Ecommerce Fundamentals of Accounting: the Principles of a Profitable Store

Aug 26, 2023

The success of an online business requires more than good concepts and merchandise however, it also requires advertising and in-store inventory. In addition, you require an accounting system that can keep track of your financials. How much do you spend? How much are you making? Do you have enough money in your budget? Do the authorities approve of the performance of your company? Ecommerce accounting is a well-established method to keep track of your finances and transactions and keeping current on the tax law that governs profits, taxes, and payroll.

No matter if you're only creating your first e-commerce store or have been at it for a little while and are realizing that you require help in monitoring your budget for your business This eCommerce accounting guide can help you stay in the right direction.

eCommerce's accounting software allows you to assess the financial health of your enterprise and provide more accurate projections of your financial situation when your business expands.

What is the ecommerce accounting process?

The foundation of e-commerce is transaction and inventory. The business makes the sales. You deliver products. Purchase and replenish your inventory. The fundamentals of accounting for online commerce start with a method of keeping track of and reporting on the transactions. This includes purchase orders as well as invoices, expenses and taxes.

But, it's more than the. Accounting firms use their data and the information to create accounts so that they can analyze and present reports about the financial health of your business.Ecommerce businesses require additional care due to the essentials of the business model.

details from a customer order

Imagine what could happen when you offer a service through your online store. The customer will use their credit card and submits the payment to your processor. Which are the different ways that the transaction impacts your cash flow?

  • The processor that you paid through has received funds, but the funds aren't in your account.
  • Sales taxes are incurred in many ways, and may be incurred from a different region or state
  • Inventory declines
  • The credit card or cost of the payment processor are incorporated in the total cost.
  • The real income earned from sales differs from the sales price

Whatever the channel of sales, each sale can have an impact on several aspects of your financial statement. After the sale, that particular transaction is likely to be recorded in your books of financial transactions in the coming months. If the request is for a return, the majority of these transactions must be altered or reversed.

It's just one purchase.

The monitoring of certain aspects of these is the job of the bookkeeper. we'll go over the difference between ecommerce bookkeeping and accounting in a moment.

Let's start with the basics of accounting terminology.

The basics of accounting

These are the top phrases to master for accounting for e-commerce:


In the accounting world, a transaction is when money are deposited or spent or requested by a business or a business.

The term "transaction" could refer to any one of these:

  • A business's owner can invest money into the business
  • The revenue from sales
  • Invoices
  • These include salary and travel expenses, along with marketing and construction expenses
  • Assets purchased, such as offices, equipment materials, property or vehicles

A single transaction can include multiple components. When you pay your employees by hour, for instance as salespeople, it's essential to calculate the amount of hours they were working, the net wages and tax deductions and also their net earnings. An accounting software program that is well-designed can handle each of these tasks.

Ecommerce transactions may be complicated due to specific issues, like sales tax and delay in timing caused by the separation between consumer and business.

As an example, would you charge sales tax right on the day of purchase? If so then what happens to the cash if your product is returned after a month?

Accounting for Ecommerce will help you manage your transactions and processes in order to make sure that the issues mentioned don't affect the business's financial performance.

list of  orders

Credits and debits

Every transaction is monitored by a system of credit and debits. First, let's define some important terms:

debit is a record of funds that were debited from your account. The debit is shown on your bank statement whenever you purchase.

Credit Record of the funds added in your credit card.

Assets Assets: Property (real and intellectual) owned by an entity.

Lies are the obligations a company has to meet however have not yet been met. The term "liability" refers to a claim against the assets listed on the balance sheet.

Equity Amount of assets that has been accumulated after debits were eliminated from them.

We can now consider how these terms contribute to what's called the main accounting equation.

  assets equals equity + liabilities (Owner's or the Corporation's)

A debit is added to the left of the equation, thus forming an asset. Credits are then added to the right.As as an example, when you make a sale for 500 dollars, that amount will be debited and then added to your corporate assets. Additionally, it's transferred to the Owner's Equity through revenue. If something gets deducted and creditable, a second item must also be added as it helps to keep the total balance.

