8 Metrics That Every Course Designer Must be tracking -

Sep 1, 2022

Course creators are always looking for ways to improve their course. One of the best ways for this is to observe the students.

The issue is that your students will not be able to tell you what's happening through the course. They'll drop out, cancel their account, or even finish the course, and then disappear, but you'll never know the full situation.

Tracking the online course's metrics can help determine what your students think about your class, as well as the strategies to make it better.

There's more to it than just counting the amount of students that successfully complete a course. Every course won't have the ideal end when life takes place or when a student's motivations or circumstances change.

Let's look at the eight metrics of your online courses that you need to be keeping track of and how to use the information to improve your chances of performance.

The Learning Performance and the Progress

HTML1 Metric 1: Progress of the Course

In a nutshell, students who progress through the course at a rapid pace are likely to be enthusiastic and involved. That could indicate strong course design that you can reproduce or teach to others.

If you are monitoring the course's progress, consider asking the following questions:

  • What is the time required for a person learning to finish a course?
  • How fast do they progress throughout each lesson and topic?
  • Which concepts are easy to grasp but which are difficultto grasp?
  • If learners consistently drag when they're dragging what can I do to help them to understand?

Student Satisfaction and Approval

Metric 2. Exit surveys

Even if a person has finished the all of the course doesn't mean that they loved the experience. Perhaps you'd like to distribute surveys following the class has been completed (and after the learners are aware that their feedback won't affect the outcome of their grade.) A quick exit survey can capture initial impressions.

 Metric 3: Class evaluations

4. Metric: Instructor's efficacy

Instructors who are the most effective may falter in their online classes. Examine how instructors respond to requests from students as well as how they're communicating with the students. It's especially important to observe if instructors alter however, they don't change the content for the class. Are there any differences in the level of engagement?

Metric 5: Comments, discussions and discussion

Online forums for discussion can be a fantastic way for students to study subjects with other students and experience an atmosphere of community. Check out group discussions to find the topics that students are discussing and engaging in the subject. Participation in the discussion board could be an indication of the quality of the course!

Professional Competency of Learners and Skills

Metric 6: Quiz Scores

Metric 7. The standard of assignments submitted

The complexity and the quality of assignments helps you get an idea of how students engage with the class. If you are able, offer learners individual feedback for each assignment (or check the feedback an instructor leaves). This could help you determine the challenges students face. This can lead to greater chances of success (and score!) for individual learners.

Metric 8 Certifications vs Retakes

How long will students stay engaged in the course and when will they be returning to take another course? What percentage of them complete the course and receive a certificate or need to take the exam? A strong completion rate is a simple number that you can track without requiring students to provide them with an assessment in writing.

Does your LMS Have Customizable Metrics?

  • Check out a quick snapshot of your enrollment and pending assignments when you log in
  • Monitor student progress live and observe how students move throughout the curriculum and keep track on the scores they score on tests.
  • Assignments can be managed by approving or eliminating assignments
  • Advanced reports can be run , and then exported details about the course into an Excel document or CSV. CSV as well as Excel document

Are you curious to watch the features in action? Go through our webinar on ProPanel to learn more about the way these tools work within your next training session.

If you're interested in playing take a look at ProPanel in our live demonstration.

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