Don't Make Enough Money As a Coach? This is how to fix it.

Jun 28, 2024

I am irritated when coaches aren't being properly compensated for their work.

Coaching professionals are doing incredible work, helping people get and stay healthy and build incredible relationships. develop amazing businesses, create wealth, and so much more.

Coaching coaches help clients get rid of pain and achieve the goals of their hearts.

However, you could be the best coach in the world yet not get payed what you're worth when you're not doing some things done right.

It's a bit frustrating to know you're putting in the best effort, and you see others far less skilled, less dedicated than you are, making so much more income.

We can fix it!

Just what I'm trying to do in this blog entry.

The issue is rooted in several factors:

Too little charging

Doing only or too much one-on-one coaching

You're doing too much on behalf of your clients

Only selling courses

If you charge too little and you don't earn the amount you'd like to.

Many coaches hesitate to raise their prices because they link their prices to their own self worth rather than what they can offer to their clients.

It is important to set your charges according to the amount you charge in exchange for your time and effort.

The difficulty of 1:1 coaching has to do with the fact that it can't adapt to changing circumstances.

For each new client that you sign up, you will need to devote more of your time, which is why the time you have is limited. It's only 24 hours in a day.

This is why it's important to join a group coaching program if you're not already.

Group coaching program scale. Your workload doesn't increase but it increases moderately every time you get a new client.

The same applies to the situation if you're performing too much work on behalf of your customers. The way to do this is to structure the process so that your clients are responsible for doing more of the task themselves. And you provide the Frameworks and Templates that make it easier for them to accomplish it.

Inconsistent leads flow is due to having the right systems in place that can bring you dream Clients every day, and you'll get new clients each week.

If you are selling courses only, it tends to be difficult to make enough revenue consistently.

The courses have less actual and perceived value than coaching courses, in which you can help people through your coaching, in addition to the "home studying" characteristics of the courses.

If you don't have a coaching program yet, a group coaching program is the next obvious step for you to add.

These are the factors that matter.

This approach makes making enough money so much easier.


PS. If you're eager to make every part of your company easier, from strategy to technology to mentality, that's exactly our focus here at . Get in touch and let's discover how we can aid you.