This is a simplified explanation, however it provides a good understanding of what the accounting software is doing in the event that you need to record the transactions.

Cost of the products that are sold (COGS)

Accounting for Ecommerce is to pay careful attention to the costs of the goods sold. This covers all costs associated with selling the product but this does not cover things like wages or marketing.

COGS will cover all the costs of inventory including purchasing, storing and managing transport. Inventory is your largest expense for an online seller. If you don't have an accurate view of the costs of selling goods, your profit margin and income tax-deductible will be in error.

The incorrect COGS make it more difficult to know what to spend on marketing, and which costs are to be considered, how much of inventory you need to purchase in the event that you recruit employees, and the size of your warehouse that you must purchase.

Profit margins

The margins represent the income the business earns following the completion of. Methods to calculate the margins follows the following formula:

  Margin is (Revenue -- Cost of Goods) Revenue

It's your net earnings expressed in an amount. When you're selling 10,000 of products in a single week and the COGS of those products is $3000, your margin is 70 percent.

product data information box in

Receivables and accounts payables

They are words used to describe the money that's not changing hands, however it is scheduled to.

Receivables include any cash that is due to arrive at your bank account bank. If, for instance, you send an invoice by mail, it will be stored in your accounts receivable until the client actually pays you.

The process works in similar fashion to the way it works however reversed. Your company places an arrangement with a supplier, the vendor gives you a purchase request and it is placed in accounts payable until you are able to pay the vendor.

Accounting and bookkeeping for online commerceWhat's the distinction?

There's a bit of connection between bookkeeping and financial accounting. But in general, the distinction is that bookkeepers handle certain events, while accountants analyze and record those events in order to provide an accurate and valuable summary of the budget you have set.

If an analogy from a game helps you understand the role of bookkeepers, they are accounting announcers for play-by-play. are similar to the color or analyst. The bookkeeper keeps track of what's transpired. Accounting professionals explain the significance behind it.

What is an ecommerce bookkeeper do?

The bookkeeping duties focus on records, transactions and financial institutions. If you have employees your bookkeeper is responsible for payroll. Bookkeepers also handle things such as:

  • Process invoices
  • Receipts need to be mailed
  • Record what comes in and out of your bank account for business. account.
  • Inventory purchases records
  • Check your bank account reconciliation every month
  • Generate monthly financial reports
  • Create year-end statements and tax documents

Accurate ecommerce bookkeeping will aid you to create a strong and solid business plan.

working on a paper with a calculator

What is an accountant who specializes in e-commerce perform?

A ecommerce accountant can do things like

  • Monitor and analyse operational costs and business performance
  • Conduct financial forecasting
  • Examine your financial statements, include those provided by your bookkeeper
  • Tax planning is a must, which includes filing tax returns
  • The cash flow report is a summary of the management

The objective of an accountant is helping e-commerce business owners make sound decision-making decisions in their financials.

Are you able to hire an employee that doesn't belong to you? Are you planning to expand your business into another nation or state? What's the minimum price you'd like to be charging for your new product?

The accounting for e-commerce that is at its finest will be able to answer these kinds of queries.

Accounting methods employed by online sellers

There are two major methods of ecommerce accounting -- the cash method as well as an accrual approach. The accrual method is the more common one and is based on the size and nature of your company, it could be mandated by law.

The primary difference between the two approaches is how the transaction is recognized.

Accounting for cash basis

In the cash basis accounting system, a transaction is recognized when the actual amount of the money was transferred. If you are able to make a payment on an invoice, cash basis accounting records it as an expense. When you get an invoice from January and you pay it in March, cash accounting records it as a charge in the month of March.

The same principle applies to income. When you have a sale and then get clients signing a plan of payment which is spread over four months. Cash accounting allows you to treat this revenue as a monthly one in each month when the cash flows in.

