Blended Learning - Everything You need to know for 2024 |

Jan 2, 2024

Blended learning is an fantastic for teachers and students alike. It will help you expand your learning efforts and improve learning outcomes.

In this article this article, we'll show you blended learning in general, some examples, and some blended learning strategies to incorporate into your own routine.


What is blended learning?

Blended learning can be described as a way of teaching that blends the classroom experience in person along with additional e-learning. Whether via online discussion, extra synchronous or asynchronous classes, or other project-based work. Blended learning brings the best of traditional education-the intensity and dynamism of live classes, with the versatility and flexibility of online learning.

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Since its beginning over the years, the term "Blended learning" is used to describe 1. Combining delivery media, 2. Utilizing different instructional techniques 3. Combining instructional methods. mixing in-person and online instruction, but now we mostly use the term to describe a mix of both in-person and online instruction.1

In traditional classrooms the use of blended learning has become more of the norm than an one-off. An analysis of UK universities revealed that 69% had plans to incorporate blended learning. 82% reported that they were seeing a higher interest in blended learning. Also, in 2021 (during the outbreak), 60% of US college students took at least one online class. It is predicted that online education will increase to $257.7 billion in value by 2027.

Although we associate a burst in online learning with the pandemic, universities and colleges have been promoting on-line learning for a long time. This has included supplementary education in online forums and projects. It has been facilitated through ed-tech tools and programs for online learning, such as Blackboard and Canvas.

Canvas by Instructure

Access to online learning is so commonplace that, in 2023, the University of California decided to eliminate a hole in their system-it had so many courses offered by online companies that students could earn an online education for much cheaper (they brought in an obligation to reside).

It's not just intended for K-12 or higher education. For every kind of training that exists, whether it's corporate training or launching an online business blended learning can be used to mix the very best of live learning (the participation, the topics flexibility, the conversation) together with the very best on-line learning (the accessibility ).

    Blended learning may mean:


  • Activity-level blending: When an activity of learning takes place in-person and online.        
  • Blending of course levels: If a course includes in-person and online materials.        
  • Blending on the level of a program: It is common to a course of study, but possibly not with specific courses or specific activities.        

1 Read the chapter 1 discussion in Curtis J. Bonk and Charles R. Graham, The Handbook of Blended Learning: Global Perspectives, Local Designs (John Wiley & Sons, 2005).

Here are some blended learning statistics


  • 85 percent of college students find online learning more efficient ( Erudera ).      
  • The majority of college and university students wish to have at the very least a portion part of their studies to be done online (and 41% want all on the internet) ( UNESCO ).      
  • A survey of new college students from 2022 revealed that 27% were in favor of blended learning while 29% favored completely online. A change from the historic number, however still notable ( New America ).      
  • It is estimated that there are 2.79 millions U.S. post-secondary students doing their degrees on the internet ( NCES ).      
  • Between 2019-2020 the pandemic triggered post-secondary online education to increase up from 37% to 74%. .      

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Blended learning systems

Blended learning can only happen due to the growth of blended learning technologies and the technology requirements required to teach at-scale online. The blended learning system is constantly changing and evolving, with new capabilities every day.

Like, for instance, Mighty Co-Host(tm) can generate course outlines using AI. This technology will continue to evolve and adjusting blended learning in line with the tech evolves.

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Blended learning vs hybrid education: what's the distinction?

The words "blended learning" and "hybrid learning" are frequently utilized in conjunction. However, sometimes "hybrid" refers to an amalgamation of in-person and remote learners in the same room (sort of the way you describe the hybrid event)--while blended learning is typically described as the combination of in-person and online learning for each learner.

Advantages from blended learning

There are numerous advantages of learning online, and the simplest way to explain them is that it offers two of the most beneficial aspects! As both in-person as well as virtual learning are beneficial that allow students to benefit from each approach and mitigate the negatives.

It's this balance that is the ideal balance to learn blended. For example, asynchronous online learning may be lonely. But blended learning lets you meet with other students every now and then to make friends!

