Find out more about Customer Education 101 and How to

Apr 27, 2022

Are your customers hitting the wall in reaching the value of your product? Or, are you losing customers at annual renewal time as they're not receiving the benefits they deserve?

Based on the CallMiner website, U.S. businesses suffer expenses that amount to $136.8 billion each year because shifts that are unavoidable.

If you're not able to provide your customers with maximum benefit from the product or service you offer and they've decided to walk away because of this, you must think about creating a customer education course.

Uncertain of what this is?

Let's discover.

What exactly is education?

We believe as customer education the act to increase your customer's understanding of the product or service you offer to help them achieve greater value quicker and with greater the growth of users.

The process of educating customers starts long before the time they buy your product and is maintained throughout the experience for customers. Example:

  • Stage 1. Customers who are keen to buy the product might want to know more on the way your product has helped other customers solve their own problems.
  • Stage 2 The new customers may require a bit of education about the basics of using your product
  • Stage 3. 3: Customers with an ongoing commitment may require instruction on how to maximize their usage of the software to increase its benefits

Education gives your customers knowledge they need to get the most from the service you offer and to continue using your product. Actually, whenever the customer participates in educational material, the trust of your brand grows over time according to Conductor.

Education for customers can be provided through a variety of formats for content, dependent on the particular demands of your company's objectives, audience and offers. For example:

  • User Case Studies: Explain to potential customers why other customers had success using your product or service
  • Blogs and articles Perfect for providing step-by step guides and detailed instructions on how to use products or services.
  • Screen captures and videos recorded: Are a excellent tool to share step-by-step tutorials, guides, and tutorials that teach new customers the basics on how to utilize your service or product.
  • Webinars allows businesses to look into more in-depth topics regarding your product or service provide and to answer customer queries, while also connecting with customers in a more intimate manner

Benefits of a customer educational program

The decision has been made to create a customer education plan for your business to increase its reach and decrease customers' turnover quickly. This is an excellent beginning!

Before you take any further step, you have to be aware of the benefits that customer education will bring to your business.

Let's take a look at HTML0.

Increased flexibility and scalability

In the current business environment it is crucial to fulfill the requirement for flexibility in all aspects of business. This includes education for customers.

Education courses on demand let students take their time learning at their own speed. They are also very easy to make changes when the content has to be updated.

When your company grows, so can your program for customer education. By using the appropriate devices, you will not have to compromise the reliability of your program for the sake of accommodating the growth of your company.

 Improves customer service and interaction

Have your customer support team reported that it receives repeated inquiries over and over? It could be a sign that your customer education programs aren't up to par.

Chief of Staff of Staff at Slack Customer Experience, once declared "I consider CE [customer education] as jet fuel to CSMs. We can take any action to make it easier for you to build connections better and faster. ."

Effective educational programs for customers offer essential information to assist customers in understanding the value of the product . The program begins by answering the most frequently -asked queries.

If your educational programs answer the questions that are most frequently asked in the beginning, your customer service team is able to spend more time in interacting with your clients professionally and working on their deeper needs .

 Rapider adoption and easier onboarding

As with any other client They value their time. They've probably already spent considerable effort and time researching prior to choosing a product. They'll want to be into the game quick.

With an on-demand and solid educational program, your clients are able to go through the onboarding procedure in their own time. It improves the trust that the client will be satisfied with your product as well as increases the speed of onboarding.

Related: Looking to increase your customers' engagement? Take a look at the videos from Activate Summit.

Improves customer retention

They won't purchase your item and examine the reasons for why they should leave. They won't be able to access all the information needed in order to use the product they've spent time, energy and cash for.

It is therefore crucial to develop a user education program to fulfill the expectations of your users. They'll remain loyal to your company if they feel confident about the product they purchase and feel at ease using it and can quickly see the benefits of the product.

Create a strategic education strategy using segmentation of your customers

If you're creating an education program for customers of your organization, you must be sure to divide your customers into segments. It can be extremely beneficial to assist in the design of a course and learning materials which can be customized according to the requirements of each person.

Customer segmentation involves the process to divide your customers into distinct groups according to particular features and facts about their characteristics. Businesses tend to analyze their target market and develop customer "segments" to improve their marketing strategies to each segment and to increase their overall customer experience through individualization.

Grouping your customers into groups lets you connect with groups in a more efficiently and learn more about their habits and interests over time through the process of collecting data and observation.

There are numerous options for you to "segment" your customers according to the objectives of your company such as demographics, geographicals, buyer behaviour, as well as the purchase history, and much more.