Accrual method of accounting

When accounting for accrual transactions it is thought as completed after the project has been completed and an invoice has been sent. If you request for fresh office supply in January. Then, you place it on your company credit card. Office paper will be delivered immediately, but you do not actually purchase it until February, after which the statements regarding your credit card balances arrive.

woman putting together a stack of papers

In the case of accounting for accrual, it starts when you receive the receipt. Take the receipt keep it in a file system and record the expense. The expense is for January, but you're capable of paying for it until February.

The same scenario applies to accrual accounting. accrual accounting records the entire purchase price as an income as of the date the sale is completed, but you will not get the entire amount until the end of four months.

What accounting method is best to use for companies that deal in E-commerce?

Accrual accounting will give you a an accurate picture of your expenses for selling your products each month. If you bought paper in August, the paper that you purchased was a component of the price you paid to run the business and not at the time that you have to pay for the paper. If you have a sale in May, then you have made your sale during May, not July when your customer sends the cash.

Additionally, it is useful in conjunction with managing inventory.

If you have $30,000 worth of new inventory purchase in September. It is then possible to sell it in the 4 months prior to Christmas. If you are using cash accounting, you could record the entire acquisition of inventory as a cost in September. If you use accrual accounting, you can mark it as an expense when you sell the product.

With the cash approach that will result in a substantial expense in September, and artificially high profits in October, November, and the month of December. It's because it'll appear as if you do not have charges for the sales of the products you sell.

Accrual accounting lets you track the cost of doing business each month. Additionally, you will be able to see the months that have had the highest profits.

Three major financial statements

If you're planning to outsource your ecommerce accounting and bookkeeping tasks You'll have to understand how to understand and comprehend the financial statements you receive. If you're doing your own employing an online software for bookkeeping to enter transactions can help you create three important financial documents that include Income statements (also also known as "profit and loss reports" commonly referred to as P&L) and balance sheets and cash flows.

Income statement

The income statement will show the total amount of profits that were earned during the agreed-upon time period such as the month. The profit people mean by the term "bottom of the funnel." Profit is the net amount you earn. If you make a loss during the time frame, your net loss will be.

Balance sheet

Balance sheets report your financial assets, liabilities and equity at a specific date, usually at the close of the quarter, month or even a year. This is a visual representation of your financial health.

The assets are those things you own that have significance. Accounts payable, also known as a liability, are items that you are obligated to.

If you go back to the accounting fundamentals we discussed earlier it will be clear equity to be the sum of the liabilities and assets. If you subtract liabilities from assets, then you've got what's referred to as the "book value" or equity, for your business.

Statement of Cash Flow

The cash flow statement shows how your cash fluctuates throughout the period.

The three reports can be easily created using your accounting software as long as you've made sure to input the right details about your finances. If you're unable take the time to do this, this is the perfect time to employ an ecommerce bookkeeper.

table of numbers with a calculator

The most important finance metrics that you can use to calculate eCommerce accounting

Taxjar has published an incredible article about ecommerce accounting metrics. It is important to know that accounting isn't just the keeping of financial records. Accounting is also able to inform you of the financial condition and its progress. It can also help you increase or lower the efficiency of your e-commerce firm.

These are the most important accounting metrics:


Revenue is your total earnings, before any expenses are taken into account. It is relatively simple to keep track of. But, on its own, this gives the wrong picture.

Margin of contribution

The selling price is less the amount needed to market the product. It's similar to COGS numbers from previous years however for each product you market. The figures do not reflect the operating costs.


Profit is derived from the outcomes that occur after you subtract all costs from revenue, including marketing and operating costs. If you are generating a good income but profits are low, you'll need to either increase revenue or cut the expenses.

Conversion rate for eCommerce

The percentage is how many visitors to your shop and purchase something.

Customer acquisition cost

It is considerably less costly to increase revenue for existing clients than it is to obtain the services of a brand new client.

