involved can have long-term impact that is beyond what you could think of.

If you're seeking to start your journey with your community, these tips can help. These are the top 10 methods to connect with your community that you can use this week!

If you're looking for additional assistance in building your online community, sign up to OUR Mighty Community for free and meet other established and new community owners! We'd love to have you join us. Sign up for a free trial!

The article...

     1. Customize the new member user experience

     2. Go live... a lot!

     3. Newsletter updates

     4. Play with Incorporate

     5. Find your ideal member and Big Purpose

     6. Moderate One thing

     7. Create rituals

     8. Ask questions

     9. Go on quests

     10. Unscripted

     11. Empower your best people

     Are you ready to begin?

1. Allow new members to customize their experience

Let's discuss the most important moment of a community member's journey within the first few minutes, hours or even days in a community.

This is the most terrifying thing to your new friend. You're like the new student in the school. The whole class knows each the other, and they know what's going on, and it's hard to dive into the mix.

It is essential to develop the offer a wonderful introduction experience to the new members. It is important to ensure that everyone in your community knows the best way to start and where to go to get started. It's important to involve people into discussions to ensure they feel welcome to show them where the opportunities are  and what they have the potential for them to take advantage of, and assure them that you are there to support the community.

In an online community This is possible through the creation of a great digital new member experience.

For the case of Mighty Network, we created the list of requirements for new members which you can modify and make your own. Anyone that joins the network is aware of this and is guided by their guide through the process of publishing their profile by simply saying "hello" on the forum and asking their first question or responding for the first time to live events.

The way you design it is your choice. What is certain is that an amazing user experience for new members doesn't let people be left waiting around. They will be able to jump into the game and start participating.

Magical new member experience

We provide a training at no cost that will create an exciting and engaging member experience within The Mighty Community! *

2. Go live... a lot!

We love live streaming. No matter whether it's an event planned or an unexpected surprise, live streaming is a way to be authentic in the online community.

Live streaming might contain a few "um" however don't be too concerned about that. With all the perfectly created social media channels available, some human nature is always welcome.


To increase participation of members, by streaming regularly live, take a look. Share what you've learned, talk to people in your group, or invite guests from outside to provide an open question and answer time or an AMA.

Before you get started, the butterflies you get when you first start live streaming are normal. It's anxious to do live streaming in a way you've never attempted before. If you take off the band-aid and attempt the live stream, you'll be awestruck by what you'll observe. Engagement is increased.

And by the way the abilities to communicate with your students will develop over time. Also, the butterflies will go off. Give it a go!

     Start your free Trial It is not a credit card required.

3. Updates to emails

Okay, so as you think about your plan for engaging with the community, consider the purpose of email.

One of the great things about an awesome community platform and especially one with a beautiful, built-in app it is that members aren't required to send email notifications about each issue. Members should get messages via their platforms (and the best platforms will give them the option to modify their notifications). ).

This gives you the option to consider the way you use emails. There is no need to send out emails to customers on a daily basis. However, you could email them information or let users be aware of certain events. If you've been absent from the platform for some time, this is the perfect way to draw people back.

When life is hectic, which it does, a weekly roundup of what's happening within your community can allow people to stay connected and get them prepared to get back into the action.

4. Play with Include

Communities should be fun. At times, we can get the urge to become excessively serious, particularly in the case of members being paid for their the privilege of membership. There is a stress of having to deliver a truly serious experience that feels... "professional. "

There's a place and time to do it. This isn't saying that it's never proper to act professionally.

However, being "professional" isn't always suggest that you must be serious at all times. The best community will include an element of fun. If you are able to get your group members to share a laugh by sharing the risk of play and enjoying themselves you will provide a wonderful experience for your members.

You can try incorporating fun activities. Video game shows. Karaoke. Things that break your community off from the seriousness of life and increase engagement with laughter. If you're in search of some fun virtual event ideas there's a comprehensive list on this site.

5. Find the right member a Big Purpose

We recommend this exercise at the planning stage of your community in the course of community Design(tm). But even if you skipped this stage at the time of planning You don't have to wait to do these exercises now.

Every community must meet two conditions. The first is that you need an ideal member. It's crucial to know what your community's purpose is. As specific as you can in your understanding of these individuals. You must know their identity, are their goals and dreams and what they're most passionate about.

If you can develop a certain ideal type of participant, it will aid in the involvement in your community. Because instead of throwing objects on the ground to see what sticks, you could focus on helping other people.
    Ideal Members resolve the challenges which they're facing. It's a method to bring members to be involved and take part.

Another part of this process is the development of what's called the"Big" Purpose. A Large Purpose of your company defines what the community you belong to is for and the things you'll aid them with. It looks like this.

Big Purpose- New Image

In addition, there's no charge for training to find both your Ideal Members and your purpose for participating in our mighty community.

