20 Brand Extension Examples That Can Motivate You

May 19, 2022

Did you know that your favorite brand introduces new items? Personally, I was shocked when I saw Reese did not only make peanut butter-flavored cups any longerThey provided everything you could like including sweets bars which you could bake in your kitchen to Peanut Butter Spread on toast for breakfast. (Yum. )

It's easy to spot the different types of brands that have extensions all over the place, from your local café to the daily washing powder. Continue reading to find out more about how brand extensions work, and what they can offer you when it comes to expanding your business.

What exactly is an extension of a brand?

Brand extensions can be described as a strategy to marketing employed by companies to offer new products and expand the reach of their offerings. Most often, brand extensions are launched with items related to the primary item or the brand identity for the main brand.

Brand extensions enable businesses to capitalize on their core image and create new channels of sales. Brand extensions can be utilized by businesses to reach different types of customers as well as boost revenue for customers that are already there.

What is the different types of extensions that brands can get?

Brand extensions are a great method of (you you've guessed it!) improving the visibility and reach of your brand. What is the best extension for your brand will depend on your customers and the field you work in. This article will provide a brief overview of the different types of brand extensions available to select from. We will also give an example of use in the everyday to inspire you.

A Sort of the Brand Extension Description
Authority Categories that share a lot with your brand's parent.
Line The products you purchase may have slightly different variations to your original product.
Product Companion products that complement the product.
Lifestyle An active community or culture that is related to the brand you own.
Customer Franchise HTML0 Product categories that differ, however, belong to one particular market segment.
Brand Distinction items with distinctive characteristics which span multiple sectors.
HTML1 A Transferring Component The product has an element that is central to the product and can be expanded to cover a variety of sectors.

     Extensions for Authority    

If you've established your own name in the industry You can take advantage of the name you have established to ensure that your business's success expansion.

Authorization extensions, often known as expert company brand extensions, are the process of launching merchandise that is similar with your brand's parent. This allows you to increase the brand's authority and authority to sell to new and established audiences.

If you're the creator of educational courses that specialize in a particular field of expertise You can make use of an extension which is an authentic brand extension in order for a wider reach through the most innovative service. In the case of, for instance, a specialist in puppy training, you can utilize an expert extension for your brand to design a course specifically for older dogs as well.

HTML0 What is an authority extension the best?

  • Making use of authority that is already in your field
  • Building brand recognition
  • Set yourself up to be a thinker

 Examples of brand authority extensions

     1. Dyson

Screenshot of Dyson hair dryer, an example of brand extension

One great illustration of a firm which has utilized its knowledge and power to increase its reach is Dyson. Dyson has built itself an reputation as an authority in the field of technologically advanced vacuum cleaners. Since the beginning, they've adopted a brand expansion strategy that uses this inventive branding to create various products such as hand dryers, space fan as well as hair dryers.

When consumers see the Dyson name, they understand they can count on efficient and high quality items (regardless of the industry). Dyson is the most trusted extension of power.

     2. X Neil Patel

Neil Patel is a digital businessman and marketer who introduced several authority enhancements to improve his personal image. He has collaborated with Neil Patel to create a web-based webinar sales Funnel Course which helps course creators learn more about the most effective marketing techniques for their businesses.

Alongside the creation of an his online courses, Neil's brand extension examples include ebooks, guides as well as templates. He uses his authority in marketing via digital channels to draw attention to the wide range of consumers from different categories of products.

 Line extension

Line extensions are among the most simple extension of your brand that you can make. Line extensions simply offer an item in a slight distinctive style from the initial product. It could be because of the size, flavor, or packaging design.

A line extension will allow your product to be appealing to potential clients without substantially altering the product you sell. In the case of rugs, for example, if you're selling rugs, it might be beneficial to broaden your range to include different sizes of rug as well as diverse colors.

What is the line extension you should use?

  • Attracting new customers
  • Customers who already have customers can enjoy greater variety
  • Marketing simplified

Examples of extensions to mark lines

     1. Carlsberg

Screenshot of Carlsberg beers on website

There's an array of businesses that have utilized expansion of their offerings to support their branding strategy. Carlsberg is an excellent examplethat is a multinational brewery company. has their classic Danish pilsner in cans, bottles, and on tap and in a variety of other formats. It's the exact same thing but with different variations.

In this case of expansion of brand name, Carlsberg uses the strength of the parent brand to provide customers with more beer choices which means you can enjoy the beer you like. (And Carlsberg drinks up more revenues in the process. )

     2. X Transformation Academy

     Product extensions    

An extension of your product can be built on your existing line of products, but is entirely new to those that you are targeting. This type of expansion to your business is built upon the development of new products which are a part of the current offerings but differ from the offerings you currently have to provide. In most cases, product extensions come with merchandise that are a complement to your primary products.