Take a look at the sectioning of your customer education Model below to help you with the creation of your own customer Education Program

Customer Education Segmentation Model

Be sure to make sure that your customers are educated at each phase in their journey. It doesn't matter if it's before they purchase your product service, after they have purchased after they make a purchase, or even after they are activated it is vital to provide them with education throughout the entire process so that they understand the benefits you offer and gain the maximum benefits.

Grouping your clients depending on the "stage" of their life that they are in when creating the Customer Education Plan helps you to provide relevant information in the appropriate time using your data and provide your clients with the right requirements, questions and concerns when they interact with you over time.

Five best practices for creating a program for customer education

Once you've learned about the positive impacts a education program for your customers could provide for your business Now is the perfect moment to begin creating your own program.

Here are a few our suggestions for starting your first program to educate customers from beginning.

1. Find the suitable educational platform

Educational programs that are available to customers may include a combination of verticals, like:

  • Traditional training in person
  • Webinars
  • Blog posts
  • Videos
  • Success stories of customers
  • Guides that you can download and whitepapers

Instead of adopting a singular strategy, it's better to blend all these channels and media formats to create a single platform that your customers can use. This is done by using an educational managing system (LMS) which permits you to swiftly and effortlessly develop on-demand courses.

Customer education platform checklist

There are five things you need to be looking for when choosing the right platform for the Customer Education Program you're planning to conduct:

  1. Ease-of-use: To ensure that your customers are enthusiastic and eager to pursue their education, you'll need make it as effortless as is possible for them to use your education program and complete the educational materials and lessons. Select a solution that has been created with user-friendly in mind. It has a sturdy, yet simple to use functionality.
  2. Capability for Scalability:As your business scales as does your customer base, as well as the demands of customer education. If you expand the amount of people who are part of your target audience and expand in your services It is essential to pick the option that scales according to your growing company's requirements without limiting.
  3. Progression Tracking and Insights:Having an understanding of what your customers are doing through your education programs can help you identify opportunities to improve and areas you can enhance in the future. In order to ensure an excellent learning experience for your customers within your educational program, and also to ensure that you continue to improve your educational materials to offer value, find a solution which allows you to monitor your customer's learning progress, and can provide insights on the experiences they have as "students".
  4. Flexibility: Pick the platform with all the features you require for establishing, managing and develop the customer education program along with courses. With a platform that allows you to make changes and does not have the code to create, you'll be able create courses easily and swiftly efficiently provide education information to your customers at any time they need when they require it.

2. Define success

Just like starting any new business procedure from scratch it's essential to measure your success right from the start. Make time to outline the plan's goals, the future and near-term goals as well as KPIs that are to be utilized to assess performance.

It is possible to achieve:

  • The reduction in time spent onboarding customers
  • Decreasing the time that customer team members are spending training
  • Expanding product utilization
  • Assisting customers in adopting preferential behavior

3. Start with the most urgent problems.

It's the right time to start tackling your plan, start with the simple win: discovering the most frequent challenges.

You can ask yourself the following questions:

  • Which of your questions are most commonly asked by customers' service inquiries during the initial three months following the time of your onboarding?
  • Are they able to grasp the basics? Or, are they making progress to the next level of usage?
  • Where are my customers dropping off?
  • Are they making correct choices?
  • Do you have any under-used features?

Once you've mastered the concept of the gap in education, you can begin developing content.

Pro tip: Take advantage of feedback from your clients. See if customers regularly suggest more information/materials following their onboarding, and then integrate those concepts into your program.

4. Keep content fresh and interesting

Content is the king. A good content strategy and right platform will make you succeed when you start your own customer education programs. So, how do you start?

It is recommended to keep these three factors at the top of your checklist when you are creating the content you create:

  1. Interactive It is the ability provide interactive learning materials by asking questions, discussion, or surveys is an excellent way to keep your customer amused throughout the entire course of learning.
  2. The pressure is on: with everyone doing their best, the average customer typically has little time to learn about the latest technology or process. Maintain their interest by crafting brief tutorials.
  3. Informative: Ensure that your material is informative and has easy-to-understand content. Videos, presentations and tutorials could be fantastic content tools that will resonate with those who need to get acquainted with a new process or technology.

5. Optimize, optimize, optimize

After you've got the first customer education in place, this is the perfect time to be happy!

Remember to create a plan for integrating regular optimizations of the program, based on:

  • Feedback from customers and interactions
  • Course data and metrics
  • Current material is updated.
  • Customers would like to have greater materials

Keep in mind The more you assist clients learn through top-quality training and education and the faster they'll recognize the importance of your offerings and be more likely to sign up for a renewal or to extend their memberships.

Are you looking to inform your customers?

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