     Get Started with a Free Trial Credit card not required.

6. Moderate that one thing

Being a great member of your community isn't only about the things that are in your community. One of the main reasons is knowing the items which your community shouldn't include.

This is where a solid community moderation plan comes into play.

Members should feel comfortable within your neighborhood. You must ensure that your members are not being bullied or abused. It's important to believe that they will not see content that contain sexism or homophobia, as well as racism or other forms of discrimination.

If you're seeking to build an atmosphere where people feel secure it is essential to develop a good moderating strategy. Let your members know what expectations they should be aware of, and keep them informed regularly. Don't be afraid to use the moderator tools in the community platform you use to mark or block offenders' material. Also, think about selecting the most active, loyal users to assist in the process of moderating.

The concept of moderation doesn't sound super exciting at the outset. Nobody gets their thrills from using a pencil and paper to write out guidelines.

Trust us when we say that the mental security your employees enjoy is enough to warrant the risk. If people feel secure that they feel secure, they're much more inclined to be involved.

7. Create rituals

Imagine stepping back to human settlements that were still in existence many thousands of years before. Our ancestors were gathered around campfires. What brought them together?

The most important reason for the community bonding was the power of rituals. Rituals served to signify as belonging to the group. They were also used for major transitions through life, for instance the rituals used to mark the transition between being a young person and becoming an adult. Also, they were utilized for marking the passage of time. They were employed to indicate the end of days, weeks and months in addition to years.

Your community will benefit from ceremonies, also. While you're living the day-to-day activities of a member of your group, you should take note of occasions which should be a part of a ritual. Perhaps it's something that you've tried once for new members that you'd like to continue doing to all members - similar as the first-time member experience previously mentioned. Maybe once or twice per year, you'll organize a specific community event, which everyone is looking forward to. Maybe it's your community's monthly happy hour.


If you can create these unique occasions that have a time limit, creating them, and making them distinctive, creates rituals. This is something that humans have always done, making rituals effective ways to engage the community.

     Start Free Trial Credit card not required.

8. Ask questions

In our research on communities, we've come across one thing every time that has created the sense of participation. It's not a secret.

The main thing is...questions!

The answers to questions can draw people in. They ask questions that have some connection to them. They draw from their personal experience and expertise, something we all get enthusiastic about. So, asking questions could be the best approach to improve the participation of participants.

In fact, we care about asking questions . That's why we have been asking for a long time we put together an amazing list of 1,000 discussions questions you can make use of to get your group talking. Download it for free by clicking here.

1000 questions guide

9. Go on quests

Another thing we've incorporated into our game we're extremely excited about. Quests. Similar to the knights of old Quests provide a means to take your group into a new adventure. Also, we offer full and no-cost training for creating quests for the Mighty Community too!

10. Unscripted

A different way to tap into the magic of community engagement. Are you prepared?


Community leaders could be enticed to maintain a strict vigilance on every aspect. In order to clean everything. In order to make everything seem perfect. But, ask anybody who's ever been in a community and they'll tell them that the best occasions are often those the people aren't expecting. The unscripted events.

Live stream in which guests cannot join, and the conversation that follows is more powerful than what the discussion could have. The moment that a person in the community bursts into tears while other members come in to cheer them on and cheer them on.

There's simply nothing you can make a plan for to add unscripted sequences. That would go against the purpose.

Yet, allow space and time to connect in ways that aren't perfectly written, and you must be ready to let the magic happen.

11. Empower your best people

As the name implies, should not be managed on its own. The leadership of a community isn't an obligation by itself also.

One of the secrets to a great community engagement is to draw participants in instead of seeking to create an all-person event. This could mean the hiring of a community manager. But, most of the time it's simply giving the members all the necessary tools to be there.

This can be done with programs like the Ambassador Program, that rewards your existing members with invitations to new members. Consider promoting those who are the most successful members to join as co-hosts, or moderators. These could be paid or paid positions or even paid positions, and you may find yourself surprised by the fact that some of the people active in your community are thrilled by being able to step into a leadership role and go more deeply.

Are you ready to begin?

These tips will make you feel excited about adding an exciting new aspect to your organization. Keep in mind that having many members doesn't do much good if they aren't engaged. These tips can help you bring your members in and keep them there. It has been proven time and time again that people join community to take advantage of their courses, but they can stay for long time due to the relationships they build in the community.


If you're looking for an amazing platform to create your community, then give it it an attempt ! It's an all-in-one community engine which connects subgroups, forums, messaging and live streaming courses, along with integrated events as well as many other. You can charge for the membership fee or offer classes available for sale, or provide access to subgroups or all of these. Plus, it's an awesome app that is loved by your clients.

But don't take our word on it. you are able to try the product for free up to 14 days!

Are you prepared to start building the community of your dreams?

     Begin with a No-cost Trial There is no credit card required.

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