If you have a CAC that is very significant and you'd prefer not to get your product on the market, there are two choices:

  1. Try to improve or increase your marketing
  2. Start to promote more effectively to existing customers

Customer lifetime value

If you're a brand new online store, you'll have an uphill task making the right choice in the beginning. However, with a good accounting program you'll be able to begin estimating this in the passage of time.

The amount can help justify your marketing expenditures. For instance, if your CAC is very high yet your value for lifetime customer is higher It's worth it to spend the money to get these customers.

Average order value

for e-commerce companies that are still relatively young, this could be the best metric to apply than the lifetime value. If you pay just $10 for a new customer, but they spend around $25 on an average order this is a great deal, as long as your other expenses don't exceed. If you can scale that upwards as you gain more customers, then you'll be able to succeed.

Cart abandonment rate

The percentage of shoppers that purchase this item is alarmingly excessive for retailers on the internet. According to TaxJar's data sources, about 70% of ecommerce shoppers put products in carts however they don't purchase these items.

The most effective method of the number of carts abandoned is to send email notifications to carts that have been abandoned. This can be easily automated using the right email platform, like EmailPoet.

MailPoet abandoned cart information page

If you can lower that abandonment rate of your carts by 50% or 60 percent, it can bring about a significant rise in sales. All it takes is just a few automated messages it's an easy decision.

Prices for returns and refunds to the customer

Do a lot of customers are returning products to get a refund? This is a sign there's something going incorrect. Be aware of it and do your best to reduce it.

Five crucial ecommerce accounting tasks to take on

If you're in the early stages of becoming an online company owner, you need to learn the basics of accounting immediately so that you don't get into hot water in the future. Being clear"hot water" is a broad term that can refer to a variety of things, such as:

  • Taxes that aren't paid -such as income tax sales tax or income tax, as well as local and state taxes
  • Tax returns that are false
  • Unappropriate expenditure on inventory
  • You don't have the funds to finance
  • Withdrawing too much equity

Below are a few suggestions to get your online account process off to an excellent start:

1. Set up a business bank account

Ecommerce small business owners generally don't think about this because they're busy with their different business-related startup projects.

someone using an ATM

Business accounting is complicated when it comes to combining corporate and private transactions. Business accounts are the ones you use to pay for your company expenses and it's the place which you'll make your payments from sales.

To open a business bank account, you'll require an ID number for the company.

2. Prepare your contractors and employees.

If you plan to have employees, it is necessary develop procedures for withholding taxes. While you might be operating the company by yourself for the moment it is likely that you will employ contractors on specific projects. Contractors who are paid more than a certain amount per an year across America U.S. must be sent an income tax return, this is the reason you need to be certain to

  • You'll be able to see who you've invoiced and what you've made them
  • For a copy of the form, ask each contractor
  • Be sure to have up-to-date address records for every person you employ

3. Utilize Accounting software

If you are planning to manage thousands or hundreds of transactions per month, you'll need accounting software, such as QuickBooks Online, Xero, or FreshBooks. Businesses with fewer transactions might make do with the Excel spreadsheet, however businesses with high volume of transactions won't have the capacity to manage with manual entry of data.

Accounting software for ecommerce can be used to simplify a variety of accounting essential tasks and simplifies your life. It stores, records, and retrieves financial information and uses it to produce accounts and financial reports.

list of accounting extensions

4. Be sure to save all receipts, invoices and payment records

The Reliability Principle of Accounting says that transactions only with documentation should be recorded. If you don't have records of the transaction that doesn't include documentation the transaction, it can't be counted as an expense or income. If you attempt to claim a tax deduction on an expense for which you don't have not documented the amount you spent money on it could be regarded as tax evasion.

