8 Top Read Progress Bar WordPress plugins (Most are for absolutely free)

Aug 4, 2022
Small figures talking about wordpress progress bar plugins

Would you like to include the possibility of viewing the progress bars of WordPress?

The bar that shows the reading progress could be an excellent way to boost your site's user experience. You can give the user a visual representation of the speed at which they're going through a certain piece of information.

In this blog article we've gathered eight of the most popular options, with six that are absolutely cost-free.

We'll give the details for each plugin as well as an explanation of how the progress bars work and the reasons that they are helpful for your site.

What is it exactly that you refer to as a Reading Progress Bar?

Most of the time, you'll place an horizontal bar either at the bottom or near the top of your page. When users scroll through your content, it's probable to see the bar "fill up" in order to display how much you are from complete your post.

Certain plugins allow the possibility of creating an oblique bar that is either of both sides of page. It looks like scroll bars. One of the main differences is that the bar is based on the size of the webpage itself, unlike the scroll bar that is used in browsers. It depends on the entire width of the page.

This is an excellent example of the way websites typically use progression bars...

A HubSpot reading progress bar
A sample of a progress reading bar created by HubSpot.

The Thrive Themes includes the bar in green to read that can be visible under the header. It also has the sticky back

A reading progress bar example from Thrive Themes.
A reading progress bar created using Themes Thrive. Themes.

But, you are able to try different progression bars depending on the web page you're visiting.

The reason why it is necessary to include this Reading Progress Bar to WordPress?

We'll start with a discussion of the experience of all users.

The majority of people would like to learn about this subject prior to taking the time reading your piece. Are you writing a five minutes piece that is easy to glance over during breaks or a long period of 20 to 30 minutes that demands a great deal of concentration?

The progress bar provides readers with the concept of what they should be expecting from the work you do at the time they start reading. It is the reason why certain sites offer a reading time and indicators of your progress. A range of plugins will help with.

If your readers are beginning to read the article, a progression bar can be a good method to motivate readers to keep reading the whole piece. Similar to the example above, once readers have read the bulk of the article it is likely that they will want to continue reading the rest of the article after they've completed all the text.

An improved user experience may be the cause of positive change in two key indicators:

  • Dwell-time can be used to encourage users to spend the time read through the entire page after they've completed. This will increase the amount of amount the time they spend at your site.

8 of the Top Reading Progress Bar WordPress plugins

This article will take you to the top eight progress bars available for WordPress plugins that will help with the integration of a reading bar into your website.

There are numerous common progress bar plugins that allow you to create custom progress bars that could be utilized for any purpose. This article is focused on plug-ins that offer reading progress indicators based upon how long the page's content.

Concerning price In terms of cost, six plug-ins are free. Two of them are reasonably priced and offer more flexibility than isn't available with the alternative alternatives that are free.

Read Meter

The Read Meter plugin.
Read Meter

This plugin lets you instantly add a progress bar. It is possible to place it at either the center or top on the webpage. You also have the option to show the expected reading time and the time indicator.

What will you get from Read Meter

  • Both the top as well as bottom position. the progress bar can be visible on either the bottom or the top of the screen users are using.
  • Read-timeAutomatically add the expected read time to various parts of the article (e.g. under the title of the article) or enter it manually with shortcodes.

Price Read Meter is completely free.

Reading Progressbar

The Reading progressbar plugin.
Reading Progressbar

Together with Read Meter, Reading progressbar is a different well-known Progress bar plugin available on WordPress.org. It's distinct from Read Meter, however, it does not offer the possibility of incorporating the length of the reading session in the as Read Meter does - it's exclusively used to create the progression bar.

It does however offer the user more freedom when it comes to choosing areas of interest, something that Read Meter doesn't offer. It is able to customize the progress bar according to your preference to particular kind of designs and also the specificity of each type of content.

What you will get with Reading Progressbar:

  • Modifiable styleYou could alter the height as well in the color of the progress bar to fit the style of your web site.

Pricing The reading of the progressbar is at no cost.

This is a must-read

The Worth the Read plugin.
An Essential Read

worth studying is one of the progress bar indicators that could be adjusted to suit your requirements. WordPress plugins. This is an ideal alternative for those who think the older plugins are too restrictive.

It gives distinct targeting and location options which other plugins don't provide, along with numerous options. The users also have the option of including an estimate of the length of read in the event that they want to add the information.

What will you receive when you purchase? It's worth the read:

  • Horizontal and Vertical position options The horizontal progress bar can be found on the lower or upper right of the screen  and it is vertically located either to the left or the right. The vertical position is distinctive since most plugins are lacking this feature.
  • Post types that are specific toYou can only choose to attach the progress bar for reading for certain kinds of posts.
  • Devices that support HTML0You can choose to disable the progress bar on tablets and smartphones (or computers).
  • RTL supports RTL It's among the plug-ins which allow the conversion to RTL and is great for websites that use RTL languages.
  • Style choicescan be changed to be adapted to the color and thickness as well as the transparency and more. If you've enabled the option to make comments, you could select a specific color to signify that the section for comments will begin with a progression bar.
  • Estimation of reading timeWhen you enable the reading time option, you have the ability to modify its function before placing it into place either in a manual or automated method using the shortcode.

cost is well worth the time to read without cost.

