Customize Your Member Account Portal for Powerful FOMO Marketing

Feb 17, 2024

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    The feature to protect your site with the Account Nav Tabs add-on puts the most valuable benefits of your site at the forefront, and takes your site's revenue-generating potential up to the highest levels.

What's inside          Toggle

We all know what happens.

You're preparing to take an arc around the terminal after a long, boring layover, and you see the following sign: VIP Lounge - Platinum Passengers Only.

Beyond these doors is the mythical world of burning time treats, such as overstuffed couches with cheerful attendants and a touch of Tchaikovsky to the background.

In this case on this side, both you and your guide ticket will have to make use of shabby vinyl, angry faces and a symphony of competing alarms from loudspeakers and exhausted infants for for the next forty-four hours.

Miserable traveler sitting and waiting out a layover

If you've been a frequent enough flier, it's likely to be the last time that you fly without-Platinum.

 Exclusivity sells!

The idea of offering any "more" insofar as it's worthy of the cash that it's been working for, is an excellent selling point - to existing as well aspotential clients and members. It's a real advantage to be exclusive.

and the strength of exclusiveness (what marketers call FOMO) is exactly what Protection of Account Navigation Tabs is all about.

Here, we'll show you how to use this function to transform your account's nav for clients into an incredible marketing tool for FOMO..

And we'll give you some suggestions for revenue-generating tab-based contentto assist you in making the most of the tool.

Before that, let's talk about some context...

Account Nav Tabs Add-On Overview

Text reads " account navigation tabs".

can be described as the the world's top regular revenue-generating plugin for WordPress. You can use it to build and manage subscriptions, online courses, and various other service subscriptions.

This also enables you to launch and operate full-blown online coaching programs and handle complete client management - using a completely free of code interface.

What the Add-On Does

The account page serves as a member portal which your members and subscribers are able to access when they log in. The account page is in which members can access and manage their account details.

Out of the box, is a standard menu of navigation tabs that includes the ones you'd expect to see on a standard membership site. Additionally, you can create custom tabs to display on the account page.

You can store all kinds of content behind these tabs. Things like...

  • Access to VIP support
  • Accessible resources that can be downloaded, such as ebooks and white papers.
  • Links outbound to other resources
  • ...and pretty much anything else

Make sure you create an VIP members/clients area on your website using the tabs for protected accounts on your nav to add on

With legendary Rules capabilities in the mix, the navigational tabs on each client's account page could be transformed into a marketing FOMO force.

How to Turn Your Client Account Navi into a FOMO Marketing Instrument

The Tab is what's the Ad

You've reserve an hour each day for a period for clients to get "walk-in" accessibility to your products and services, similar to an online version of university professors' hours of operation.

Naturally, providing this type of access is cost-effective expenditure of time as well as you'd be limiting access to Premium-level users.

In conjunction with Account Nav Tabs safeguards You can utilize the tab in which Premium users gain access to the office hours of their choice to create a powerful advertisement and encourage lower-plan users to level up.

Modify the Member Portal based on Membership Types

This feature was the result of customer requests. And it was a bit more of the "a-ha!" moment for our team. We discovered that a lot of our customers are members of multiple types.

Think about the airline instance I've mentioned. It has members who have different membership levels. It also has pilots. Many airlines offer a pilot and crew lounge especially for those who are pilots.

A non-profit organisation might have members who donate money and staff members. With accounts Nav Tabs added to your account, it is possible to create a new login experience for every membership type.

In this scenario, a donor who accesses the account's page may be able to see various tabs pertaining to their donor membership. It could be related to donor history, member benefits and access to the donors' community.

And the volunteer members could have a completely different account portal. It could include a course of workshop for employees and volunteers, or a schedule of volunteer activities, or any other content that would be irrelevant to the member donors.

Other Revenue-Generating Ideas for Your Account Nav Tabs Content

exclusive member resources create tabs specifically for valuable resources such as ebooks, video tutorials, and exclusive articles. These tabs should be secured based on membership levels, ensuring only premium members have access.

Customized Coaching Content for websites that provide personalized coaching or consultation, tabs can be protected and tailored to individual members or groups of users, allowing a customized experience with resources, assignments, as well as feedback specifically relevant to their coaching program.

Event Registrations and offers Create a tab for special event registrations and offers, protecting it so that only members of certain levels or who are members for a specific duration will be able to see events coming up and promotional offers.

Members-Only forums and Communities: If your site has community boards or forums A protected tab will link members to these sections and ensure that only members who have the right membership level can access these online areas.

Advanced Training Modules In the case of educational websites Tabs are a way to gain access to advanced training modules or courses for certification exclusively for members who meet some criteria. It will also encourage your members to upgrade or engage in a deeper way with your information.

Access for Beta Features Provide your customers the chance to try out the latest features and services prior to when they're released to the public. Protect these tabs so only users who have signed up to be a beta tester can access the areas.

Donation and Financial Information If you are a non-profit or community organizations, a protected tab will provide financial information as well as donation histories, along with special updates for donors or members who have specific contributions levels.

Custom Dashboard and Analytics provide members with a personal dashboards that show their progress, analytics, or usage data within your platform. Secure these tabs so that users only see information relevant to their activities and membership level.

networking opportunities: Create a tab for networking opportunities like member directories, or contact lists that is only available to users who are part of specific network groups or levels.

Access to Archived Content Tabs protected by this feature link to archived webinars, workshops, as well as other content from the past, making them available exclusively for long-term members, or to those who have reached certain levels within your group.

It's clear how account navigation tabs expand your membership options to customers. Let's discuss how you can customize your portal for members based on the type of membership.

Next Steps

Everything that is rhapsodic and rhapsodic in its entirety is using, especially an FOMO marketing instrument worthy of such a descriptor. And particularlyas they relate to your online business bottom line.

So next steps are simple, depending on your circumstance:

This latest add-on is yet another nod to our users. This Account Nav Tabs addition brings all new opportunities to users as well as customers. We're looking forward to seeing how you'll use this new feature.

We would love to hear what you think. How will you leverage custom account portals on your website? Comment in the box below.

Curt Noble Growth Manager       Curt is the Director of Growth at , where he spearheads strategies for empowering online entrepreneurs and businesses. A deep knowledge of membership and LMS websites, Curt's insights have been instrumental in guiding countless individuals and organizations towards achieving their online goals. The recent blog post he wrote regarding how to set up GA4 for WordPress is an example of his experience in the field. In addition to his work at , Curt's extensive professional background further cements his standing as a prominent figure in the field of digital. Connect with Curt on LinkedIn to be updated on his latest insights.          SEO Marketing WordPress LMS Entrepreneurship