7 Video Metrics to Be Aware of

Oct 26, 2023

The entire world will watch 3 trillion video minutes per month by the year 2021's close that's the equivalent of five years worth of videos per month, or about 1 million minutes of video every second. It's a pretty big amount of. As marketers create greater video content, important measures of effectiveness in video are more crucial than ever before.

It extends beyond number of views and expands in ways to understand specifics of viewer experience. In this article, I'll review the key performance metrics for video that you need to explore to optimize the performance of your videos.

What are the metrics of video?

Video metrics are analytics for performance that allow you to determine and assess the effect of your videos. It provides you with important information on your video's overall effectiveness. This can include things like the percent and average time of view duration of viewers that actually watched your video. Video metrics that are detailed can alter the way you previously measured your video's success.

Vital videos and metrics to determine the performance

Video will make up seventy percent of mobile traffic in 2022. With such a high percent, ensuring that your filtering strategy is successful beyond view time is essential. It is important to have more data points to measure that actually influence your video strategies. Here we'll take a look at crucial metrics that analyze and expose how your customers view your videos.

1. View Count

This has to be the standard measurement and does not even scratch the surfaces. It tells you the total number of times your video has been watched. Your views then dictate the overall audience reach for your video. If your goal is to generate awareness then to an enormous audience, this is your gold measure.

What can be misleading when it comes to view count is the way views counted based on which channel(s) that you're using. As an example, on one channel, a view may be counted as 3 seconds. However, on another channel, a view is counted in 30 minutes. This is something to be considered especially when you use multiple video mediums. Here are 3 tips to increase the number of views you can get:

  1. Upload your video to social media. Make sure you use a specific hashtag to distinguish the video as your company's name. Take the natural route or invest in social advertising that is paid.
  2. Share your video via email. If you already have an email list, fire off your video to create a formal campaign for marketing. Include CTAs to incentivize your audience to share your video via their social network.
  3. Engage with influencers who are relevant. Find relevant partnerships with influencers. Let them promote your video in general posts or even stories in order to promote your brand's name to their followers.

2. Audience retention

Retention of the audience is the average percentage of a video that people watch. If the first few seconds of your video is weak with viewer drop offs the retention of viewers takes an adversity. To put this metric in figures, let's assume you've just posted a video that's eight minutes long. If your viewers view the video an average of 4 minutes, then your Audience retention for the video is 50percent.

To help with retention, kick off your video by using a catchy hook to reel your audience into. A good hook grabs your audience's attention immediately, and makes people want to watch more. Here are some examples of how different types of hooks can work:

  • Standard Teaser. You've seen this many times, with hooks such as: "And later in this video I'll show you how to shed 10 pounds in just a week".
  • Sneak Peak Begin with. Begin your video with a mix of important events that will be revealed at a certain point later in your video without giving any details away. Consider how you view a preview for a tv movie or show.
  • A clear and upfront benefit. This is a basic hook commonly used for training videos "In the video, you'll be taught how to create your own candle."

3. Impressions

Video impressions are when the video appears on the screen of a person's computer, typically as an ad. However, in some instances they're an action-based metric and are calculated by visitors simply watching the video's pop-up.

If your goal is to use your video as an advertising campaign, you'll be paying attention to the metrics of impression. Below are some of the ways to analyze how these measures measure the success of video campaigns:

  • Check the frequency the pay-per click video ads appeared for search queries
  • Find out how frequently ads for videos appear on social media.
  • Compare metric insights using websites that are third party such as Pinterest or Google.

4. Click Through Rate (CTR)

The majority of us imagine email marketing whenever we hear about click-through rates (CTR). In the case of video content, CTR refers to the percentage of viewers that click on the call-to-action button in your video contents.

The video's CTR is giving the viewer a direct indication of how successful your video has been in enticing viewers to take action. Your call-to-action must then be pertinent to the video in terms of tone, subject as well as the overall look and feel. If your call-to-action isn't in context, it's not going to get a positive response from the viewers. Here are some ways to make the most of CTRs for your videos:

  • Layout and put in your CTA. Make it visually attractive, so it stands out. You can even place the CTA on different locations in the video. After enough changes, go and see what is effective.
  • Prioritize engagement first. If your data show drops offs, before you see your CTA, other work needs to be carried out on content.
  • Write compelling CTA copy. It should be relevant to the content of your video. The last thing you want to do is to confuse your viewers.