A makeup brand could introduce a product that's an extension of blenders, brushes and sponges. These are different items -- but they're compatible when compared to the one initially sold, as well as give customers who already have an item the option to purchase the brand further.

What's a particular product extension most suitable to use?

  • The new customers are drawn to HTML0.
  • Offer existing customers extra choices
  • Enhancing your product

 Examples of product brand extensions

     1. Hootsuite

Screenshot of Hootsuite product suite

They're the market leader in software for managing social media, HootSuite is a great illustration of an extension that has proven to be successful. HootSuite has introduced brand extensions to their business such as Hootsuite Social Advertising, Hootsuite Insights and Hootsuite Academy.

The education program was launched in 2011, Hootsuite as well as Hootsuite Academy have trained over 450,000 students. The certification for social media was completed by over 72,000 users.

Hootsuite Academy's student program is specifically designed to work with universities, has implemented Hootsuite Academy classes to more than 800 institutions across the globe, educating more than 855,000 students.

"In the next 10-years, we'd love to see every one of our clients consuming Hootsuite Academy education content. We'd also like to be the leader in the world in the creation of educational content on the social web." " - Sarah Whyte, Education Marketing Specialist at Hootsuite

To promote branding, Hootsuite has a partnership between Hootsuite with accredited education and certification in order to establish Hootsuite as a leader in their area.

Beyond branding, the benefits of education for customers have a direct impact on their business performance. In the wake of investing in online learning to enhance the product as well as a customer attraction and retention strategy Hootsuite has witnessed reduced churn rate as well as an increase in the percentage of users who are actively engaged brand ambassadors.

With this extension system, HootSuite also gives their customers the tools to help them do their work more effectively by encouraging their existing client base to shift the bulk of their day-to-day activities that relate to marketing to their HootSuite systems.

"We get excited about educating future generations of social media pros. Through integrating online learning into these classes , students graduate with certificates that they are able to showcase...and find the position they've always wanted to work in the field of social." " - Sarah Whyte, Education Marketing Specialist, Hootsuite

     2. X Beauty Inc. Canada

For Sheryl Gatzke who is the director of Beauty Inc. Canada, a product extension made sense to her strategy of brand expansion. As the world was ravaged by the epidemic, Sheryl recognized the need to move her company's focus on one-to-one education. With this approach, she was able to move from teaching only a few of students per day in order to create online course material that could reach many thousands.

The product extension is ideal to increase the sales of the Lash & Brow Bomb beauty products, helping students learn how the products work, best practices, and expert guidance for getting the most effective results. By extending the product, Sheryl created new possibilities to sell to existing clients by creating an additional product.

     Extensions for living    

Lifestyle extensions are an extremely fascinating form of branding extension. The strategy is based on the creation of an established community or culture about the brand. Lifestyle extensions allow you to leverage the community of your brand to advertise the latest products to your fans regardless of whether they're associated with the item of the parent brand.

To extend their lifestyle, brands frequently rely on endorsements from famous people or other influencers in order to create awareness. As an example, a auto manufacturer might start selling clothes or furniture within their brand extension plan.

What is a lifestyle extension most effective to utilize?

  • Building your brand's community
  • Increasing brand recognition
  • Boosting the earning potential for your company

 Examples of extensions to lifestyle brands

     1. Red Bull

One of the most recognizable brand extensions could be Red Bull. Red Bull has created an entire universe centered on the energy drinks that contain caffeine that include extreme sports, special occasions, clothes, accessories and more.

Red Bull is now synonymous with top physical performance along with risk-taking and competitive. Through strategic lifestyle enhancements the company has grown to be more than a drink company , and have earned themselves a world-wide image based on quality and energy.

     2. X Meiko Temple

After growing an audience who were loyal, Meiko introduced a range of lifestyle-related additions to her brand including partnerships with brands like Diplomatico Rum and Cascade, recipes for the holidays, as well as Eat the Culture  the online community of Black chefs and creators.

     Extensions to the franchise that are available to customers    

Another method to expand the reach of your brand and increase the reach of your brand is through a customer franchise extension. A process for extending an existing franchise to customers involves the move into different product categories which are all part of the same market segment. One example of a franchise extension would be the bread maker sourdough that begins offering bagels, and breakfast muffins as well.

If you have already an established customer base then a franchise extension is a good solution to increase the number of sales. You can leverage the trust you've built with your existing clients to promote the latest products.

What is a franchise extension that is the most effective?

