7 Methods to Personalize Automated mailings on the basis of actions of subscribers

Mar 27, 2024

In the age of personalization marketing, a one-size-fits-all method of marketing via email doesn't do the trick today. Businesses and email marketers that use e-commerce usually have lots of data about their customers However, they're unable to use this information in the most effective way. With the increasing number of businesses utilizing emails for marketing. It is imperative that you as an email marketing professional employ new methods to maintain your customers' interest.

There is a time when using the 'first name' of subscribers in emails was considered to be among the most effective strategies for increasing conversions. It is important to be able to deliver customers relevant and timely emails which is appropriate to their preferences is essential to keep them interested in your business.

Automation and personalization, when combined, can be a boon to business. An analysis has shown that according to Experian companies that customize the marketing messages they send out have greater unique click rates and one-percent more open rates over those not customized. In addition, the report states that trigger emails result in greater response rates to conversion with the same amount of sends as compared to "batch blast" email blasts.

If you are looking to design custom-designed campaigns for your online store emails it is essential to employ two simple but advanced methods to take your campaigns to the right location.

Answer the Right Questions

For the purpose of sending out email messages that are automated, you have to collect data from your customers. One effective method to do this is to request your customers to choose certain preference choices that will help in separating the data. When the customers subscribe to your email newsletter You should ask them about the reason for opting for your emails. The responses you receive will give insight that will lead to sending targeted and more pertinent emails.

This is an example of an email sent by Marisa Murgatroyd, the founder of Live Your Message. In this email, she requests her subscribers to fill out a brief survey, which will allow her to segment them based on their preferences and to send the only messages intended for them.

Automated Email Segmentation Example

Create Customer Personas

After you have received feedback from your clients, build the personas of your customers using the information. You can better identify your customers, as well as your subscribers to emails, you can create more personalized experiences for their needs. This could give users with more focus as well as an experience that's more customized.

 Take into account Time and Location

Examine your email accounts according to location and time to determine which is the most beneficial for your needs. Certain times of the day have been proven to be better when it comes to . Customers may be spread across the world in different time zones and hence it's important to offer all your customers the same experience. Your customers may respond more favorably to emails when they're sent out at specific time of day. It is essential to conduct A/B tests on your emails in order to identify the most efficient time at which customers get in touch with you. You can then set the send time accordingly.

7 types of automated emails that are triggered when subscriber behavior is observed

Once you've collected enough data for you to correctly classify your subscriber into segments and create automated email triggers based on specific categories and behavior.

Here are 7 kinds of trigger emails you could send out to customers of yours:

     1. Welcome E-mails

The welcome emails trigger to establish a connection to your new subscriber. It is the initial email that you send to confirm the signup. This will help you sort your data by asking your customers about their preferences. The best approach is to send out a series of welcome emails beginning with the first one as a pure welcoming note and also introducing your services you offer, then the third email asking about the subscribers' preferences as well as the following emails about offers and discounts to make a purchase in the future.

Have a look at this sample Welcome Email from Hootsuite.. The email invites users to start using their website-based software. It is the first mail in the series to be initiated and sent as soon as the customer decides to sign up.


     2. Posts left on abandoned carts

The emails for abandoned carts are ones which are sent out to customers who've added items to their shopping cart, but didn't complete with their purchase. Inviting them to buy the products that have been abandoned by providing discounts or complimentary shipping offer to take them to the payment page is a good option to convince them to finish the purchase.

Have a look at this mail from this company Asics. They have highlighted one of the products which have been abandoned, placing it over the main banner while displaying the rest of the items that are in the cart. They have also displayed items to encourage cross-selling, increasing customers' chances to return to the site in order for a purchase.


3. Back in Stock Emails

Emails with back in stock are the emails distributed to those who wanted to buy an item that's out of stock and has chosen to be notified whenever it is in the stocks. Announcing an email informing the customer about availability of the product is an excellent method of bringing them back on your site for the purchase.

This mailer comes from Kauffmann The Mercantile could be an ideal illustration. It is an excellent device and instrument to make your clients feel loved.


4. Price Drop Notifications

Emails about price drop are emailed to people who've left your shop online or abandoned their cart due to the cost of some products for which there isn't a discount. If the items you previously looked at are offered for sale it's best to inform your customers of the price reduction. This can be a fantastic opportunity to attract those who have previously thought of purchasing from your.

Check out this sample from Target and Target provides customers with information about the discount price they have negotiated on the items that are in their shopping carts, as well with other products recommended. This will convince the customer to purchase the product.


5. Order Confirmation

If your customers have successfully completed their payment and have placed an order, it is your responsibility to immediately notify them via an email to confirm the purchase to them. The email will verify the purchase and also thank them for making the payment. This will help them recheck their purchase and adjust it in the event that they have to. Also, include a receipt of payment and an order summary to keep transactions transparent. Additionally, offer them the opportunity to monitor the order and offer feedback. Also, you can think about crossing-selling, or offering products similar to those.

Here's a sample of a confirmation email for an order that comes from Amazon. The purchase in question was an ebook. Take note of the manner in which Amazon provides similar ebooks at the bottom of the email.

7 Ways to Personalize Automated Emails Based on Subscriber Behavior

     6. Order Following-up E-mails

Once your customer places an order on your site It is your responsibility to send follow-up emails to customers who placed an order. Automate follow-up email messages with relevant product suggestions along with related suggestions about items. These emails will also include details about following orders, as well as the order's summary, and details about payment.

Take a look at this email sent out by Etsy that informs buyers of the status of their delivered order.


7. Re-engagement Emails

Re-engagement emails focus on rejuvenating your relationships with customers and those who haven't read your email or purchased from you in a specific period of time. Re-engagement emails that are effective are able to encourage customers to browse your website. It is possible to deliver a series of emails that entice customers not interested and encourage customers to buy through your website. Additionally, you can include deals and promotions in order to entice customers to return on your website to complete purchases.

Here's an example Reengagement emails sent out by Pinkberry that offer their users a free yogurt if they stop by one of their Pinkberry store within seven days of:

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Automated emails are most efficient in the event that they're tailored

Hyper-personalization is what will keep your email subscribers interested in your business. If you are planning for your marketing emails ensure that you don't just make their names appear in the email communications. The creation of personalized emails that are that are based on the subscribers' preferences and habits is crucial to ensure your automated campaigns run efficiently.

Kevin George is the Head of Marketing at EmailMonks which is one of the fastest-growing companies in the field of email design and development that is specialized in designing beautiful email templates, transformation of PSD files into HTML email, and a an easy to use HTML template for email. He enjoys sharing his insights and thoughts regarding methods for marketing via email and most effective practices in his blog about email marketing.

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