5. Play rate

If you're looking to have a particular proportion of the audience you want to hit play in your video, then play rate is the measure to watch. The play rate is the proportion of page visitors who actually played the video and then began to watch the video.

This metric is a good gauge of how appropriate the video's content is the specific location in which it is placed, and how successful in entices viewers to watch. Marketo breaks down play rate using a simple formula:

 Play rate =  percent of people who have clicked and watched the video multiplied in % of the total number of visitors who visited the landing page.

6. Engagement Rate

Engagement metrics are usually the most sought-after and essential to gauge. It's where you get to the juice of how impactful your content is. The rate is based on the median view times and also the proportion of your video people actually watch. Another formula calculates engagement rates:

  • Engagement rate = Total watch time/total number of video plays ( not including replays)
  • Be aware of your viewers' expectations. If an audience member is expected to be educated or watched a how-to video, but instead is being pitched towards, it is likely that they will drop off.
  • Get rid of the excess. Keep your video content concise and straight to the point.
  • Identify peak engagement points. If there are any commonalities in regards the times that viewers skip or completely stop, identify what the reason is and then make adjustments. c

If your engagement level isn't high at first Don't get too upset about this. Remember the goal of the video, above all else to see it grow over time.

7. Duration of view average and end rate

Let's not forget the average duration of a view. This metric is the total duration of the video's watch divided by the total amount of times the video is played, which includes replays. It evaluates your video's capacity to maintain the interest of viewers for the duration of the film. The metric is typically found in an "watch time" report of your software for video and contains precise time stamps.

Key YouTube metrics to know

YouTube is the second-most used search engine in the world in the world, just behind Google. What YouTube's metrics for videoshine are when it comes to insights into the audience, views as well as click-through rate. Here's insights on why these metrics are essential to the smart youtube user.

  • Youtube provides a comprehensive dashboard that includes audience reports for you to understand the demographics of your viewership. Utilize this data as a starting point to create and improve your videos.
  • A record of the impression is made each time someone sees the thumbnail for your video. Be sure that your thumbnail is attractive and appropriate to your video's content.
  • When there is a high click-through rate that's a good sign that your thumbnail and keywords have been successful. It is a good idea to ensure that you regularly look over earlier videos to determine what they have in common to know which ones are effective and which don't.

Important metrics to consider

  • Advanced video analytics can help you discern the behaviour of your viewers at any location and what devices they're using to stream.
  • Go deep into your analytics to learn the ways your videos are found.

Lead generation through video: setting KPIs

  • Play rate target Find out the play rate that is successful is for your video. If you use more than one video platform, be aware that different platforms calculate the plat rate differently.
  • Conversion target: This is the percentage of viewers that become customers. This is sometimes difficult to quantify, however when including a video on a landing page, A/B testing CTA's can improve click-through rates, so you'll have an idea of the most effective. If viewers are interacting with your content more, they are likely to have a higher likelihood of becoming a customer.

The social media video metrics are important to know

Social media and video have a lot in common. The metrics of video analytics for social media are more than likes and comments. Similar to any other measurement, you have to be aware of what is effective to promote your business. Be aware of what you are trying to accomplish with the video posted on social media. Here are the most important social metrics that you should be aware of:

  • Reach of the Audience:Reach measures how many people your advertisement was shown to. It is the only way to determine the number of people who will view your video. Though a huge audience could be a good thing however, it is effective when you measure it against other metrics similar to yours.
  • Number of Followers:Keep a close eye at your social media followers before releasing a video. Encourage your following to respond to, share and like the content. Social media influence spreads in a blaze of fire and sharing your content will only improve your algorithmic rankings. It will result in increased traffic to your site. If the numbers aren't growing with each new video, a change of content may be required.
  • Engagement:This is a huge number. It reflects the level of social engagement around your video and brand. Are people having conversations about the content you post? Do they share your content or re-tweeting it? Consider your goals in relation to social media in relation to interaction. You must determine the best balance between interactivity and sharing video content.

Wrapping up

We have so much data in our possession. There's never been a better time to assess and comprehend the impact of video. The variety and kinds of metrics are overwhelming, remember to stick only to what's important to you. You won't resort to all metrics, but you should be open to results.