Keep receipts of cash in physical form. or take pictures of them and keep them in an electronic format. Keep all invoices and receipts in a separate email folder as well, and not only the general email inbox.

receipts on top of a laptop

5. Be aware of taxes and tax regulations

Tax regulations vary greatly based on the nature of business and the location of its headquarters. It is crucial to know about taxes on sales and import taxes when you're involved in international transactions. Tax withholding, tax withholding for monthly payments, as well as any other taxes specific to your country, state cities, provinces, or even your region.

Taxes are integrated into the software for your accounting as well as financial reports. It's always recommended that you speak with a tax professional to make sure you're using correct procedures.There's many more things to talk about tax administration for online businesses. Two major taxes you should be aware of:

Taxes on sales and trackers

Taxes on sales made by online retailers are now extremely difficult. Actually, almost all US states now has an on-line sales tax, and the EU also has a sales tax.

Within in the U.S., each state has different tax rates and also has its own set of rules regarding the time when sales tax is applicable.

The payment of estimated quarterly business tax

Business income is tax-free. Like a 1099-employee E-commerce businesses earn cash before tax has been payed.

As a 1099 employee, you need to be able to make the monthly tax payment. If you do not, the government may punish you for not paying in paying your tax.

stack of tax documents on a table

What are you able to do about this? It's important to steer from falling behind with the tax obligations you have to meet. The most effective method to keep your taxes in check is to establish the amount you will take from your income each month in order to pay taxes estimated every quarter.

The accounting software you are using is able to handle all of this along with taxes in sales. With regard to software...

Why do you think your online business requires accounting software

Make the effort to rethink this question and be sure to understand that there are advantages to employing software for managing the accounting for your online business.

You've noticed that tax administration is getting increasingly complicated, particularly the revenue tax for sales as well as multiple channels of sales. If you have an online shop that sells products throughout the US or across a wide variety of states, you'll be unable to meet the requirements of all this on your own. There is a business which you need to be operating.

The software also handles the tax amount that you'll have to pay taxes on earnings, as well as assist in the filing the tax year-end statement. If you're also being in the midst of state or local taxes, this complexity rises to an even greater degree. The best accounting software is able to meet all these requirements.

chart of accounts

Second, accounting software lets you keep track of your expenses as well as income through the creation of financial statements which will let you track the margin of profit you earn every month. You will also be capable of analyzing your business's equity.

Thirdly, accounting software can assist in the management of payroll of contractors. If you're not looking to cover the cost of e-commerce bookkeeping as well as accounting, it's a must to have accounting software.

Are you in need of hiring bookkeepers, accountants or do it yourself?

If you don't have accounting software, or you choose to buy it, but don't want to take on the responsibility for its use, you'll have to employ the services of a bookkeeper. But, as your company expands, it's going to be required to research the accountants available that are knowledgeable of the particulars of businesses that rely on e-commerce.

A lot of business owners who run e-commerce love the thought that they can run their own affairs, such as serving as Chief Financial Officer. And in the event that the company is small they might go in this way. But let's define "small."

If an online store is making up to $100,000 or more each year in net income, that's almost certainly out of reach for the accounting system you use If you're selling your products across different states or even different countries. Taxes on sales alone become too complicated.

Additionally, you must be able to handle returns, shipping fees, shipping costs and all other issues. Most ecommerce platforms sell lower-priced merchandise, and do business in large quantities. With the exception of the one of a kind that is an indication that you'll have many transactions.

The more transactions, the longer it takes to record and keep track of the entire procedure. Even the most "small" online business that earns just $100,000 in net profits annually, offering items that cost between $5 and $20 will have a lot of transactions.

In the event that your business only sells in a specific region like an area, state or province, or even a nation and the tax complexity is less. If that's the situation, you might be able to get away with doing it yourself -- should you decide to tackle more work.

Check out your option to see how it performs. You are able to alter your mind in the future.

Has accounting been covered

acknowledges the obligations that day to day business owners face. Making transactions by hand as well as preparing accounting reports could be very tedious and tax planning could result in you being overwhelmed. However, accounting is an essential aspect of managing a profitable business.

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