  • Making the most of existing customers you have
  • Strengthening your parent brand
  • Exploring new market opportunities

Exemples of franchisee customer extensions of brand names

     1. Havaianas

Screenshot of Havaianas website showing fluffy product range

Originally a humble Brazilian flip flop brand, Havaianas has grown their reputation to be an internationally-known must-have summer accessory. They've expanded their business with their clients. They have added a variety of types of open-toed shoes to their collection, including Havaianas Slides Havaianas Fluffy Havaianas flatforms, and more.

     2. The X Doc Jen Fit

If you're in search of different kinds of brand extensions expanding franchises for customers often makes sense for course creators. Jen Esquer, the solopreneur behind Doc Jen Fit, used her knowledge of the field of physical therapy to launch the body transformation brand that is geared at helping people overcome chronic suffering.

Doc Jen Fit was born with 'The Mobility Method', a program that she introduced prior to her launch of an extension franchise to customers in the form of "The The Optimal Body" program. It includes workout programs recipes and cooking tips and access to her extensive learning community. Through the assistance of she's been able to grow her business and reach her message across to more people than previously through strategically designed extensions.

     Extension for brand differentiation    

Brand distinction extensions are employed by companies that have built a reputation as a supplier of a distinctive product. Brands with an established product that's well-respected and recognized for its distinct qualities can make use of this reputation to gain entry into new market.

Extensions to brand distinctions allow you to build on your brand's reputation in order to provide new items to customers. As an example, suppose you have a backpack for hiking that are considered to be exceptionally durable and water-proof? Then you could launch a line of backpacks designed specifically to be used in urban areas.

What is a brand-difference extension ideal to use?

  • Growing your customer base
  • The increase in revenue
  • Meeting the demands of customers and their needs

Some examples of brands with distinct extensions

     1. Tide

Screenshot of Tide website showing range of detergent products

Tide is an excellent model to look at when looking for extensions of brand recognition instances. One of the most unique aspects of Tide's branding is the fact that it is the first ever synthetic detergent in the world. Established as a "washing miracle," the brand has developed into one of the most popular detergent brands in the world by introducing a number of strategically-planned extension of the brand.

The Tide collection of products include Liquid, Powder Pacs, liquid. There are options for deep clean the odor as well as removal of odor as well as whitening and other specific areas. All these brand extensions are built upon the brand's original distinctiveness of Tide's synthetic detergent formulation.

     2. X Bachelor Data

Bachelor Data Instagram account

In collecting information about The Bachelor and using it to showcase different ways to visualize data, Somers created a distinctive and highly acclaimed brand that includes the same thing that is unique and central that is data-focused details about The Bachelor.

Bachelor Data now boasts over 114,000 fans on Instagram by itself -- but it was the change that really made a difference by introducing the BachelorData Academy

     Transfer of components via extension    

If your business is recognized with a particular character, characteristic or symbol It is possible to incorporate it into your brand's extension plan. This transfer lets you offer your audience something new and innovative that incorporates the primary component that they are familiar with and like.

The extension of a part could include smells, tastes substances, or technology advancements. For instance, a company, that creates ultra-cooling ice packs could also use similar technology for drinking coolers, picnic baskets and picnic baskets as well.

What makes an extension of the component that is ideal for make it suitable for

  • Utilising an existing component of the product
  • Expanding your niche
  • Offers customers something fresh

Good examples of transfers of extensions for components

     1. Marmite

Screenshot of Marmite website showing range of products

You can either love it or dislike it' UK food, Marmite has become a global brand because of its unique (and unforgettable!) flavor. It started out as an ingredient in a spread. However, the brand has since introduced an entire range of products based on the core ingredient of the initial recipe.

The distinctive extensions of the brand keep Marmite's distinctive yeasty flavour, but place it in different kinds. Marmite items now include Marmite beer, Marmite peanut butter, Marmite rice cakes and many more.

     2. X Hoop Lovers

The company was founded by Deanne Love. Hoop Lovers' website credits their founders with initiating a global revolution in hula hooping. Deanne developed a revolutionary method for instruction in Hoop dancing that is currently featured on Hooplovers.tv where you can find online instruction, workshops, and even hula hoop teacher education.

Vertical brand extension vs Horizontal brand extension

If they are developing a brand expansion strategy, businesses may choose to develop a vertical brand extension, or a horizontal extension. Find out between the two and choose which is superior to one of the others.