The Progress Bar for Catch Scroll

The Catch Scroll Progress Bar plugin settings area.
the Progress Bar of Catch Scroll

the Catch Scroll Progress Bar is an excellent option to include a standard progression bar on your website.

The interface is straightforward and offers only the essential options you need to design and set the bar for advancement.

What will you get From The Catch Scroll? Progress Bar

  • The lower or upper portion of the page. It is possible to position the progress bar at the top or bottom the page.
  • Post type that is targetedYou can't connect your progress bar to particular post types.
  • Template-targetingfor these post types, you can only display it on specific templates. You can also apply it to particular post types , but not to archive pages.
  • Style and color optionsCustomize the color, hue and opacity as well as the height of the bar that is progressing.

The cost will be that of the Scroll Progression Bar 100% for free.

WP Reading Progress

The WP Reading Progress plugin.
WP Reading Progress

WordPress Reading Progress is a distinctive and completely free bar that is part of the WordPress plugin. It is available on WordPress.org.

Similar to the other plugin, this is also a basic plugin for you to modify the design of your Reading bar progression. For the vast majority of people, the default settings will suffice making it a good alternative.

You'll be provided with the following information when you sign up for WP Reading Progress:

  • Post-types that targetOnly display the progress bars for specific types of posts. Also, you can offer archive pages or none whatsoever.
  • Style changesallows users to change the hue and the width at which the bar displays. However, you only have the option of selecting one hue and there's not any choices regarding transparency.

Price The cost for HTML0 is Reading Progress is 100% completely free.

Reading Time

The premium Reading Time plugin.

Reading Time is the first plugin related to reading in this listing that's available in an improved version.

But it's not too expensive and offers unlimited updates via Envato's CodeCanyon marketplace.

There are two primary motives to consider Reading Time over the free alternatives:

  • 8+ styles of presets There are many designs for vertical bars, such as instead of solid fills inside the bar's progress (pictured beneath).

Furthermore, you can get additional options, including the "standard" features you would expect to see in the plug-in

  • Flexible positioning Along with the auto-placement of bottom and top, you can also use the option of custom positioning to add your progress bar on every CSS selector.
  • Style alternativesin In addition to the existing 8 styles you have a myriad of choices for customizing the size and color of the progress bar.

costs Read Time cost $15. It includes lifetime updates for a single website and six months of help.

Reading Position Indicator

The Reading Position Indicator plugin.
Reading Position Indicator

Reading Position Indicate is a lightweight plug-in that is free to show the progress bar on WordPress.org.

It doesn't provide numerous options to set the settings, however one of the features which stands out is the fact that you are able to apply a personalized gradient to your progress bar (in lieu of the usual hue).

What can you expect from Reading Position Indicates:

  • Positions that are at the top or bottom There's no the CSS selector that can target the position at the top or bottom, but you are able to incorporate an offset.
  • Post Type Specific Post TypesYou may be able to target your progress bar on particular types of post.
  • Style options that allow you to personalize the look of HTML0.You can choose between shades of gradient and solid. It is also possible to alter the size of your progress bar.

Price Read The position indicator is gratis.


The premium ReBar plugin.

ReBar is yet another premium Reading Progress Bar WordPress plugin available through the Envato CodeCanyon marketplace.

This is also true of Reading Time, here are some of the unique attributes the company has to offer that are worth it investing your money in:

  • 8 different types of presets There's an array of distinct styles that go beyond conventional hues such as the use of shades, iphone-style, plastic and more.
  • infinite scrolling capabilityReBar can support endless scrolling. ReBar can operate in infinite scroll layouts making ReBar a fantastic option for sites that require endless scrolling. The length of the scroll is determined via CSS selectors. Following that, design an individual progression bar for each blog post that is perpetually scrolling.

Below are some additional important points to consider:

  • Horizontal and vertical styles The possibility exists of placing a an horizontal progress bar on the upper or lower part of the page , or setting the vertical progress indicator regardless of whether it is on the left or right side of the page.
  • Flexible stylesIn addition to the eight types of styles You are also able to change the width, color, and height of the progress bar.
  • RTL is a language that can be used inthe opposite of progress bars that are used in the RTL language.

Price ReBar's cost is $15.00. This includes unlimited updates for one website, in addition to the period of six years of support.


This collection contains the top 8 bars charts that can be read with WordPress plugins.

If you're thinking of enhancing the appearance of a progress bar it's possible to look into applications such as Read Meter or Reading progressbar.

If you're trying to discover the most customizable options for customization, then Start with Worth the Read, as it comes with a variety of different options and options that the other plugins lack.

If you're looking to go beyond a simple background color and adding a progress bar consider the most effective options offered by CodeCanyon for Reading Time or ReBar. One of the most impressive advantages of these plugins is that they come with more than eight designs as well as advanced options to target.

Each plugin comes with distinct design and functions. You should explore them all in search of the one that is best suited to your site.

Costs, time and money as well as improve website performance

  • Help is available immediately from WordPress experts 24/7 on hosting.
  • Cloudflare Enterprise integration.
  • Global reach due to the 34 data centers located all across the globe.
  • Optimization by using the integrated Application for monitoring the effectiveness.

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