From Bricks and Clicks Synchronizing in-person payments and online sales

May 25, 2022

eCommerce stores have some serious benefits for proprietors andcustomers. In-person purchases have amazing advantages too. And there are some instances when your customers might need to purchase in-person. As you're about to see it's possible to effectively combine eCommerce with shopping in person.

The term is 'click-to-bricks.' This strategy blends the best of both worlds of shopping in person and on the internet.

For eCommerce businesses that also offer their products in person at events such as farmer's market and flea markets, or that accept pre-orders on the internet but accept and deliver by person, clicking to bricks are the most effective approach to serving your customers.

Let's introduce you to the concept of clicking to bricks, look at the reasons why it could be an effective way to improve your company as well as how to do it.

What is clicks to bricks?

Clicks to Bricks allows customers who shop online the opportunity of visiting a retail store or even an in-person marketplace as well as to order their items online, and then complete the purchase or shopping experience in-person. This is all done while managing your sales process and stock.

It's a type that provides customer support. Shopping for things like clothes or furniture, tools as well as food items is usually easier and more pleasant in the event that you are able to view the product, feel it, or even try out the product before purchasing it.

people shopping at an outdoor market

Additionally, it's more private and fun to meet the makers of specific goods. This is the reason why there's a lot of appeal to local in-person markets.

Bricks and clicks are a way to increase profits. Certain customers prefer the in-store or in-person experience, so if you do not offer this option, they'll not purchase from the store. A well-known eCommerce seller Warby Parker, for example, now makes around half of its profits due to its ever-growing number of shops.

Clicks to bricks has emerged in the past few years as customers and retailers grapple with the limits of online shopping. At one point, people predicted the demise of brick and mortar stores as well as the demise of mallsdue to the fact that shopping online is quicker and convenient.

However, something changed along the way; it turns out that the in-person shopping experience is able to do some things superior to online shopping. The predictions of the demise of in-person retail were premature.

Physical markets are appealing to a certain segment of consumers who prefer locally-made products and supporting small businesses. Plus, they're more green.

Five reasons to incorporate a clicks to bricks strategy in your business model

What can the clicks to bricks approach improve your customer experience and boost profits? Let's look at a few ways.

1. It offers a smoother customer service experience

A lot of the most difficult aspects that come with online shopping can be eliminated when you shop in person. A lot of customers are physically present at a place makes it simpler to return their purchases. It is easier to address a concern when you place an order in person, rather than emailing support.

Sometimes, it's quicker if you require an item immediately. Simply drive to the market or store to buy a product. It is delivered the exact day you wanted it. At the same time.

There are benefits to bothonline and in-person shopping, and combining the two lets you better provide your customer.

2. The company allows customers to place an order prior to purchase.

One flaw with a poorly-executed clicks to bricks strategy happens when a customer sees a product online and comes to the shop or the market and is told it's not in stock. It's the most frustrating thing. But it's not always possible to carry your entire collection at the event or any other exhibit. But what do you have to do?

This problem can be solved by having customers place orders online and then take their order home and pay for it in person.

Plus, by using software which syncs your inventory to your payment processing and ordering your inventory information, you can ensure that the availability of products displayed to customers in your store online is up-to-date.

3. It boosts sales and increases profit

In the research the results showed that 57% of customers went to the store after having made an online purchase with the same online retailer. And going the other way 78% of those who purchased their initial purchases in store then went online to visit the retailer of the same brand and purchased again.

By offering both options to customers, you're offering them the option of buying in a variety of ways. In fact, as the study showed that the vast majority of your customers will use both options. Give them only one, and you make fewer revenue.

retail store with an "open" sign

According to the Wall Street Journal reported the fact that Untuckit is a former solely online retailer of clothing, sees a bump of online business within ten-mile distance of each new store that is opened. Take a moment to think about it for a minute. Their CEO says their stores "are similar to a billboard that is inexpensive."

If you're selling in-person on local market stalls, you can aim for the same result.

4. This increases the conversion rate

The online storefront you have created can assist customers more quickly browse your stock to determine whether you've got what they want. If they're aware that the item they're searching for is in stock it is possible to select between delivery or in-person pickup. Or, they may even simply drive up to the location to purchase it on the spot.

However, these shoppers arrive with a desire to purchase. If your inventory is properly synced between your physical and online place of business, you'll reduce the number of people who go home empty handed and disappointed.

5. You get higher average order values

Why is it beneficial when buyers come in to purchase in person? Since they can spend more.

One study revealed that 70% of customers are more likely to purchase an impulse purchase in the retail store rather than shopping online.

In a store, street market or even a the delivery of your goods at home it is possible to introduce customers to all sorts of items that are small or big which they might not discover in your shop. When they're out and about you, they'll come across something they realize they need. They'll then see things to offer as a gift or to enjoy as a treat. That doesn't happen quite in the same way online.

The tool you need for the most successful clicks to bricks purchasing experience

Moving from a business that is solely online to one that also has an in-person experience is not something that can be done in a single step. It could be necessary to deal with layouts and shelving, managing inventory in a innovative way, having employees who are in person experience design, many more.

The right tools could help bring things together faster -- whether you're creating a temporary stand at a festival or designing a huge physical retail space from the ground up.

 A POS which integrates inventory as well as payments is essential.

When you are selling, you need a way to process payment. Online, customers buy from a single checkout page. In person, however, what happens if you pay at the curb? Or what if they have the order delivered to their home and pay on delivery?

It's a must to use a physical device that accepts payments.

  • A M2 reader can be described as a physical device that allows payment. It's a lightweight box that is seamlessly connected to the Mobile App. It's speedy and secure thanks to complete encryption.
  • Customers are able to tap, swipe, use a chip, or use contactless payment methods like Apple Pay -- whatever service you want to provide customers.

Purchases made in person now sync with your store's online site, ensuring the inventory stays up to date.

card reader accepting a credit card

In this way, if the customer purchases something, and pays through M2 card readers your store's online will show the purchase. If that customer bought the only one available of a particular item that is on sale, your online shop will not display that it is still available. It eliminates any chance of another buyer expecting to buy the same item.

With the In-Person Payments option, you can create an order, then pay for it right there and then and take the necessary payment. And you can perform this at any point of sale when you're in a farmer's market or delivering it to a guest staying in a hotel.