A New America survey for blended education at community colleges revealed that the most important reasons why students loved blended learning were: the option to set time slots that are flexible, the opportunity to make friends in class as well as a greater sense of education, the reduction of the commute, and an additional reason to get out of the home.

Benefits of blended learning-associated with learning in-person


  • The flexibility of online learning allows learners learn from the comfort at home and asynchronous online learning is able to be completed at the student's own comfort. Learning can become a possibility for people with other commitments to manage (e.g. the parent working a job already ).    
  • Accessibility Learner-led blended classes may be more suitable to learners of different kinds, and let them go at their own pace.      
  • Green: There is no requirement to have classrooms (or heat/cooling, or electricity). Learning online is environmentally friendly and affordable.    
  • The ability to scale: Even blended learning offers scale. For example, if you had to teach three beginning classes, you could group them into a single online discussion group.    
  • Easier than ever: Tech for online learning is always getting better and more accessible.    

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Blended learning benefits that go along with a person-to-person experience


  • Energetic: If students have trouble paying attention online, live learning can help improve their attention span.      
  • Making connections: Students attending classes together can build meaningful friendships and networks.      
  • Flexibility: In-class learning is flexible in another kind. The instructor is able to modify the topics and discussions as students interact with the class.      

Blended Learning examples


  • An instructor at a college adds an obligatory virtual element to the curriculum. For instance participating with students in a chat room or writing blog entries about the book, or working on an online group project in conjunction with classmates.        
  • Walmart has its customers the The One Global Walmart Academy that combines online and live learning experiences in its 2.3 million employees.      
  • Amazon has built classrooms inside the fulfillment centers of their company to impart employees how to use skills, both relevant to their work within Amazon as well as those that aren't. They offer upskilling into some jobs that are in high demand.    
  • Numerous executive MBA programmes include both live and online training to help with the busy schedules of students-a lot work full time while finishing their MBA.      
  • The U.S. Government's Federal Cyber Defense Skilling Academy teaches federal employees with a mixture of live and virtual education.      
  • University of Phoenix is famous for online learning, but students also have the option of taking in-person classes, making for an online degree that is blended.      

Blended learning

There's another option for blended learning and this is blended learning via e-learning. Instead of combining in-person and virtual learning, blended e-learning blends elements of both synchronous and asynchronous learning on the virtual platform.

As an example, you could have an asynchronous class that is supported via virtual online events, live chats and discussion groups that are live. Or, you could teach a class live through a livestreaming function however the recorded version is accessible afterward, along with an asynchronous discussion board.

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Similar to blended learning, blended online learning brings many of benefits of an in-person classroom to e-learning. It is possible to benefit from the enthusiasm of live-streamed sessions as well as the discussion and interactions that occur live, and the flexibility you have to bring students' concerns.

What's different is that all of it happens on a virtual platform. It gives you all the access and all the flexibility together.

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Blended Learning strategies

1. Consider a classroom that is flipped.

One common approach to blended learning is known as a flipped classroom. Students engage with readings or lectures at home, and then class time is devoted to discussions or engagement.

It can be difficult to be successful in K-12 schooling however, it's possible (younger learners typically require parents' support). But the approach is used extensively in higher education and has a lot in common with the "tutorial" method of teaching that has existed for centuries (it's the basis of the Oxbridge system ).

2. Let the learning objectives guide

Learning through blended learning must be governed by what helps you reach your goals for learning in the most effective way. Although it may sound obvious However, it is possible to use all the benefits of live and online learning in order to achieve diverse learning goals. Flipping classrooms are one of the best examples.

Big Purpose- New Image

3. Choose great tech

The technology you select to facilitate blended learning will impact its success. Of course, any options you're seeking on a blended learning platform need to be robust and functional. They should play well together and make it easy for students to utilize and access.

Here are some suggestions:


  • Do not use complicated technology stacks. Look for ways to add the blended learning capabilities you want while not mixing up and matching software-which can cause more hassles.      
  • Make contact with IT. If your school has an IT staff in house, see if you have current options.      
  • Think about interoperability-if it is required, make sure your blended learning system integrates with the existing learning and administration systems.        