Category Description Example
Vertical A vertical extension of a brand uses the exact same brand in the same type of product but it may have an upward or downward brand extension. Amazon has a wide selection of Kindle items, ranging from the expensive Oasis edition, through the comparatively inexpensive Paperwhite Edition.
Horizontal A horizontal extension of a brand is a brand extension that integrates with the parent brand to develop a completely novel product, whether in the same product class or in a brand new category. Tim Hortons branched out of its coffee outlets to introduce Timbits Cereal in grocery stores.

The extension of a brand could be horizontal or vertical, depending on the brand's location. Many products have objective measures which differentiate them from items belonging to the parent company. However, they may contain some subjective measures too.

In this case, Apple's MacBook Air is more affordable than its MacBook pro counterpart, however it also has distinct features, such as having greater battery longevity and significantly more portability. The MacBook Air is an example of one of the brands that have vertical and horizontal logos on their extensions.

The lessons from the colossal brand extensions failings

The examples below demonstrate what might be the outcome if you decide to implement the strategy right However, there are examples of massive mistakes which ought be enough to make you think twice. Review these epic mistakes and be sure that you do not make similar mistakes when you implement the strategy to extend your brand...

Product extension failure The cause is Colgate

The most widely-known brands that failed to extend their brand was the Colgate Kitchen Entrees. The famous toothpaste brand attempted to extend their reach into the food sector by introducing hot food items. It was the idea that consumers were to eat Colgate meals first, and then make use of Colgate toothpaste following.

It's not surprising that Colgate Kitchen Entrees never took off due to the fact that consumers were not thrilled to be eating food from a name associated with fresh, minty taste. It seemed like too much of a stretch towards their consumers.

Food preparation is not the only thing that needs to be done. Colgate has been able to launch fresh brands in the dental industry with the introduction of several dental care products. This include mouthwash, toothpaste and floss. What's the point? Make sure your brand extension fits with the parent brand as well as the individuals who will be taking advantage of the extension.

Lifestyle extension failures: Virgin

Richard Branson wearing a wedding dress for the launch of Brand Extension failure "Virgin Brides"
Richard Branson wearing a wedding gown for their brief brand extension in the 90's. Image Source: KEVIN LAMARQUE / REUTERS

One shining example of a brand's branding's decline is Virgin. It was a brand that tried to broaden their brand's lifestyle during the 90s, which involved entering the very fiercely competitive wedding industry. The introduction of Virgin Brides sought to capitalize the brand's existing recognition so that they could sell wedding gowns to brides who are getting married.

Unfortunately, Virgin underestimated the potential of their brand in addition to the boundaries of their current industries. Virgin Brides opened just two stores in the UK but then closed around the middle of 2000 when their brand extension failed to generate enough profits.

The issue with Virgin's lifestyle extension was the lack of interest from consumers. Virgin is a company which has earned a reputation for its massively successful extensions to their brand, such as Virgin Atlantic airlines, Virgin Holidays Virgin Holidays, Virgin Holidays and Virgin Mobile demonstrated that it is feasible to get too much in a lifestyle extension.

Strategies to successfully implement an extension to your brand

If you're looking to design a brand extension strategy for your company, keep your mind on these important ideas to avoid the same failures.

     1. Do a common sense test

If you're pondering whether or not a brand extension could be the best option for you, here's a few tips. The first thing to do is to stop and contemplate whether your idea can actually be implemented in real life. Though a variety of extensions may sound great on paper -- for example, Colgate meals or Virgin brides -- you'll be able to be able to save time, effort and cash by thinking about whether the idea is appropriate to your particular business.

     2. You must ensure that the extensions you choose have relevance to your parent brand

When developing a brand extension it's crucial to reference back to the brand that was originally created in order to ensure it's the same brand. It's crucial to make sure that the brand extension won't have a conflict with or be contrary to the message of the brand that is parent.

This means that every new item should complement or strengthen your existing image of your company's image. If the expansion of your brand is completely distinct industry, you must provide a link to the parent company to enable the use of your current image.

     3. Try new products by using your current customers

Brand extensions that work best will require a lengthy testing period before they are released. If you're able to try out new products with your current customers, you'll be able to determine whether there is a opportunity for your brand's extension prior to launching full-scale production.

Find out the feedback of the customers you serve to decide whether your decision of brand extension is right for the people you target. This is also an excellent review process that can help you discover how to enhance your branding extension for the most successful possible product. Ask your clients for tips on how you can avoid the typical brand extension mistakes.

Extend your brand's reach strategically through extending your brand's reach

There's an array of ways to increase the reach of your brand by applying extensions for your business's name. From extensions to your brand for authority to distinction extensions, it is possible to leverage your existing brand to make new products and potential opportunities for your business.

Create your own brand extension to expand your business today by creating your online academy with Plus.

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