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4. Make the online count

One of the fastest way for blended learning failure is by putting all the emphasis on classes in person while making online participation mandatory. The online component of blended learning shouldn't feel like an addition or extra. Be sure to make it count, and set real learning goals to online participation.

In particular, the option of a separate discussion space can be usually a recipe for less participation. Consider incorporating 10 reflections on discussion and 10 responses to others' reflections into your curriculum (e.g. valued at 1% for 20% of the final grade). By putting skin in the blended learning game it increases the chance that you will get the best results.

5. Do not duplicate the classroom experience online

Blended learning offers a virtually limitless range of learning possibilities. Making the exact same learning activities available in a classroom in a virtual setting can simply be a sad thing.

As an example, an educational lecture can be fine.


  • But what about having students watch a documentary together and then chat online?        
  • Applying a theoretical concept to a popular film?        
  • or playing an online video game which fits with course themes?        
  • or building their own blog or website?        
  • or posting on social media about subjects of the course?        

The sky is the limit. Be imaginative when making use of web-based formats.

6. Don't make synchronous and anasynchronous divisions.

It's common to believe that classes should be synchronous, and that online activities should be asynchronous. However, that's not the case. Online activities can be timed, with the use of live video, chat, messages, etc. And in-person activities don't necessarily need to be simultaneous.

In the event that you're trying to decide between leading with asynchronous or synchronous, this chart can aid you in understanding the types of learners each serves best:


If Yes...

If not...

Do your students have the ability to be self-directed and autonomous?

Try Asynchronous

Try Synchronization

Does your material ever change?

Try Synchronizing

Try Asynchronous

Do students require live feedback and support?

Try Synchronizing

Try Asynchronous

Are your students unable to participate on joining an online session because of the way they learn or their lifestyle?

Try Asynchronous

Try Synchronous

Students will need to brainstorm ideas, engage in discussions or collaborate?

Try Asynchronous

Try Synchronous

7. Orient the students

Instead of slapping students into blended learning and asynchronous learning, you can host a workshop in class (even in the computer lab, in the event that you have access) to introduce them with the online component of your class. Use this opportunity to teach them how to log on to the blended learning platform, and how to use different features, and perhaps even do an assignment together.

Familiarity with the platform increases the likelihood of learners getting maximum benefit from the platform. And technical difficulties are one major obstacle to blended learning.

8. Read your data

Because blended learning is a part of software platforms, you have the unique opportunity to engage with the data. Data points could give you useful information about what's working and what isn't in your blended learning implementation.

Make sure to check the information frequently.

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9. Participate in a practice community

Adapting blended learning of any type can be difficult to those who are new. Find communities of practice where you can collaborate and learn from other people who are utilizing blended learning successfully.

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Blended learning platforms


is a social as well as a course platform that comes with a powerful toolset for hosting discussions, livestreaming, running live events, and including both synchronous and Asynchronous courses.

Deliver Online Courses - Livewell

As a blended learning system, it's a great choice when it comes to brand-related or corporate education, and offers the option of branded apps through Mighty Pro. And for those running an online course or training business, it gives you everything you need for monetization-building packages, managing checkouts, and charging in 135 different currencies.

2. Moodle


Moodle can be described as an institutional learning management system with a lot of different choices for content and a robust range of engaging features that allow for collaboration in learning, such as collaborative forums, discussion forums, as well as messaging.

3. Canvas with Instructure

Canvas is a great tool to build an institution-wide learning center, which includes a robust LMS, excellent tools for engagement, good mobile apps (better than Moodle) and Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) integration with an institution's IT system.

4. Blackboard Learn

The most popular institutional LMS choices that comes with lots of grading and assignment features included along with a couple of great collaborative features (like discussion boards and live meeting features). Dashboards are easy to navigate for administrators and students.


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Blended learning may be a challenge to try especially if you're not familiar with it. If done correctly it can provide fantastic learning opportunities, and also help scale the quality of your teaching. I hope that this guide will get you excited to try blended learning. You are now ready to bring your classroom online!

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